Tag Archives: VL53L0X

Replacing VL53L0X Time-of-Flight Distance Sensors on WallE3 with VL53L1X

Posted 21 April 2023

This material was an addition to my earlier ‘More ‘WallE3_Complete_V2’ Testing‘ post, but I decided it deserved its own post.

As one result of my recent ‘field’ tests with ‘WallE3_Complete_V2’, I discovered that the maximum distance capability (approximately 120cm) of my VL53L0X sensors was marginal for some of the tracking cases. In particular, when the robot passes an open doorway on the tracking side, it attempts to switch to the ‘other’ wall, if it can find one. However, If the robot is tracking the near wall at a 40cm offset, and the other wall is more than 120cm further away (160cm total), then the robot may or may not ‘see’ the other wall during an ‘open doorway’ event. I could probably address this issue by setting the tracking offset to 50cm vs 40cm, but even that might still be marginal. This problem is exacerbated by any robot orientation changes while tracking, as even a few degrees of ‘off-perpendicular’ orientation could cause the distance to the other wall to fall outside the sensor range – bummer.

I had the thought that ST Micro’s latest brainchild, the VL53L5CX sensor (investigated in this post) might be the answer, and would radically simplify the ‘parallel find’ problem as well. Unfortunately, the reality turned out to be somewhat less than spectacular. See the ’20 March 2023′ update to the above post for details.

Noodling around the STMicro site, I ran across the VL53L1X, which appears to offer about twice the maximum range than the VL53L0X; could this be the answer to my range issue? A quick check in my ‘sensors’ drawer didn’t turn up any, so I’m now on the prowl for a source for VL53L1X units. I Found a couple of VL53L1X units on eBay that I can get in a couple of days – yay!

Then I searched for and found a source for VL53L1X units that have roughly the same form factor and pinout as my current VL53L0X units, which should allow me to use a modified form of the 3-element array (one for each side) PCB I created earlier (see this post). Then I opened up the PCB design in DipTrace, modified it as required to get the pinouts correct, and then sent the design off to JLPCB for manufacture. With any luck, the PCB and the VL53L1X sensors should get here at about the same time!

After the usual number of errors, I was able to get a 3-element array of VL53L1X units working with a Teensy 3.5 on a plugboard, and then I moved the sensors to my newly-arrived V2 PCB’s, as shown in the following photo:

3-element array of VL53L1X sensors on new PCB

As shown in the photo, the array was pointed diagonally up toward the ceiling about 2.4-2.5m away, while the test was running, I waved my hand rapidly back and forth through the ‘beam’, to see how quickly the sensors could react. As shown in the following Excel plot, the answer is “pretty darned quickly!”.

My wife and I spent last week in Gatlinburg, Tenn. For those of you who have never heard of Gatlinburg, it is a small town nestled in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. For most people, it is known for it’s beautiful scenery, great shopping, and its colorful history. However, for us bridge buffs, it is famous as the host of a regional bridge tournament, one of the largest in the nation.

There is a fair amount of down time between games, so I brought my VL53L1X test setup along to play with. This morning I was able to test my two new 3-element VL53L1X arrays connected to a Teensy 3.5 on a plugboard as shown in the following photo:

two 3-element VL53L1X arrays, 5 of which worked fine

I used my ‘VL53L1X_Pololu_V1.ino’ (shown in it’s entirety below) to test the arrays.

This program instantiates an array of VL53L1X objects named ‘sensors’, and the user initializes this array with the pin numbers attached to the XSHUT input of each device. In its original ‘out of the box’ configuration, the program expects three sensors to be attached to the default I2C port (Wire0), with XSHUT lines connected to controller pins 4, 5, & 6. As I described earlier in my 15 April update, I first modified the program to use Teensy 3.5 pins 32, 31, & 30 and verified that all three sensors were recognized and produced good data. Then I added a second 3-element sensor array on the same I2C bus, with XSHUT pins tied to Teensy 3.5 pins 4,5, & 6. Unfortunately, the program refused to recognize any of the sensors on the second array. So, I used the ‘sensorCount’ value and the contents of the xshutPins[sensorCount] array to selectively disable individual sensors on the second array, and I was able to determine that one of the VL53L1X sensors on the second array wasn’t responding for some reason, but the other two worked find. So, now I know that the Wire1 I2C bus on the Teensy 3.5 can handle at least 5 sensors, with no external pullup resistors – yay!

The next step was to move one of the arrays to Wire2 to more closely emulate the current situation on the robot. Here is the completed code, with only two of the three elements in the second array being utilized:

Here is a short section of the output from the above program:

From the above telemetry I have picked out the following lines:

Note that in the above there are two sensors set for 0X2A and two for 0X2B. This works, because the first three sensors (0, 1, & 2) are on the Wire1 I2C bus, and the remaining two (also sensors 0 & 1) are on the Wire2 bus. This setup essentially duplicates the dual 3-element sensor arrays on WallE3.

After getting the above program working with Wire1 & Wire2, I used it to modify my previous Teensy_VL53L0X_I2C_Slave_V4.ino program to use the new VL53L1X sensors. The new program , ‘Teensy_VL53L1X_I2C_Slave_V4.ino’ is shown in it’s entirety below:

22 April 2023 Update:

We got back home from Gatlinburg last night, and so this morning I decided to verify my theory that one of my six VL53L1X distance sensors was indeed defective. I have a pretty healthy skepticism about blaming hardware failures in a hardware/software system; in fact my motto is “Hardware never fails” (it does occasionally fail, but much much less often than a software issue causing the hardware to LOOK like it fails).

So, I loaded my one-sensor VL53L1X_Demo.ino example onto the Teensy 3.5 and used Wire0 (pins 18/19) to drive just this one sensor. Naturally it worked fine, as shwon below:

Well, as I suspected, the hardware seems OK so now I have to figure out why it didn’t respond properly in my six-element setup.

I replaced the ‘XSHUT’ wire from Teensy pin 5 to the sensor, but this did not solve the problem. I also tried driving the XSHUT line HIGH instead of letting it float, but no joy. Next I tried switching the suspect sensor with the one right next to it, to see if the problem follows the sensor. After several iterations, it now appears that the problem stays with the sensor associated with whatever sensor’s XSHUT pin is connected to Teensy 3.5 pin 5, or possibly with the 3-element array PCB itself.

I moved the XSHUT wire on T3.5 pin 5 to T3.5 pin 9, and re-ran the program. Same problem. Replaced the jumper wire from T3.5 pin 9 to the sensor; no change.

So now it is looking more likely that there is a problem on the PCB associated with the sensor socket closest to the T3.5-to-PCB cable. A glance at the back of the sensor socket revealed the problem – some idiot (whose name is being withheld to protect the author) had failed to solder three of the four socket pins to the PCB – oops!

How to waste a week of work – forget to solder three out of four socket pins to the PCB!

After fixing my solder (or lack thereof) screwup, everything started working – yay! Just as an aside, I claim credit for starting this troubleshooting effort with the statement “Hardware Never Fails”, which turned out to indeed be the case. Small comfort, but I’ll take it!

After confirming that both 3-element arrays were working properly, I added the rear sensor VL53L1X as a fourth sensor on Wire2, with XSHUT connected to pin 8. This mimics the hardware arrangement implemented on WallE3. Here’s a photo showing the plugboard setup:

In the above image, the ‘rear’ sensor is show standing upright on the right side of the plugboard.

And some typical output:

At this point I have the above ‘VL53L1X_Pololu_V1.ino’ program doing exactly what I want – handling seven different VL53L1X sensors on two different I2C busses. Now I need to port the necessary changes into my ‘Teensy_7VL53L1X_I2C_Slave_V1.ino’ program, which itself is a clone of ‘Teensy_7VL53L0X_I2C_Slave_V4.ino’, the program currently running on WallE3.

After a few minor missteps, I believe I now have ‘Teensy_7VL53L1X_I2C_Slave_V1.ino’ working with all seven VL53L1X sensors. Here’s the complete program:

And a sample of the output:

At this point the only remaining step is to physically swap out the sensors currently on WallE3 with the new ones, and reprogram the 2nd deck Teensy 3.5 with the new ‘Teensy_7VL53L1X_I2C_Slave_V1.ino’. With any luck at all, WallE3 won’t even notice anything has changed, except he will now be getting valid side/rear distance values from much farther away. We’ll see!

