Author Archives: paynterf

Connect Condor on PC to XCSoar on Linux

Posted 17 January 2024

I recently re-started flying Condor Soaring Simulator after a long absence, and renewed an old interest in using the open-source XCSoar navigation software for external TAT/AAT planning and navigation. XCSoar runs on PC’s, Android phones/tablets, and Linux and is widely used in RL (real-life) and Condor soaring.

I started out by running XCSoar 7.42 on a cheap Android M10 tablet, connected via Bluetooth to Condor running on my Windows 10 PC. Then I created a small AAT task in the default Slovenia scenery and ran a series of test flights to see how XCSoar did. I documented my results in this post and this one.

As a result of my study, I identified some bugs and other issues on the XCSoar forum, and found out that the XCSoar software is actually written in C++ on Linux, and then cross-compiled for the various supported platforms. I’ve done a fair bit of work in C++ and in Linux, so this got me thinking that maybe I could resurrect my old Linux skills and play around with the XCSoar source code a bit. So I dug out my old moth-balled Dell Precision M6700 laptop, loaded up Ubuntu 24.0 LTS, cloned the XCSoar repo, compiled it on my Linux box, and voila! I was in business!

Well, not quite. In order to use Condor on my Windows PC as the test bed for XCSoar software mods, I had to somehow connect Condor’s NMEA output to the NMEA input to the XCSoar program running on my Linux box. This turned out to be non-trivial and involved a lot of web searching, tearing of hair (what little I have left), and gnashing of teeth, but in the words of my Nebraska cousins “We gotter done!”

This post, then is a way of capturing the surprisingly easy (once you know the magic) process of connecting the NMEA output from Condor running on my Win 10 PC to the NMEA input of XCSoar running on my Linux box.

As it turned out, I had already solved (sort of) the first half of the problem, getting NMEA data from Condor out of my Win 10 PC. When I first (re)started playing with XCSoar, I found some posts describing how to connect Condor NMEA ouput to XCSoar running on the same PC, using a nice utility called ‘Virtual Serial Ports Emulator’ (VSPE), and this actually worked very well – except for one tiny little problem; in order to make any adjustments in XCSoar, I had to ALT-TAB out of Condor over to XCSoar, and that meant ‘flying blind’ (literally) while working with XCSoar – not a good thing. I solved this problem by instead route Condor NMEA output to a Bluetooth virtual serial port connected to an Android M10 tablet.

The procedure for connecting Condor on my Win 10 PC to XCSoar running on a Linux box is:

  • Connect Condor NMEA output to a TCP port on the Win 10 Box
  • Use ‘socat’ on the Linux box to connect the Win 10 TCP port to XCSoar

Connect Condor NMEA output to a TCP port on the Win 10 Box:

This connection is composed of two legs, both using VSPE; the first one defines a virtual serial port to which Condor NMEA output can be directed. The second one creates a connection between the virtual serial port defined in the first step to a Win 10 TCP port. The screenshot below shows both these legs.

Any unused COM port number may be defined here. Once this is done, connect Condor NMEA output to this port by going to Setup->Options in Condor, checking the ‘Output NMEA’ box, and then selecting the port number defined above, as shown below:

Use ‘socat’ on the Linux box to connect the Win 10 TCP port to XCSoar:

When I first started this adventure, I found references to the Linux ‘socat’ command while Googling for things like “Connect Linux Box to Win 10 PC”. Then I started reading about ‘socat’ in particular, and although I could understand that ‘socat’ connected two ‘things’ (where a ‘thing’ could be a serial port, a TCP port a UDP port, a website, etc), it wasn’t easy to figure out how to use it for my application. Finally I ran across this tutorial, which guided me through a series of example socat applications.

After playing with the examples for a while, I realized I should be able to use the ‘STDIO’ socat example to connect the already existing TCP port on my Win 10 box to STDIO in a Linux console terminal and watch NMEA data flow through. So I fired up Condor on my PC and selected ‘Free Flight’. In the ‘NOTAM’ tab, I selected the ‘Airborne’ start option (I believe this is the default), and then selected ‘Start Flight’. Condor outputs NMEA sentences even when the glider is suspended in mid-air, waiting to start flying, so this is a convenient way to test connections. Then on my Linux box I opened a terminal window and typed in the command shown at the top of the following image:

Linux ‘socat’ command to connect Condor NMEA output to terminal window

When I executed the command, I started getting NMEA sentences from Condor – yay!!

Now that I verified that I can connect to a Linux terminal window from Condor running on my Win10 PC, the remaining piece is to change the destination from a terminal window to XCSoar’s GPS data input and then configure XCSoar to accept GPS data from that port. To do this I executed the following ‘socat’ command on a terminal window in Linux:

This establishes a connection between a randomly selected UDP port on the Linux box and a TCP port on my PC. The PC TCP port number is the one selected above connecting COM9 to a TCP port, and the UDP port on my Linux box was just a random unused port number.

Then I launched XCSoar on my Linux box and navigated to Config–>Devices, as shown in the following screenshot. Device A is defined as UDP port 4353, the port number selected above.

XCSoar ‘Devices’ page showing connection to Linux UDP port 4353

This establishes the end-to-end connection between Condor running on my Win10 PC to XCSoar running on my Linux box. With this established, XCSoar shows ‘GPS fix’ as the status for Device A, and the main screen shows the glider’s location in the selected scenery, as shown below:

Stay Tuned,


XCSoar Soaring Computer AAT Task Study, Part II

Posted 14 January 2024

This is the second installment in my study of the XCSoar cross-country race navigation software with respect to its use in AAT/TAT tasks in Condor2. In my last post, I created a small AAT task in Condor and flew it with XCSoar on a Android M10 tablet, connected to my Condor PC via bluetooth. In this installment, I fly the same task, but this time I video’d the entire task and then afterwards picked out screenshots to highlight points of interest during the task.

Before task start

This next shot illustrates a problem I had right at the start. I used my finger to swipe down (hoping to zoom in or out), but instead it froze the XCSoar app. Had to reboot the M10 tablet and go through some other gyrations to get going again. I sure would hate to have this happen just before task opening on a AAT race in Condor.

XCSoar crashed after the ‘swipe down’ gesture

After getting XCSoar back up and reconnected to Condor, I got going with the task again. Here’s a screenshot showing the situation just before exiting the start cylinder

Just before task start. All the data values look OK

Now just after the start

Just after exiting the start cylinder, with the ‘Task Start’ popup visible


  • The ‘AAT Time’ value has decreased by 4 sec, which seems OK
  • ‘AAT delta time’ seems a bit odd, as it shows I’m going to arrive early by about 1 minute
  • The AAT Dmax/Dmin and AAT Vmax/Vmin values look consistent. IOW, to consume 45 min covering the min distance of 24.9mi, I need an average speed of 29.9mph (24.9mi / 29.9mph = 0.833hr –> 50min), and for the max dist of 92.9mi I need 111mph (92.9mi/111mph = 0.833hr — 50min). This gives me fair bit of confidence that I have the necessary data to optimize the task.
Just before entering the first turn circle


  • All the numbers still look reasonable here. The ‘AAT Time’ has gone down by about 3.5min, and the arrival is still shown as 1:09min (according the documentation, BLUE indicates arrival will be over by at least 5 minutes).

Now, just after entering the first turn circle,

Just after entering the first turn circle


  • It was nice to see the ‘In sector, arm advance when ready’ popup show, but I wasn’t entirely sure what it meant.
  • It was also very nice to see that the ‘target’ started following the glider symbol, meaning that I didn’t have to move it manually – yay!
  • I noted that the ‘AAT Dmin’ value changed from 24.9 to 27.4mi, so that sounds right.