26 April 2023 Update:

After carefully installing all seven sensors (two 3-element arrays plus a rear-facing one) on WallE3’s second deck, and running the same Pololu example program on the second-deck Teensy 3.5, I discovered that one of the sensors was initializing properly, but was reporting ‘0 TIMEOUT’ for the distance – major bummer! After removing the left-hand sensor array from WallE3 and re-attaching it to my free-standing test Teensy 3.5, I eventually found that the problem was a broken connection INSIDE one of the 4-pin female headers on the PCB – yikes!

Anyway, got that fixed, re-attached the left-hand array to WallE3, and ran the Pololu program to verify proper operation, and now all seven element report believable distances, as shown below. In the output below, I used my hand to block the right, left, and rear sensors to verify proper performance.

Next, I loaded my new ‘Teensy_7VL53L1X_I2C_Slave_V1.ino’ program on WallE3’s second-deck Teensy 3.5 and verified that all seven sensors were operating properly, as shown in the output below:

The photo below shows both 3-element arrays mounted on WallE3. The rear sensor is hidden behind the red support tower:

The next step was to load ‘WallE3_Complete_V2.ino’ onto the Teensy 3.5 main controller and verify that it could indeed get distance information from the second-deck Teensy 3.5 VL53L1X array controller. Here’s some output from WallE3_Complete_V2.ino in ‘DISTANCES_ONLY’ mode. Again I used my hand to block the left, right, and rear sensors to verify proper operation.

The next step is to re-implement the distance compensation algorithms for each sensor. For the VL53L0X sensors, this was done using the procedure described in this post. The procedure involves taking sensor readings at several known distances, and using the data to develop a correction expression for each sensor.

To make this happen, I had to first disable the current compensation scheme for all the sensors. Then I ran ‘WallE3_Complete_V2.ino’ again in Distances Only mode to get the data needed to develop the compensation expressions.

Stay tuned,


WallE3 Wall Tracking, Revisited

Posted 12/23/22

In the last couple of months I have made some significant improvements in WallE3’s capabilities. I started by completely re-doing the compensation algorithms for the seven ST Micro’s VL53L0X time-of-flight distance sensors (two each 3-element side-looking arrays and one rear-looking distance sensor). I followed this with improvements to both the ‘spin turn’ and ‘rolling turn’ features.

Next, I went back through my ‘MoveToDesiredLeft/Right/Front/RearDistCm()’ family of subroutines and made sure they were all working properly now with the much more accurate distance compensation algorithms. One interesting thing that came out of this effort was the realization that shorter measurement intervals (i.e. 50mSec vs 200mSec) produced an unintended side-effect of making ‘Stuck’ detections much more prevalent. This occurs because the appropriate (front or rear) 50-element distance array fills up much faster at 50mSec/measurement than it does at 200mSec/measurement, so identical (or nearly identical measurements will cause a stuck detection earlier (5 measurements/sec means a 50 element array will fill in 10 sec but 20meas/sec fills the array in 2.5sec. When I used 50mSec/meas in the ‘MoveToDesired…()’ routines, the robot would often exit the routine with a ‘stuck’ error code as it slowed down approaching the desired distance condition. These functions do fine with a more coarse time interval (eliminating the ‘stuck’ declarations), so I went back to 200mSec/measurement.

Now I am going to try to incorporate the above improvements into my previous wall track testing program, ‘WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V4’. As usual, I will start by creating ‘WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V5’ as a clone of ‘_V4’ and start making changes from there.


I am going to try and make WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V5 as ‘clean’ as possible, removing as much ‘dead’ code as possible and consolidating things like sensor measurement intervals.

Timing intervals:

Searching through the code for ‘elapsedMillis’ objects, I see the following global declarations:

Then I did a search for “MSEC” all upper case and found:

The front LIDAR sensor starts to generate errors for long distance measurements when the measurement interval falls below 200mSec

The VL53L0X time-of-flight sensors need a ‘measurement time’ of 50mSec or greater. This is handled by the VL53L0X array Teensy, but it means that UpdateAllEnvironmentParameters() shouldn’t be called more frequently than 20HZ.

The MPU6050 can support an update interval of 30mSec or greater, and this time is used for all turning operations.

Telemetry readouts should occur no more than once every 200mSec.


Based on my recent work on these functions, it looks like PID = (1.5, 0.1, 0.2) will work for all cases, so all I have to do is modify the existing ‘OffsetDistKp/Ki/Kd’ values. Note that in my testing these were parameters to the function call instead of program constants, but now I can go back to just having the desired offset as the only parameter.

So, I copied each of the above functions to WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V5 from WallE3_FrontBackMotionTuning_V1, removed Kp,Ki,Kd from the sig, and replaced all occurrences with OffsetDistKp/Ki/Kd. I also ported the CorrDistForOrient() function, as it is required by the MoveToDesiredLeft/Right() versions

01 January 2023 Update:

After getting the ‘MoveTo…’ functions working, I discovered that ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’ didn’t work well at all, and in fact found a note from my former self that the function was ‘fatally flawed’ – oops! So, I revisited my ‘WallE3_ParallelFind_V1’ part-task project to see if I could get it to work better now that VL53L0X distances are being reported as float vs integer objects, and after what I hope is much better sensor error compensation. As shown in this post, RotateToParallelOrientation() now works much better, albeit somewhat slowly, with PID = (20,4,0).

Offset Capture with ‘RotateToParallelOrientation’ ‘at end

02 January 2023 Update:

Starting to make some full-up left wall tracking runs, using the updated code from earlier work. In particular, I am trying to see if my older idea about combining an offset-driven steering angle modifier for the PID tracking algorithm will work. The ‘offset_factor’ incorporates the distance error into the reported steering angle, which in turn is used in the PID machine to drive the combined steering angle to 0.

Here’s an early run:

This worked, ‘sorta’. Part of the problem with this run is the robot’s orientation with respect to the wall at the start of the run. This is supposed to be parallel with the wall, but it obviously isn’t, and I don’t know why. Here’s the data from the ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’ step

This certainly looks good – with a front/rear distance difference of only 0.3cm, and a steering value of 0.02. However, as shown in the following screengrab of the above video, the robot’s orientation just after the parallel find operation is anything but parallel

movie frame grab just after ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’

I re-instrumented the ‘RotateToParallelOrientation’ function to print out 10 sets of front/back distances directly after completing it’s ‘ParallelFind’ operation, and made another run. The photo below shows the ending orientation, followed by the data

Robot orientation immediately after ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’

According to the photo, the robot is definitely not oriented parallel to the wall. However, according to the telemetry data, it is (44.4 front, 44.2 rear, steerval = 0.02). Even curioser, the actual physical measurements taken using a tape measure show that the front/rear distances are about 47/44cm, or a steerval of about 0.3! Something is definitely wrong here.

Uncommented the #DISTANCES_ONLY define and re-ran, with the robot position/orientation unchanged:

In the above data, the front distance varies from 42.6 to 44.6cm with an average of 43.7cm, and the rear distance varies from 44.1 to 45.5cm with an average of 44.8cm.

So the program thinks the front/back distances are closer together than the tape measure does (44.5/45.0 vs 47/44). This is a pretty big discrepancy. Rotating the robot to be physically parallel with front/rear distances = 40cm, I get:

When the robot is physically parallel, the reported front distance varies from 38.2 to 39.2cm with an average of 38.8cm, and the rear distance varies from 36.7 to 38.3cm with an average of 37.9. The left steering value varies from 0.02 (38.8/38.1) to 0.14 (38.9/37.5) with an average of 0.09.

Well, it looks like the average reported distances and steering values are pretty close to reality, so maybe my original calibration efforts aren’t entirely screwed up. However, it is abundantly clear at this point that my current ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’ algorithm isn’t reliable, due to very noisy distance value measurements.

01/09/23 Update:

After getting ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’ working better (now it just uses the array front/rear distance measurements to calculate the off-parallel angle, and then does a ‘SpinTurn’ by that amount), I resumed the effort (see the 02 January Update above) trying to determine if my older algorithm for combining the raw steering value with an ‘offset adjustment factor’ based on the robot’s distance from the desired offset distance would now work better given the improvements I have made in VL53L0X sensor error compensation and off-parallel distance measurement compensation.