Next, I brought up the Task Status page (after a LOT of fumbling), and got this:

Task Status page


  • I was amazed by how little information on this page was useful. The only values that I found believable were the ‘Assigned Task Time’, the ‘Speed Average’, and ‘Achieved speed’ values.
  • The ‘Estimated task’ value of 2:47 and the ‘Remaining time’ value of 2:40 makes no sense. Where did they come from?

At about the halfway point something happened (or I did something stupid – AGAIN) and my ‘AAT time and ‘AAT delta time’ values – the very most critical information required for successfully completing an AAT – disappeared, only to return again when I made the the turn toward JAVORJEV. At the time I didn’t notice until well after the fact, so having the entire flight on video really paid dividends – yay! Here’s a short (~ 35 sec) video showing the point at which they disappeared.

watch as the ‘AAT Time’ and ‘AAT delta time’ values disappear, starting at about 22sec


  • The two values that disappeared are the whole reason for using an external navigation device to fly AATs in Condor. After they disappeared, I was basically winging it from then on.
  • It is possible that the data disappearance is related in some way to the buttons I was pressing around the same time. The first screen tap happens at 13.35sec into the video clip and the ‘AAT delta time’ value starts going GAGA about 10sec later.

In the next screenshot I’m about 3/4 of the way through the first turn, and thinking about turning around. Since I lost my ‘AAT Time’ & ‘AAT delta time’ readouts I’m flying blind on timing:

About 3/4 through the first turn area


  • The only information I have to work with are the Dmin/max and Vmin/max values, and some notion of my average speed. I think it’s around 80-90mph, and as long as it is less than 111mph I’m OK to turn at this point.

The next shot shows the ‘Show Target’ page for this turnpoint

‘Target Show’ page for this turnpoint


  • This page shows a value for ‘V ach’ of 70.8mph, which is almost identical to the value shown for ‘AAT Vmin. Assuming I believe this number, and assuming that value will continue to increase because I’ll be ridge running the rest of the task, I should be OK turning here.
  • I have no idea what the ‘ETE’ and ‘Delta T’ values mean on this page – they don’t look consistent with the ‘AAT Vmin/max’ and ‘AAT Dmin/max numbers on the main navigation page. I don’t think there’s any way I can make it back 26 minutes and 39 seconds early, even if my glider suddenly acquire orbital velocity.

The next shot shows the same page, but for the JAVORJEV turn circle, just as I’m getting ready to turn in the KURJIV circle


  • Apparently, moving the target position in the KURJIV circle also moves the corresponding one in the JAVORJEV circle – I didn’t expect that. I wonder what happens in a 3, 4, or 5 turn circle AAT – do ALL the targets move in unison?
  • What does the ‘Optimized’ checkbox do?

The next shot shows the situation just as I made the turn for JAVORJEV. Again I didn’t notice this at the time, but my ‘AAT Time’ and ‘AAT delta time’ datablocks returned from the dead. Here’s a short (20sec) video showing the action. Just from the video, it looks like tapping on the ‘Arm turn’ button also resurrected the AAT info boxes.

However, my joy over getting my AAT datablocks back was short-lived. A short time after making the turn, the datablock info disappeared again – for good. This time there were no button pushes to blame. The following short video shows the action

AAT datablock info disappears for the second- and final – time

The next shot shows me just before exiting the first circle on the way to JAVORJEV


  • The AAT datablocks are still missing
  • The Target in the JAVORJEV circle is now toward the near side of the circle, so is there some optimization going on in the background?

The next shows my attempt to manually move the JAVORJEV target.


  • The ETE & Delta T values look reasonable, and the implication is that I should be able to use up all the time by moving all the way to the back of the JAVORJEV circle
  • However, when I manually move the target to the front of the circle, there is almost NO change in the ETE/Dt values, and the small change that shows is in the wrong direction. Moving the target forward like this should make me way earlier, but the numbers show that I’ll be almost 1 minute LATER than I was before. how can this be?

As shown in the next video, I decided to try the ‘Optimized button to see what it did. This radically changed the target location, and the ETE/Dt values. After a few iterations, it looked like the Optimize function was indeed working properly.