As it turns out, the answer seems to be ‘no’. After a multitude of runs with my test wall set up for two 30-45deg ‘breaks’, I couldn’t find any set of PID values that would allow the robot to track the wall – it always either took off for parts unknown, or crashed into the wall at some point.

So, back to the original algorithm of using the wall offset distance directly in the PID engine.

11 January 2023 Update:

I’m confused – not an unusual state for me to be in – but still…..

After all the above improvements, I still was unable to produce reasonable tracking performance using either the steering value or the offset distance as the parameter to be controlled. And, even more confusing, I have an entire post dedicated to demonstrating successful wall tracking using the orientation-angle-corrected distance to the wall as the input to the PID engine, with the desired wall offset as the setpoint, as shown here:

With this algorithm, I settled on PID(3,0,1) as the best parameter set, with the result shown in this short video (copied from the above post):

Wall tracking using corrected distance measure as input, and desired offset as the set-point

And then, I have another post demonstrating that using the steering value as input and 0 as the setpoint also works, as shown in this short video with PID(300,0,300)

Right-side wall tracking using steering value as input with PID = (300,0,300)

Here’s the data and short video from a run on my longer ‘4 meter’ test range with two 30º breaks:

Using steerval only. Note monotonically decreasing distance

Even more confusing, it appears that the earlier (September 2021) trial using the steering value input also used the measured center distance to modulate the steering value so the robot would tend to track the steering value but also trend toward the desired wall offset distance. Here’s the tracking code from FourWD_WallTrackTest_V3:

In the above code snippet, ‘Lidar_RightCenter’ is in mm, so WALL_OFFSET_TGTDIST_CM must be multiplied by 10 to match units.

At this point I am thoroughly confused, (but hopeful, since I have evidence from an earlier version of myself that something (actually two somethings) actually work. I believe the next step is to see if I can use my WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V5 code to consolidate everything down to something that works.

12 January 2023 Update:

I went back and loaded up WallE3_WallTrack_V2.ino and ran it on my 4m ‘range’ with two 30º breaks. The robot tracked amazingly well, as shown in the following telemetry output and Excel plot

WallE3_WallTrack_V2’s tracking algorithm uses the difference between the desired and measured offset distances to ‘tweak’ the steering value, as discussed above, so clearly this works – or at least doesn’t screw things up too badly. In the above telemetry output, the ‘Steer’ column is the steering value after the offset distance adjustment shown here

So at the point where the robot hit the minimum center distance of about 154mm, the steering value adjustment would be (154-400)/1000 = -0.246. The total steering value term at this point was 0.23, which means the ‘raw’ steering value was +0.016 and the offset distance error term accounted for ~97% of the total. This is good evidence that including the the distance offset term works.

My new new new plan is to focus on my October 2022 post that uses the orientation angle corrected offset distance as the input to the PID engine, and see if I can incorporate this, along with all my recent updates/bugfixes into WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V5

Wall Parallel Find PID Tuning, Part II

Posted 01 December 2022

I thought I had the ‘parallel find’ problem solved about 18 months ago, back in April of 2021, but it seems this is a problem that refuses to die (well, up until now, anyway). This post describes the ‘new, new!’ solution, based on much improved distance measurement performance from the VL53L0X time-of-flight sensors and associated software. Basically, I discovered that I had been doing VL53L0X distance calibration all wrong, and a big part of the problem was my use of an integer instead of floating point data type to represent distance values. The VL53L0X sensor reports distances in integer millimeters, but when I converted the integer mm values to integer cm (without even rounding – but by truncation – yikes!) the resulting loss of precision caused significant problems with the parallel find algorithm.

So, after converting all my VL53L0X distance variables from integer to float (which turned out to be pretty easy as I had practiced good modularity and low coupling – yay!), I started over again with a two stage strategy. The first part addressed the calibration problem by redoing a series of tests to acquire compensation curves for both the right and left-side sensor arrays which were then programmed into the Teensy 3.5 processor that handles the VL53L0X arrays. The second part was to revisit the ‘parallel find’ algorithm. This post describes the result of the second part – revisiting the ‘parallel find’ algorithm.

The parallel find algorithm implements a two-stage search for the parallel condition, defined as the robot (or, more accurately, the relevant VL53L0X array) orientation that produces identical distance readings from the front and rear sensors of the relevant (i.e. left or right) array. The first ‘coarse’ stage searches for the change in sign of the steering value, and the second ‘fine tune’ stage searches for a steering value < 0.01, meaning that the front and rear distance values are nearly identical.

Here is the code for the parallel find subroutine:

And here is a short video and the telemetry output for a successful parallel find run

So it appears that my original parallel find algorithm now performs much better, due mainly to the more accurate distance reporting obtained by changing from integer to float data type, and better distance compensation curves for each of the six sensors in the two VL53L0X arrays. Now I need to back-port this improved code into my main robot navigation code, probably by way of the Wall Track part-task program described in my earlier ‘More Wall Track PID Tuning‘ post.

29 December 2022 Update:

After going through some additional ‘part-task’ tune-up exercises, I started the process of integrating all the changes back into my Wall Tracking PID Tuning code. After the usual number of screw-ups I got the left-side offset capture feature working up to the point of turning back parallel to the wall. The code at this point just used ‘SpinTurn()’ to turn 30º in the opposite direction as the first turn away from the wall, with a note that this was done because ‘Parallel Find is fatally flawed’. Well, since I had just gotten through testing this feature I thought I could just drop it in. When I did, the robot promptly turned in the wrong direction and started spinning – yikes! Back to the ‘Parallel Find’ drawing board!

After making some code changes to make the part-task code a bit easier to use, I got everything working again, with basically the same PID values (100,0,0) as before. Here’s the output and a short video from a run:

30 December 2022 Update:

Not so fast, pardner! Well, it seems I was a bit premature about completing this effort – After a few more trials I realized this wasn’t working anywhere near as well as I thought – oops!

So, after lots more trials aimlessly wandering around PID space, I came up with new values that *seem* to work (for the left side case, at least). I also discovered that I really don’t need a two-stage process (‘coarse’ tune followed by ‘fine’ tune) to get a decent result, as long as the robot turns slowly enough to allow the distance measurement changes to keep up. Here’s are a couple of runs (telemetry output and short video) for the new setup.

05 January 2023 Update:

Well, even the above ‘slow as she goes’ idea doesn’t work all the time or that well. I wound up trying to instrument what is going on by doing the following

  • Turning the robot in 10⁰ steps, followed by a 1500 mSec pause to let the measurements catch up
  • At 100mSec intervals during the 1500mSec pause, computing and displaying the 5-pt running average of the left front and rear distances, along with the running average computation of the steering value.

When I did this, I got the following plot

1500mSec plot of the steering value computed from a 5-pt running average of the left front and left rear distances. Each line is a different 10deg angle orientation, with the lowest (yellow) line representing a parallel or near-parallel orientation

As can be seen from the above plots, there is significant variation over the 1500mSec interval, even though the robot is stationary. In particular, the last plot shows that at the start of the 1500mSec stationary period, the steering value goes from 0.15 (i.e. not parallel at all) to near zero (i.e. very parallel), even though the robot isn’t moving at all.

I have no idea why this is happening, but it sure screws up any thoughts of rapidly finding a parallel orientation, and even sheds significant doubt on the entire idea of using multiple VL53L0X sensors for wall tracking – UGH!!

This time I tried a ‘parallel find’ run using 5⁰ SpinTurn() steps, with no averaging. Here’s the data, and a short video showing the result

This actually looks pretty good, and the unaveraged distance sensor results, although noisy, behaved reasonably well.

07 January 2023 Update:

As I was drifting off to sleep After yesterday’s ‘successful’ trial runs, I was happy visualizing the robot using the ‘SpinTurn() facility to gradually turn to the (mostly) parallel position (I’m a visual person, so I often turn programming problems into visual ones), it suddenly struck me that I was taking the long way around the barn; here I was sneaking up on the parallel orientation by small SpinTurn increments waiting for the steering value to change signs, when actually all I had to do was use my ‘GetWallOrientDeg(float steerval)’. This function takes the current steering value as the sole parameter and returns the current orientation angle with respect to the nearest wall; with this information I could use SpinTurn() to rotate to the parallel orientation in one shot – cool!