  • It takes a while for the optimization to converge. At first, the values for ETE & Dt are WAY off, and then they oscillate back and forth several times before stabilizing on believable numbers.

The last video covers the finish (or NOT-finish, in this case)


  • At the start of this clip, XCSoar is in ‘Final Glide’ mode, but switches back to ‘Cruise’ just before entering the finish circle.
  • I was expecting a ‘Task Finished’ notification when I crossed into the circle, but didn’t get one. In fact, AFACT, XCSoar never finished this task at all. I’m sure this was an operator error on my part, but I don’t know what I screwed up – bummer!

XCSoar Soaring Computer AAT Task Study, Part I

Posted 14 January 2024

Among the many ‘EXs’ I claim, one of them is ‘EX-glider racing pilot’, and another is ‘EX author of “Cross-Country Soaring with Condor”, a fairly popular book in the soaring community that explains how to use the Condor Soaring Simulator to learn real-life (RL) cross-country (XC) soaring. Now that I don’t fly RL contests any more, I have decided to start flying XC races again in Condor.

Many Condor racing pilots also fly gliders in RL, and use Condor to help them with XC strategies and tactics, and how to best take advantage of the many XC navigation and racing support computer programs available, and Condor supports this by making GPS location data available to users. One of the most popular programs for this purpose is XCSoar ( In RL XC racing, one of the most popular task types is the Assigned Area Task (AAT) or Turn Area Task (TAT), where the pilot is free to decide where to turn to the next leg of the task, as long as he is within the bounds of an assigned area. Unfortunately, the Condor soaring simulator’s internal navigation computer doesn’t support this type of task, so the pilot must either just guess where to turn, or use some type of external navigation support.

This post is intended to describe my efforts to use XCSoar for Condor racing, and in particular how to use it for AAT/TAT optimization. To do this, I set up a small AAT task in the default Slovenia scenery, as shown in the screenshots below:

Hereโ€™s a screenshot of the task in XCSoar:

And the same task in Condor2

After starting the flight, I would pause Condor2 at progressive points along the task and take a photo of the XCSoar app running on an Android tablet, with the idea that after the task was over, I could go back and make some sense of what XCSoar was telling me throughout the flight (Note that due to the loss of GPS data when Condor2 is paused, the green track line jumps way off screen each time, so you have to ignore the impossibly straight part of the โ€˜breadcrumb trailโ€™).

The following shot was taken just before exiting the start circle at KAMEN

For some reason, XCSoar thinks that almost 3 minutes have elapsed since I started the task, even though Iโ€™m still inside the start cylinder and I havenโ€™t gotten any start notifications

OK, it may be that XCSoar started me when I crossed the circle diameter perpendicular to the task line.  I note that even though the task diagram shows a cylinder with radius of 2mi, is it possible that XCSoar is still triggering on the default start point type (Start Line, 1.8mi wide)?

The next shot (above) shows the situation just after exiting the start cylinder.  Although not shown, I did get a โ€˜Startโ€™ notification at this point.  Note that the โ€˜AAT Timeโ€™ readout jumped backwards from 42:04 in the previous photo to 44:56 in this one.  The 44:56 number should be the correct one, as I have just exited from the start cylinder.

Note that the โ€˜AAT delta timeโ€™ value doesnโ€™t make any sense to me.  Itโ€™s supposed to show โ€˜Difference between the estimated task time and the AAT minimum time, and if it is colored blue it is supposed to mean that I could turn right there and be assured that I would arrive home so as to be more than 5 minutes over time.  But that canโ€™t possibly be true, as I havenโ€™t even gotten into the first turn area yet โ€“ WTF?

The above shot shows the situation just after turning around in the first turn area.  I really wasnโ€™t getting any good information from the data fields I had displayed โ€“ just nothing made any sense, so I guessed the turn point based on the AAT time value, which I took to be the AAT time remaining starting from 45:00 minutes and a wild-assed guess about my achieved speed (I guessed I was doing about 1.5 miles/min).  With this guess, and thinking that the remaining distance was between 41.5 and 64.2 miles (assuming I interpreted these values correctly).  The โ€˜AAT delta timeโ€™ readout still seems to be nonsense โ€“ or maybe it is really true at this point?

The above photo shows the situation after exiting the first turn area and proceeding towards the JAVORJEV turn area.  The โ€˜AAT Timeโ€™ value seems like it is behaving rationally, but look at the โ€˜AAT dTโ€™ value  – if true, it should mean Iโ€™m going to arrive over 45 minutes LATE, which makes no sense at all.  The โ€˜AAT Dmaxโ€™ value is sort of meaningful, and I take it to mean that I have at most 64.2 miles remaining and 27:19 minutes to cover the distance, or right around 120mph.  If I believe the โ€˜AAT Dminโ€™ number, then that works out to about 90mph if I just touch the last area.  The โ€˜AATDtgtโ€™ now makes sense as well, as the โ€˜targetโ€™ is right on the near edge of the last area, making the โ€˜Dminโ€™ and โ€˜Dtgtโ€™ equal.

The above photo shows the situation about 4 minutes later, just before entering the JAVOR circle. The value of the last three datablocks havenโ€™t changed, which makes sense, but now the โ€˜AAT dTโ€™ value has changed dramatically again, this time to something a little more reasonable.  Now *I think* it is showing me arriving 4:32 early, but that would mean it should be colored RED, and it clearly isnโ€™t โ€“ WTF again!

At this point I thought to look at the task Status page, and discovered that this page seemed to think I was going to arrive 4 minutes over time, not under, so now Iโ€™m really lost.  The help in XCSoar says that the โ€˜AAT delta timeโ€™ data block value will be colored BLUE if the expected arrival time for a turn at the present point will be at least 5 minutes OVER time, and RED if it is going to be UNDER time.  However, the actual color of this datablock value is BLACK, and based on the data on the Status page, it looks like BLUE means UNDER time and BLACK means over time.

Also, I saw on this page that my earlier estimate of around 90mph was pretty close to the mark. Armed with this information, and the knowledge that the rest of the task was going to be even faster, I might want to go further into the area than just the minimum.

The above shot is from (I think) the โ€˜Show Targetโ€™ page for the JAVORJEV turn area, after I moved the target from the near edge to well past the center of the area.  I expected this page to tell me what the effect of moving the target would have on the total task time, but AFAICT, the only real values are the 49% distance offset value and the Vach value of 93.1mph  โ€“ the ETE of 2h 52min and the Vrem of 16.4mph are clearly garbage.

The above shot shows the situation about a quarter of the way into the JAVORJEV circle.  The โ€˜AAT timeโ€™ value continues to be believable, but now the โ€˜AAT dTโ€™ value shows me arriving (early?/late?).  After seeing the data from the Status page, I was inclined at this point to think that the BLUE coloring meant โ€˜earlyโ€™.  The AAT Dmax value is unchanged as it should be, but now the AAT Dmin and AAT Dtgt values have both increased.  I *think* the AAT Dmin value now shows the total task distance assuming I turn immediately, and the AAT Dtgt value shows it for continuing to the target and then turning. The AAT Time value shows I have about 21 minutes remaining, so I would have to fly well above VNE to arrive just on time If I go to the target, and something like 150 if I were to turn immediately.

The above figure shows the โ€˜Statusโ€™ page on the way back from JAVORJEV to LESCE-BLED.  It has the โ€˜Assigned task timeโ€™ correct, but the โ€˜Estimated Task Timeโ€™ and โ€˜Remaining timeโ€™ are clearly not real.  The Task distance and remaining distance values look OK though.