So, I recoded my test program to do just that, with the ‘enhancement’ (I hope) of taking a second or so at the start to acquire a 10-point average of the steering value, so as to, hopefully, reduce errors due to noisy distance sensor outputs. Here’s the output and a short video showing the result:

This seemed to work very well, and is a much simpler algorithm than trying to use an ‘on the fly’ steering value and a PID machine. I believe with this result I can get back to the problem I was originally trying to solve – that of reasonable wall following.

02 February 2023 Update:

Referring to my current quest to incorporate the results from all my previous ‘part-task’ programs into a ‘WallE3_Complete_V1’, I have been going through each ‘part-task’ program to verify results, and then incorporating the results (usually in the form of a single function) into the ‘complete’ program. When I got to WallE3_ParallelFind_V1, I discovered that, although I had made quite a bit of progress, including drastically simplifying the ‘parallel find’ algorithm, it still didn’t work very well.

After some additional work, I now think that ‘parallel find’ is ready for inclusion in the complete program. Here’s the functional code from WallE3_ParallelFind_V1:

The above code will replace the code in ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’. See my post on consolidating everything into a ‘Complete’ program for more details

Stay tuned,


Improving VL53L0X Measurement Accuracy/Precision

Posted 15 November 2022

Last April I described how I determined that individual VL53L0X ‘time-of-flight’ distances sensors exhibited measurement errors, and also described my method for minimizing those errors. This has worked well up to now, but I recently realized that there was another error term I hadn’t accounted for; the error associated with using integer variables to hold VL53L0X distance measurements.

The left & right 3-element VL53L0X arrays (plus a single rear distance sensor) are managed by a dedicated Teensy 3.5 processor, which retrieves distance measurements from all seven sensors and then calibrates them using the method described in my April post. When requested by the main processor, these measurements (in integer MM) are provided via a I2C link. After receipt from the VL53L0X processor, distance measurements are converted from MM to CM by dividing by 10, ignoring integer truncation.

However, I have recently discovered that this integer truncation may well be more significant that I originally thought, and may be leading to performance issues, particularly with my ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’ function and wall offset tracking in general. The linear distance between the front and rear VL53L0X sensor on each side is about 8.5Cm. Assuming that all constant errors are calibrated out, the robot will be parallel to the wall when the front and rear sensors return the same value. However, because the distance values only change in 1Cm increments, the actual distances measured by the front and rear sensors can be as much as 1Cm different. 1Cm difference over a length of 8.5Cm is about 7∘ – small, but not necessarily insignificant.

It turned out to be relatively painless to change all VL53L0X distance variables from ‘uint16_t’ to ‘float’, and get everything going again. After making this change I tried some more ‘rotate to parallel’ experiments but the change didn’t seem to make much of an improvement. Poking around a bit more I found out why – the raw measurement data coming from the VL53L0X sensors exhibited a lot of ‘noise’, even with the robot stationary and only a few cm from the nearby ‘wall’. The following Excel plot shows one sensor’s data with the robot approximately 14cm from the wall.

Robot stationary 14 cm from wall

As can be seen from the above the reported distance varies from 13 to about 14.5cm. Assuming that all three right-hand sensors behave similarly, it would be possible for the front sensor to report 13cm while the rear sensor was reporting 14.5cm. Moreover, my parallel find algorithm defines ‘parallel’ as RF-RR ~= 0, so it can (and does) terminate well before or after the actual physical parallel orientation occurs.

Looking through (again) the VL53L0X documentation, I came across the ‘measurement budget’ parameter, which is set by default to ‘30000’ (30msec). In my application I had it set to ‘20000’ (20msec) because I thought at the time that with 7 total VL53L0X sensors, I couldn’t afford 30msec delay for each and still hold to a 200msec system loop period. I later changed the system design to use a separate Teensy 3.5 to continuously poll the sensors and report the latest measurement to the main processor when asked, which essentially eliminated the sensor delay from the overall loop (not entirely, as longer sensor measurement times may mean that physical dynamics aren’t followed quite as faithfully, but fortunately my robot doesn’t do anything quickly).

To test the effect of longer measurement budgets, I placed my robot in a cardboard box with its right-side sensor array about 7cm from the wall of the box, and then took measurements with measurement budgets of20, 30, 40, 50, and 60msec. For each value I plotted the distance output and also calculated the variance for each sensor, as shown in the plots below:

20msec budget – the current configuration
30mse budge with 20 & 30msec variances shown
Showing the effect of 40, 50 & 60 msec budgets

As can be seen from the chart immediately above, a measurement budget of 50msec is noticeably better than that for 40msec (which is itself better than the 20 or 30msec budgets), but the 60msec budget plot shows little improvement over 50msec. Looking The ‘RF’ variance starts at 0.0566 for 20msec, drops to less than half that at 30msec, drops by half again at 40msec, and drops by another 50% or so at 50msec. From there to 60msec is only a change from 0.011074 to 0.01046 (this all assumes that I can draw conclusions like this when not only going up with measurement budget, but going across sensors as well). In any case, I settled on a new measurement budge value of 50msec, as shown below.

New value of 50msec for measurement budget

Note that while the motionless measurement variation has been significantly improved, I still have a problem with different nominal measurements from each sensor; the right-front (RF) sensor insists the wall is about 9.2cm away, while the center (RC) and rear (RR) ones think the wall is about 8 and 7.7cm away, respectively (as a side note, before I changed reported measurement variables from ‘uint_16’ to ‘float’, these values would have been reported as 9,8, and 7cm respectively). I thought I had fixed this problem earlier with a set of correction functions as described here, but I obviously have some more work to do (see this post for more on distance correction)

Stay tuned,


VL53L0X Distance Measurement Compensation

Posted 20 November 2022

To study the issue of VL53L0X sensor calibration, I set up an experiment where ten measurements from each of the three right-side sensors were collected at distances from 15 – 30cm, as shown below. As can be seen, the ‘raw’ values (no correction) are pretty linear. I used Excel’s ‘trendline’ tool to display the ‘best fit’ linear expression for each line, then used these expressions to calculate a correction expression, (dashed lines)

The actual correction expressions were (cm units):

  • RF: RFCorr = (RF-0.4297)/1.0808
  • RC: RCCorr = (RC-5.0603)/1.0438
  • RR: RRCorr = =(RR-5.6746)/1.0353

Next, I edited my ‘lidar_XX_Correction()’ subroutines in my Teensy_7VL53L0X_I2C_Slave_V4 project to implement the above expressions, and made another run of distances from 15 to 30cm, as shown below.

Before (solid lines) and After (dashed lines) Correction

The above plot shows that the correction algorithm is effective and repeatable, at least on the right side sensors. Now I have to perform the same corrections on the left side and I’ll be all set – at least for this particular part of the ongoing Sisyphean task of educating WallE3, my somewhat retarded autonomous wall-following robot.

Applying the same methodology to the left side sensors, I first captured left-side reported distances for measured values from 15 to 30 cm, same as for the left side. Then, using Excel’s ‘trendline’ calculation feature to derive a correction expression, I added simulated correction lines to the plot, as shown below:

The actual correction expressions were (cm units):

  • LF: LFCorr = (LF – 0.5478)/1.0918
  • LC: LCCorr = (LC – 1.989)/0.9913)
  • LR: LRCorr = (LR + 0.9676)/1.1616

Not much correction is needed for the left-side sensors. However, since I already have the corrections, I might as well put them in; I modified the VL53L0X sensor manager firmware to include the above corrections, and then re-did the calibration plot -this time plotting the pre-correction reported data along with the post-correction reported data, as shown below:

As can be seen from the above plot, left-side correction is pretty good over the entire 15-30cm range – nice!