The above shot shows the situation as Iโ€™m coming out of the JAVORJEV area heading home.  The โ€˜AAT Timeโ€™ looks correct, but the โ€˜AAT dTโ€™ value looks crazy again.  Could it be that the value is actually correct, but now showing arrival 49.11 seconds early? Man, thatโ€™s a pretty subtle thing to have to figure out while flying close to the ground at Vne!  If this is correct, then the number should really be formatted as โ€˜0:49.11โ€™ instead

The above shot shows the situation just after exiting the JAVROJEV area, and now the datablocks have changed to final glide.  Now it looks like Iโ€™m going to arrive about 4 minutes early (Iโ€™m assuming this is based on my current Vgnd of 115Kt) โ€“ bummer!

The last shot before entering the finish circle.  Not quite sure how, but I managed to lose some time on the way back, arriving at 44:03 โ€“ a little less than 1 minute early.  I deliberately left the display scale alone during the approach to the finish cylinder, as I wanted to see if the โ€˜AutoZoomโ€™ feature would work.  It didnโ€™t, but Iโ€™m not sure whoโ€™s to blame โ€“ me or XCSoar.  More investigation needs to be done.


  • I set up my datablocks for cruise, climb, and FG based mostly on a video I found of a pilot flying an AAT task โ€“ I really didnโ€™t have any idea what all the values would really show me.  In retrospect, Iโ€™m going to have to spend some more time going through the available datablocks and see if another mix makes more sense.
  • There were some seriously erroneous numbers showing up in some of the datablocks, especially the โ€˜AAT dTimeโ€™ one.  It occurs to me that this might have been due to the way I was pausing the flight and then taking a photo of the XCSoar screen. It might be that the values got screwed up when the GPS signal went away.  Iโ€™ll have to redo this flight without pauses (maybe video the entire flight and then just grab frames, or maybe set up my phone on a tripod so I can just press one button?)
  • The XCSoar documentation doesnโ€™t match reality in some places, especially with respect to the โ€˜AAT dTimeโ€™ datablock colors.ย  The documentation says RED for early, BLUE for late, nothing about BLACK.ย 

If nothing else, this flight and the subsequent analysis gave me a lot better understanding of XCSoarโ€™s capabilities with respect to AAT task support.  Iโ€™m a long way from being comfortable with trusting it to feed me good information in real time, but Iโ€™m a lot closer than I was before ๐Ÿ˜Š

Stay tuned,


WallE3 Doesn’t Like Reflective Surfaces

Posted 08 December 2023

WallE3 went with us last month when we travelled to St. Louis for Thanksgiving with family, and I showed off his autonomous wall following skills. WallE3 actually did great for quite a while – that is until he found himself staring at the side of a floor-mounted wine cooler (wine ‘safe’?). As can be seen in the following short video, WallE3 fell in love with the cooler, and showed his love by repeatedly head-butting it – oops!

After looking at the telemetry data for the run, I saw that WallE3 was measuring much larger front distances – like several hundred centimeters – when it was only a few centimeters from the object. It appears he was backing up to a defined front distance in response to a ‘WALL_OFFSET_DISTANCE_AHEAD’ anomaly, but somehow convinced himself that instead of 20cm from the wall, he was actually more like 100cm away. Of course, since he wanted to be at 30cm (the desired wall offset distance), he drove forward to lessen the distance, thereby bonking into the wall. Then, when he hit the wall, the front LIDAR line of sight geometry changed enough to produce a true measurement of just a few centimeters, which then sent WallE3 running backwards to open up the distance. Lather, rinse, repeat. Here’s an Excel plot of a representative (but not exact – I somehow lost the actual telemetry data for this run).

Representative reflective surface ‘headbutt’ telemetry

As can be seen from the above the measured distance oscillates between the maximum measurable distance of 1000cm to nearly zero. Here’s a photo of the experimental setup that produced the above data.

WallE3 and a reflective surface

The ‘reflective surface’ is a piece of glossy black translucent plastic, oriented at an angle to reflect WallE3’s LIDAR beam upward to the ceiling and then the reflected signal from the ceiling back to WallE3.