Stay tuned,


More Wall Track PID Tuning Work

Posted 15 October 2022

While working on my new ‘RunToDaylight’ algorithm for WallE3, my autonomous wall-following robot, I noticed that when WallE3 finds a wall to track after travelling in the direction of most front distance, it doesn’t do a very good job at all, oscillating crazily back and forth, and sometimes running head-first into the wall it is supposedly trying to track. This is somewhat disconcerting, as I thought I had long ago established a good wall tracking algorithm. So, I decided to once again plunge headlong into the swamps and jungles of my wall-tracking algorithm, hoping against hope that I won’t get eaten by mosquitos, snakes or crocodiles.

I went back to my latest part-task program, ‘WallE3_WallTrackTuning’. This program actually does OK when the robot starts out close to the wall, as the ‘CaptureWallOffset()’ routine is pretty effective. However, I noticed that when the robot starts out within +/- 4cm from the defined offset value, it isn’t terribly robust; the robot typically just goes straight with very few adjustments, even as it gets farther and farther away from the offset distance – oops!

So, I created yet another part-task program ‘WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V2’ to see if I could figure out why it isn’t working so well. With ‘WallE3_WallTrackTuning’ I simply called either TrackLeftWallOffset() or TrackRightWallOffset() and fed it the user-entered offset and PID values. However, this time I decided to pare down the code to the absolute minimum required to track a wall, as shown below (user input code not shown for clarity):

The big change from previous versions was to go back to using the desired offset distance as the setpoint for the PID algorithm, and using the measured distance from the (left or right) center VL53L0X sensor as the input to be controlled. Now one might be excused from wondering why the heck I wasn’t doing this all along, as it does seem logical that if you want to control the robot’s distance from the near wall, you should use the desired distance as the setpoint and the measured distance as the input – duh!

Well, way back in the beginning of time, when I changed over from dual ultrasonic ‘Ping’ sensors to dual arrays of three VL53L0X LIDAR sensors well over 18 months ago, I wound up using a combination of the ‘steering value’ ( (front – rear)/100 ) and the reported center distance – desired offset as the input to the PID calc routine, as shown in the following code snippet:

This is the line that calculates the input value to the PID:

This actually worked pretty well, but as I discovered recently, it is very difficult to integrate two very different physical mechanisms in the same calculations – almost literally oranges and apples. When the offset is small, the steering value term dominates and the robot simply continues more or less – but not quite – parallel to the wall, meaning that it slowly diverges from the desired offset – getting closer or further away. When the divergence gets large enough the offset term dominates and the robot turns toward the desired offset, but it is almost impossible to get PID terms that are large enough to actually make corrections without being so large as to cause wild oscillations.

The above problem didn’t really come to a head until just recently when I started having problems with tracking where the robot started off at or close to the desired offset value and generally parallel, meaning both terms in the above expression were near zero – for this case the behavior was a bit erratic to say the least.

So, back to the basics. The following plot and short video show the robot’s behavior with the new setup (offset = 40cm, PID = (10,0,0)):

Tracking left wall with desired offset = 40cm
Desired offset = 40cm, PID = (10,0,0)

With this setup, the robot tracks the desired 40cm offset very well (average of 41.77cm), with a very slow oscillation. I’m sure I can tweak this up a bit with a slightly higher ‘P’ value and then adding a small amount of ‘I’, but even with the most basic parameter set the system is obviously stable.

20 October 2022 Update:

I made another run with PID(10,0,0), but this time I started the run with the robot displaced about 7cm from the 40cm offset. As shown in the plot and short video, this caused quite a large oscillation; not quite disastrous, but probably would have been if my test wall had been any longer.

PID(10,0,0) with robot initial distance from wall = 33cm
PID(10,0,0) with initial position at 33cm

After looking at the data from this run, I decided to try lowering the P value from 10 to 5, thinking that the lower value would reduce the oscillation magnitude with a non-zero initial displacement from the desired setpoint. As the following plot and short video shows, the result was much better.

221022 PID(5,0,0) init dist 33cm
221022 PID(5,0,0) init dist 33cm

So then I tried PID(3,0,0), again with an initial placement of 33cm from the wall, 7cm from the setpoint of 40cm

PID(3,0,0) init dist 33cm, avg for all points ~41.3cm
PID(3,0,0) init dist 33cm, avg for all points ~41.3cm

As shown by the plot and video, PID(3,0,0) does a very good job of recovering from the large initial offset and then maintaining the desired 40cm offset. This result makes me start to wonder if my separate ‘Approach and Capture’ stage is required at all. However, a subsequent run with PID (3,0,0) but with an initial placement of 15cm (25cm error) disabused me of any thoughts like that!


After talking this over with my PID-expert stepson, he recommended that I continue to decrease the ‘P’ term until the robot never quite gets to the desired setpoint before running out of room, and then adding some (possibly very small) amount of ‘D’ to hasten capture of the desired setpoint. So, I continued, starting with a ‘P’ value of 2, as shown below:

The ‘Err’ term is the actual PID error term, not multiplied by P as before

This result was a bit unexpected, as I thought such a ‘straight-line’ trajectory should have ended before going past the 40cm setpoint, indicating that I had achieved my ‘not quite controlling’ value of ‘P’. However, after thinking about a bit and looking at the actual data (shown below), I think what this shows is that the robot case is fundamentally different than most PID control applications in that reducing the error term (and thus the ‘drive’ signal) doesn’t necessarily change the robot’s trajectory, as the robot will tend to travel in a straight line in the absence of a contravening error term. In other words, removing the ‘drive’ due to the error term doesn’t cause the robot to slow down, as it would in a normal motor drive scenario.

23 October 2022 Update:

In previous work on this subject, I had already recognized that the ‘capture’ and ‘track’ phases of Wall-E’s behavior required separate treatment, and had implemented this with a ‘CaptureWallOffset()’ function to handle the ‘capture’ phase. This function calculates the amount of rotation needed to achieve an approximately 30 deg orientation angle with respect to the near wall, then moves forward to the desired wall offset value, and then turns back to parallel the near wall.

So, my next step is to re-integrate this ‘CaptureWallOffset()’ routine with my current distance-only based offset tracking algorithm. The idea is to essentially eliminate the problem space where the distance-only PID algorithm fails, so the PID only has to handle initial conditions very near the desired setpoint. When the ‘CaptureWallOffset()’ routine completes, the robot should be oriented parallel to the wall, and at a distance close to (but not necessarily the same as) the desired setpoint. Based on the above results, I think I will change the setpoint from the current constant value (40 cm at present) to match the measured distance from the wall at the point of ‘CaptureWallOffset()’ routine completion. This will guarantee that the PID starts out with the input matching the setpoint – i.e. zero error.

With this new setup, I made a run with the robot starting just 13cm from the wall. The CaptureWallOffset() routine moved the robot from the initial 13cm to about 37cm, with the robot ending up nearly parallel. The PID tracking algorithm started with an initial error term of +3.3, and tracked very well with a ‘P’ value of 10. See the plot and short video below. The video shows both the capture and track phases, but the plot only shows the track portion of the run.

PID tracking after completion of CaptureWallOffset()

Here’s a run with PID(3,0,0), starting at an offset of 22cm.

24 October 2022 Update:

While reading through some more PID theory/practice articles, I was once again reminded that smaller time intervals generally produce better results, and that struck a bit of a chord. Some time back I settled on a time interval of about 200mSec, but while I was working with my ‘WallTrackTuning_V2’ program I realized that this interval was due to the time required by the PulsedLight LIDAR to produce a front distance measurement. I discovered this when I tried to reduce the overall update time from 200 to 100mSec and got lots of errors from GetFrontDistCm(). After figuring this out, I modified the code to use a 200mSec time interval for the front LIDAR, and 100mSec for the VL53L0X side distance sensors.

So, it occurred to me that I might be able to reduce the side measurement interval even further, so I instrumented the robot to toggle a digital output (I borrowed the output for the red laser pointer) at the start and end of the wall tracking adjustment cycle, as shown in the code snippet below:

Using my handy-dandy Hanmatek DSO, I was able to capture the pin activity, as shown in the following plot:

Wall track update cycle activity with 100mSec interval (20mSec/div)

As shown above, the update code takes a bit less than 20mSec to complete, and idles for the remaining 80mSec or so, waiting for the 100mSec time period to elapse. So, I should be able to reduce the time interval by at least a factor of two. I changed the update interval from 100mSec to 50mSec, and got the activity plot shown below:

Wall track update cycle activity with 50mSec interval (20mSec/div)

The above plot has the same 20mSec/div time scale as the previous one; as can be seen, there is still plenty of ‘idle’ time between wall tracking updates. Now to see if this actually changes the robot’s behavior.

As shown in the next plot and video, I ran another ‘sandbox’ test, this time with the update interval set to 50mSec vice 100mSec, and with an 11Cm initial offset.

PID(5,0,0), initial distance 11Cm
PID(5,0,0), initial distance 37Cm

Then I ran it again, except this time with a PID of (10,0,0):

PID(10,0,0), initial distance 11Cm
221024 PID(10,0,0) Init 36cm, LCorr

This wasn’t at all what I expected. I thought the larger ‘P’ value would cause the robot to more closely track the desired offset, but that isn’t what happened. Everything is fine for the first two seconds (140,000 to 142,000 mSec), but then the robot starts weaving dramatically- to the point where the motor values max out at 127 on one side and 0 on the other – bummer. Looks like I need another consulting session with my PID wizard stepson!

25 October 2022 Update:

My PID wiz stepson liked my idea of breaking the wall tracking problem into an offset capture phase, followed by a wall tracking phase, but wasn’t particularly impressed with my thinking about reducing the PID update interval while simultaneously increasing the P value to 10, so, I’m back to taking more data. The following run is just the wall tracking phase, with 50mSec update interval and a P value of 3.

As can be seen, the robot doesn’t really make any corrections – just goes in a straight line more or less. However, the left/right wheel speed data does show the correct trend (left wheel drive decreasing, right wheel drive increasing), so maybe a non-zero ‘I’ value would do the trick?

Here’s a run with PID(3,0.5,0):

PID(3,0.5,0) init dist 40cm

In the above plot the I value does indeed cause the robot to track back to the target distance, but then goes well past the target before starting to turn back. Too much I?

Here’s another run with PID(3,0.1,0) – looking pretty good!

PID(3,0.1,0) init dist 40cm

This looks pretty good; with I = 0.1 the robot definitely adjusted back toward the target distance, but in a much smoother manner than with I = 0.5. OK, time to let the master view these results and see if I’m even in the right PID universe.

One thing to mention in these runs – they are performed in my office, and the total run length is a little over 2m (210Cm), so I’m only seeing just one correction maneuver. Maybe if I start out with a small offset from the target value? Nope – that won’t work – at least not tonight; my current code changes the setpoint from the entered value (40Cm in this case) to the actual offset value (36Cm on this run) before starting the run. Curses! Foiled again!

27 October 2022 Update:

Today I had some time to see how the PID handles wall-tracking runs starting with a small offset from the desired value. First I started with a run essentially identical to the last run from two days ago, just to make sure nothing significant had changed (shouldn’t, but who knows for sure), as shown below:

Then I tried a run with the same PID values, but with a small initial offset from the desired 40Cm:

As can be seen, the robot didn’t seem to handle this very well; there was an initial correction away from the wall (toward the desired offset), but the robot cruised well past the setpoint before correcting back toward the wall. This same behavior repeated when the robot went past the setpoint on the way back toward the wall.

To see which way I needed to move with the ‘I’ value, a made another run with the ‘I’ value changed from 0.1 to 0.25, as shown below:

Now the corrections were much more dramatic, and tracking was much less accurate. on the second correction (when the robot passed through the desired setpoint going away from the wall), the motor drive values maxed out (127 on the left, 0 on the right).

Next I tried an ‘I’ value of 0.05, as shown below:

This looks much nicer – deviations from the desired offset are much smaller, and everything is much smoother. However, I’m a little reluctant to declare victory here, as it may well be that the ‘I’ value is so small now that it may not be making any difference at all, and what I’m seeing is just the natural straight-line behavior of the robot. In addition, the robot may not be able to track the wall around some of the 45deg wall direction changes found in this house.

28 October 2022 Update:

I decided to rearrange my office ‘sandbox’ to provide additional running room for my wall-following robot. By setting up my sandbox ‘walls’ diagonally across my office, I was able to achieve a run length of almost 4 meters (3.94 to be exact). Here is a plot and short video from a run with PID(3,0.1,0):

First run on my new 4m wall

I was very encouraged by this run. The robot tracked very well for most of the run, deviating slightly at the very end. I’m particularly pleased by the 1.4sec period from about 129400 (129.4sec) to about 130800 (130.8sec); during this period the left & right wheel motor drive values were pretty constant, indicating that the PID was actively controlling motor speeds to obtain the desired the wall offset. I’m not sure what caused the deviation at the end, but it might have something to do with the ‘wall’ material (black art board with white paper taped to the bottom half) in that section. However, after replacing that section with white foam core, the turn-out behavior persisted, so it wasn’t the wall properties causing the problem.

After looking at the data and the video for a while, I concluded that the divergence at the end of the run was real. During the first part of the run, the robot was close enough to the setpoint so that no significant correction was required. However, as soon as the natural straight-line behavior diverged enough from the set point to cause the PID to produce a non-small output, the tracking performance was seriously degraded. In other words, the PID was making things worse, not better – rats.

So, I tried another run, this time adding just a smidge of ‘D’, on the theory that this would still allow the PID to drive the robot back toward the setpoint, but not quite as wildly as before. With PID (3, 0.1, 0.1) I got the following plot:

Adding some ‘D’

As can be seen, things are quite a bit nicer, and the robot seemed to track fairly well for the entire 4m run.

Tried another run this morning with PID(3,0,0.1), i.e. removing the ‘I’ factor entirely, but leaving the ‘D’ parameter at 0.1 as in my last run yesterday. As can be seen in the following plot and short video, the results were very encouraging.

Made another run with ‘D’ bumped to 0.5 – looks even better.

Next, I investigated Wall-E3’s ability to handle wall angle changes. As the following plot and video shows, it actually does quite well with PID(3,0,0.5)

transients at end of run are due to encountering another angled wall – not shown in video

30 October 2022 Update

After a few more trials, I think I ended up with PID(3,0,1) as a reasonable compromise. With this setup, Wall-E3 can navigate both concave and convex wall angle changes, as shown in the following plot and short video.

As an aside, I also investigated several other PID triplets of the form (K*3,0,K*1) to see if other values of K besides 1 would produce the same behavior. At first I thought both K = 2 and K = 3 did well, but after a couple of trials I found myself back at K = 1. I’m not sure why there is anything magic about K = 1, but it’s hard to get around the fact that K = 2 and K = 3 did not work as well tracking my ‘sandbox’ walls.

At this point, I think it may be time to back-port the above results into my WallE3_AnomalyRecovery_V2.sln project, and then ultimately back into my main robot control project.

06 November 2022 Update:

Well, now I know why my past efforts at wall tracking didn’t rely exclusively on offset distance as measured by the 3 VL53L0X sensors on each side of the robot. The problem is that the reported distance is only accurate when the robot is parallel to the wall; any off-parallel orientation causes the reported distance to increase, even though the robot body is at the same distance. In the above work I thought I could beat this problem by compensating the distance measurement by the cosine of the off-parallel angle. This works (sort of) but causes the control loop to lag way behind what the robot is actually doing. Moreover, since there can be small variations in the distance reported by the VL53L0X array, the robot can be physically parallel to the wall while the sensors report an off-parallel orientation, or alternatively, the robot can be physically off-parallel (getting closer or farther away) to the wall, while the sensors report that it is parallel and consequently no correction is required. This is why, in previous versions, I tried to incorporate a absolute distance measurement along with orientation information into a single PID loop (didn’t work very well).

09 November 2022 Update:

After beating my head against the problem of tracking the nearby wall using a three-element array of VL53L0X distance sensors and a PID algorithm, I finally decided it just wasn’t wasn’t working well enough to rely on for generalized wall tracking. It does work, but has a pretty horrendous failure mode. If the robot ever gets past about 45 deg orientation w/r/t the near wall, the distance values from the VL53L0X sensor become invalid and the robot goes crazy.

So, I have been spending my night-time sleep preparation time (where I do some of my best thinking) trying to think of different ways of skinning this particular cat, as follows:

  • The robot needs to be able to accurately track a given offset
  • Must have enough agility to accommodate abrupt wall direction changes (90 deg changes are easy – but there are several 45 deg changes in our house)
  • Must handle obstacles appropriately.

It’s that first item on the list that I can’t seem to handle with the typical PID algorithm. So, I started to think about alternative schemes, and the one I decided to experiment with was the idea of implementing a zig-zag tracking algorithm using my already-proven SpinTurn() function. SpinTurn() uses relative heading output from my MP6050 MPU to implement CW/CCW turns, and has proven to be quite reliable (after Homer Creutz and I beat MPU6050 FIFO management into submission).

I modified one of my Wall Track Tuning programs to implement the ‘zig-zag’ algorithm, and ran some tests in my office ‘sandbox’. As the following Excel plot and short video shows, it actually did quite well, considering it was the product of a semi-dream state thought process!

As can be seen from the above, the robot did a decent job of tracking the desired 40Cm offset (average distance for the run was 39.75Cm), especially for the first iteration. I should be able to tweak the algorithm to track the wall faster and with less of a ‘drunken sailor’ behavior.

Stay tuned,


Additional Work on Wall Tracking Algorithm

Posted 15 July 2022,

After getting everything working (or so I thought) in my sandbox, I started running into problems again with wall tracking. It just wasn’t very smooth at all. So, I decided to create a part-task version of my Wall-E3 code (WallE3_WallTrackTuning.ino) to just tackle PID tuning for left/right wall tracking. this version allows PID and offset values to be entered interactively to facilitate faster tuning. After a number of runs, I wound up with a PID set of (200,20,0). This produce a very nice, smooth tracking behavior.

In addition, I went back through all my code and re-educated myself on exactly how my current wall offset capture algorithm developed and whether or not it was, in fact, what I wanted. I started by diagramming all (I hope) relevant initial orientation and offset cases, as shown in the following Visio chart.

Wall Capture Algorithm Recap

In the above figure, four basic configurations are diagrammed; The first two are for left-side tracking with the robot starting in three different configurations inside the desired 40cm tracking offset, and three more outside the tracking offset. The second two are the same as the first, but for right-side tracking.

The algorithm is based on knowing the robot’s orientation w/r/t the local wall, which is determined by the expression ‘Steer = (Front – Rear)/100’, implemented in the Teensy 3.5 MCU that manages the VL53L0X lidar array. This result is available to the main program as ‘glLeftSteeringVal’ and ‘glRightSteeringVal’. The steering values are proportional to the orientation angle in degrees, calculated as OrientDeg = steerval/0.0175.

Expressions for which way and how much to turn to achieve the desired capture approach angle of +/- 30 degrees were determined for each of the 12 starting configurations shown (numbered 1-12 in the above figure). An examination of the resulting expressions showed that they could be collapsed down into just two different calls to the ‘SpinTurn(isCCW, numdeg)’ subroutine – one for left-side tracking, and one for right-side tracking, as shown by the bold-face expressions above.

Wall-E3 Right Wall Following Trial

Posted 23 March 2022,

Earlier this month I was able to demonstrate a multi-lap left-side wall tracking run by Wall-E3 in my office ‘sandbox’. This post describes my efforts to extend this capability to right-side wall tracking.

Since I already had the left-side wall tracking algorithm “in the can”, I thought it would be a piece of cake to extend this capability to right-side tracking. Little did I know that this would turn into yet another adventure in Wonderland – but at least when I finally made it back out of the rabbit-hole, the result was a distinct improvement over the left-side algorithm I started with. Here’s the left-side code:

The above code works, in the sense that it allows Wall-E3 to successfully track the left-side wall of my ‘sandbox’. However, as I worked on porting the left-side tracking code to the right side, I kept thinking – this is awful code – surely there is a better way?

After letting this problem percolate for few days, I decided to see if I could approach the problem a little more logically. I realized there were two major conditions associated with the problem – namely is the robot’s initial position inside or outside the desired offset distance K? In addition, the robot can start out parallel to the wall, or pointed toward or away from the wall. Ignoring the ‘started out parallel’ degenerate case, this reminded me of a 3-parameter Karnaugh map configuration, so I started sketching it out in my notebook, and then later in a Word document, as shown below:

As shown above, I broke the 3-parameter into two 2-parameter Karnaugh maps, and the output is denoted by αT. After a few minutes it became obvious that the formula for αT is pretty simple – its either αR – αA1 or αR – αA2 depending on whether the robot starts out outside or inside the desired offset distance. In code, this boils down to one line, as shown at the bottom of the Karnaugh map above, using the C++ ‘?’ trinary operator, and choosing CW vs CCW is easy too, as a negative result implies CCW, and a positive one implies CW. The actual code block is shown below:

Here’s a short video of Wall-E3 navigating the office ‘sandbox’ while tracking the right-side wall.

So, it looks like Wall-E3 now has tracking ability for both left-side and right-side walls, although I still have to clean things up and port the simpler right-side code into TrackLeftWallOffset().

25 March 2022 Update:

Well, that was easy! I just got through porting the new right-side wall tracking algorithm over to TrackLeftWallOffset(), and right out of the box was able to demonstrate successful left-wall tracking in my office ‘sandbox’.

At this point I believe I’m going to consider the ‘WallE3_WallTrack_V3’ project ‘finished’ (in the sense that most, if not all, my wall tracking goals have been met with this version), and move on to V4, thereby limiting the possible damage from my next inevitable descent through the rabbit hole into wonderland.

Stay tuned,


Wall-E3 Multi-Lap Wall-Following Trial

Posted 06 March 2022

I’ve pretty much finished with transitioning my autonomous wall-following robot from the old Arduino MEGA 2560 main controller to the new Teensy 3.5 main controller, and now I am moving on to actually getting Wall-E3 to do the job it was created for – namely, to follow walls autonomously. This post describes the result of a multi-lap run through my little testing ‘sandbox’, consisting of a set of barriers forming a 2m X 2m rectangular ‘room’. Here’s a short video showing the run:

I captured the telemetry output from the run and went back through it pretty much line-by-line, trying to make sure I understood all the actions displayed in the video – particularly the little off-piste excursion at about 1:00 on the second lap, just before the end of the run (the run was cancelled when a portion of the wall fell over on Wall-E3).

First Leg: 36.0- 38.9 Sec (5-8 sec in video)

In the first leg, the robot starts off parallel to the wall on the left, but too close (16cm instead of 40cm). It makes a 27.1º CW turn away from the wall to achieve a cut angle of 30º, moves forward, and then turns back 30º CCW to end up parallel to the wall, and about 36cm away – almost perfectly spaced 40cm off the wall.

Next it tracks down the wall from 14.992 sec to 17.390sec , trying (and generally succeeding) to maintain the 40cm standoff distance.

At 17.390 sec it detects an upcoming obstacle (the obstacle detection distance was set to 20cm for this run), and stops (not quite getting all the way stopped before running into the wall – oops!).

First-to-Second Leg Transition:

The handling procedure for the ‘OBSTACLE_AHEAD’ case is to stop, back straight up to achieve the nominal wall offset distance (40cm here), then make a 90º turn (CW in this case) away from the wall to orient itself parallel to the wall again.

As can be seen from the above telemetry, that is exactly what happens, backing up to the point where the front LIDAR sensor shows 38cm and then making the required 90º turn with SpinTurn(CW, 90.00, 45.00). The ‘backup and turn’ evolution is completed in approximately 1.5 sec.

Second Leg: 47.4 – 49.0 Sec (16-19 sec in video)

Second-to-Third Leg Transition:

Third Leg: 57.0 – 59.8 Sec (25-29 sec in video)

Transition and Fourth Leg: 61.0 – 70.4 Sec (30-40 sec in video)

Transition and Fifth Leg: 71.6 – 80.9 Sec (40-50 sec in video)

Fifth-to-Sixth Leg Transition: 82.1 – 88.0 Sec (50-58 sec in video)

Sixth Leg up to Anomaly 88.9 – 89.8 Sec (57-59 sec in video)

On this leg an anomaly occurred. The robot detected a ‘Stuck Ahead’ condition, defined by the condition where the mathematical variance of the last N front LIDAR distance readings falls below a set threshold. This should never happen while the robot is actually moving, but it clearly did happen in this case (unfortunately I wasn’t recording the front distance measurement or the distance measurements to the other wall, so I can’t go back and see exactly what happened). The recovery procedure for a ‘stuck ahead’ condition is to make a 90 deg turn away from the nearest wall, move forward for 1 second, and then make another 90 deg turn to return to a parallel course, but offset 10-20 cm from the previous track. In this case, the robot turned toward the nearest wall, clearly a mistake (it was a mistake in TrackLeftWallOffset() – since fixed). However, it was not a disaster, as the robot made the second turn before hitting the wall, and from there on it returned to normal left wall tracking mode.


This first test of left wall tracking performance was very encouraging. The robot was able to continue tracking operations over several laps, including an instance where it recovered from an inadvertent ‘Stuck’ detection. The test could easily have continued until the batteries died, but had to be aborted when one section of the foam-core wall fell in on top of the robot – oops!

Also, this run pointed out the need for more focused telemetry. For this test I was only reporting the left-side and rear distances, but now I know I need to add the right-side measurements as well as the front and rear variance numbers.

09 March 2023 Update:

After cleaning up some messy initialization code, and improving telemetry readouts, I ran another complete left-side wall-tracking lap in my sandbox, as shown in the following short video:

09 March 22 Left-side wall-tracking lap

The telemetry for this run is shown below:

From the telemetry, it takes about 8 sec for all sensor hardware initialization. After that the left/right/front/rear distance arrays are initialized, and the initial front/rear variances are calculated. All this is summarized on line 26-27.

First leg: 12.866 – 15sec (3-5 sec in video)

Left-side tracking starts on line 34. First (line 37) the robot turns to its initial offset capture heading, moves to the desired offset distance (not shown) and then turns back to parallel the wall (line 39). Actual tracking starts on line 43 at 12.866 sec elapsed time (this corresponds to about 3 sec into the video)

At line 65 (about 15 sec elapsed time) the robot ‘sees’ the upcoming wall, stops and then backs up to 38cm (16.4 – 17.3 sec, 5-6 sec in video). At line 78 it makes a 90deg CW turn to line up with the current wall section, and then navigates down the wall (18.6-21.3sec, 8-11sec in video)

Second leg: 18.6 – 21.3sec (8-11 sec in video)

The robot ‘sees’ the upcoming wall on line 119 (21.010 sec, 11sec in video), backs up (lines 123-129, 11-12 sec in video) and makes another 90deg CW turn to follow the 3rd wall

The third and 4th legs are very similar to the first two, with the robot ending back where it started at 32.574 sec (23 sec on video), ‘seeing’ the upcoming wall at line 221. At this point I transmitted the ‘C’ character over the wireless link to enter manual control to terminate the run.


This 4-leg run was pretty much perfect. I adjusted the MIN_FRONT_OBSTACLE_DIST_CM from 20 to 30cm, and this stopped the robot from banging its head against the walls – yay! Also, the telemetry readout changes made for a much more understandable output. I was happy to see that the front variance stayed well above 10,000 the whole time, but unhappy to see that the rear variance was essentially zero the entire time. The low rear variance is due to the fact that the rear VL53L0X sensor range is only about 100cm, and after that it always reports ‘819’. This is not a real problem – it just means that I can’t use the rear variance number to detect a ‘rear stuck’ condition unless it happens within a meter or so from a wall. Hmm, maybe I could use the information from both the front & rear variance numbers to create a more robust detection system.

Stay tuned,


Wall-E3 Replacing Mega 2560 With Teensy 3.5 Part VIII

Posted 19 February 2022,

At this point in the evolution of Wall-E3, all the hardware seems to be working, so it’s time to get serious about wall tracking. Last fall I made another run at wall tracking with Wall-E2, and wound up with an algorithm that would first capture the desired wall offset, and then track it ‘forever’. This worked great, but the approach is at odds with the general processing architecture. The current tracking architecture is set up as a loop, where all pertinent parameters are updated every loop period, and the appropriate action is taken. In the case of wall tracking, the ‘action’ was one left/right motor speed update. This allows rapid recognition of, and adaptation to, various ‘error’ conditions, like being stuck or about to run into something. The algorithm developed last fall does none of this, so it can’t react properly (or at all, for that matter) to things like an upcoming wall.

I’m starting to think I can use a hybrid approach – use the current capture/tracking algorithm pretty much as it stands from last fall, but have it check for ‘error’ conditions each time through its own internal loop. If any unusual conditions are detected, then force an exit from the tracking routine and another pass through the main ‘traffic director’ function ‘GetOpMode()’. The updated mode assignment will then percolate back down through loop() and cause the appropriate handling function to be called.

22 February 2022 Update:

As a start, I ported the ‘TrackLeft/RightWallOffset() functions to Wall-E3 and, after the normal number of screwups and mistakes, I got the left side tracking algorithm working, as shown in the Excel plot and short movie clip below:

Here’s the complete code for ‘TrackLeftWallOffset()’:

The above algorithm works great, but it runs in an infinite loop once it has captured the wall offset. Based on my above comments about a hybrid approach, I could add tests for stuck and/or front or back obstacles to this loop (instead of the current ‘while(true)’). This would cause TrackLeftWallOffset() to exit, and the GetOpMode() function could assign the appropriate mode, which would then cause the proper function to execute.

Or, I could eliminate GetOpMode() entirely and put it’s logic in ‘loop()’? Actually, looking at the loop() function in FourWD_WallE2_V12.ino, my last iteration with the Arduino Mega2560, I see that GetOpMode() is called at the start of loop(), and then the OpMode switch statement comes pretty much immediately afterwards. Here’s the code:

The MODE_CHARGING and MODE_HOMING cases are self-contained, so no changes would be needed for them. The MODE_WALLFOLLOW case is sub-divided into TRACKING_LEFT and TRACKING_RIGHT cases. If all the inline code in TRACKING_LEFT was replaced with TrackLeftWallOffset() and that of TRACKING_RIGHT with TrackRightWallOffset(), with these two functions augmented by the current if (bIsStuck) , if(bObstacleAhead) and if(bObstacleBehind) guard code (pretty much as it now stands), then that should work. I think I’ll give that whirl and see what happens.

To start the process, I created yet another project – WallE3_WallTrack_V3 (to preserve the currently ‘working OK on left side’ status of WallE3_WallTrack_V2) and try porting the GetOpMode() and loop() code from FourWD_WallE2_V12.

02 March 2022 Update:

I now have a ‘loop() only’ version of WallE3 running that properly tracks the left side. Everything is basically the same as before, except the loop() function, shown below:

The ‘IR HOMING’ and ‘CHARGING’ blocks are essentially unchanged, and the ‘WALL TRACKING’ block is much simpler. All ‘anomaly’ (robot stuck either forward or backward, robot approaching an obstacle ahead or behind, dead battery, etc are all handled internally to the two ‘TrackLeft/RightWallOffset()’ functions. Here’s the (potentially infinite) ‘while()’ loop:

As the code above shows, the while loop will continue to execute as long as the ‘errcode’ value is ‘NO_ANOMALIES’. Internally the ‘CheckForErrorCondx()’ function surveys the inputs from all sensors and attempts to detect any anomalous behavior. Any return value except NO_ANOMALIES causes the while() loop to exit. Each potential anomaly condition has its own handling function, which exits back to ‘loop()’ and the process starts all over again. I believe this is a much cleaner approach than I had before with the ‘GetOpMode()’ function.

I also took the opportunity at this point to fix a long-standing problem with the code. The front-facing LIDAR unit returns distances in Cm, while all seven VL53L0X time-of-flight distance sensors report in mm. Not only did this torture me mentally (let’s see – is it Cm or mm here?), but it caused the new ‘CalcRearVariance()’ function to crater, because the 10x larger numbers, when squared, caused the ‘uint16_t’ type to overrun and produce crazy variance numbers. So, I changed the GetRequestedVL53L0XValues() function to convert mm to Cm, changed all the variable names from xxxxMM to xxxxCm and carefully combed through the entire codebase, correcting the inevitable wash of ’10x’ errors. In the end though, I made the codebase much more consistent and understandable (I hope).

Stay Tuned,