I’ve been thinking about this issue ever since first seeing it in St. Louis, but hadn’t come up with any firm ideas about how to solve it. I tinkered with the idea of generating two running averages of the front distance when in the ‘MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm()’ function, with the two averages separated in time by some amount. When approaching a normal non-reflective surface, the two averages would closely track each other, but when approaching a reflective surface that produced the above dramatic distance shifts, then the two averages would be dramatically different around the transitions. This could then be detected, and something done to recover. Then last night while falling asleep, I wondered whether or not the STMicro VL53LXX infra-red LIDAR sensors would have the same problem – hmm, maybe not! If that were the case, then I could probably run one in parallel with the Garmin LIDAR unit, and use it instead of the Garmin for all ‘MoveToDesiredFront/RearDistCm()’ calls.

I tried this experiment using the currently installed rear distance sensors by calling ‘MoveToDesiredRearDistCm()’ with the same reflective surface setup as before, as shown in the following photo:

‘MoveToDesiredRearDistCm()’ setup with reflective surface

Here’s an excel plot of the rear distance run:

MoveToRearDistCm() with 30cm target and reflective surface

As can be seen in the above plot, the rear distance run was completely normal, so the VL53LXX infra-red LIDAR sensors don’t have the same problem – at least not with this translucent glossy plastic material.

10 December 2023 Update:

I got to thinking that maybe the reason the rear distance sensor worked so well with the shiny black material is that it could be IR transparent, meaning that while the front sensor (an LED LIDAR system) would see a ‘mirror’, the rear sensor would just see the toolbox. So, I jumped up on Amazon and got a cheap mirror square so I could answer that question. Here is a short video and Excel plot showing a ‘MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm()’ run with the new mirror square.

As can be seen from the video, WallE was perfectly happy to drive right through the mirror, but I had visions of mirror pieces all over the bench, the floor, and me, so I manually prevented that from happening. Here’s an Excel plot showing the same run:

MoveToFrontDist(cm) approaching tilted mirror

As the Excel plot shows, the robot did OK for the first 20 measurements (about 1sec) but immediately thereafter started a steady 200cm, and it stayed that way until I stopped it at about 2sec

Then I tried the same experiment, but this time utilizing the STMicro VL53LXX IR LIDAR sensor on the rear of the robot, as shown in the following short video:

As the video shows, the IR LIDAR behaved pretty much the same as the LED LIDAR (no real surprise, as they are both LIDAR technology, but still a bummer!

Here’s the Excel plot for this run:

As the Excel plot shows, the distance decreased monotonically for the first 30 points (about 1.5sec) but then shot up to 200 due to the mirror. I believe the lower distances after about point 40 (2sec) were due to me interfering with the IR beam.

So, unfortunately my theory about the rear IR sensor doing better with the shiny black plastic ‘mirror’ because it appeared transparent at that wavelength seems to be bolstered, so I now think that using the VL53LXX sensor instead of the Garmin LIDAR LED sensor for ‘MoveToFrontDistCm()’ operations is NOT going to work. Back to the drawing board :(.

23 December 2023 Update:

I’ve been thinking about this problem for a while now, and have not come up with a good answer; WallE3’s perception of the world around it depends entirely on LIDAR-type distance sensors, so if those sensors produce ‘false’ distance reports due to mirror or mirror-ish surfaces, WallE3 has no way to know the ‘true’ distance – bummer!

So, what I decided to do is to simply detect the symptoms of the ‘mirrored surface’ situation, halt the robot and yell for help. The detection algorithm uses the knowledge that when the robot is moving forward toward a ‘normal’ object, the front distance should decrease monotonically with time. Similarly when the robot is moving backwards toward a ‘normal’ object, the rear distance should decrease monotonically with time. Conversely, when approaching a ‘mirror-like’ object, the measured distance tends to be unstable, with distance increasing instead of decreasing.

The detection algorithm calculates a three-point average each time through the action loop, and compares the result to the last time through the loop. If the new average is greater than the old average, a ‘mirrored surface detection’ is declared and the robot calls ‘YellForHelp()’ which stops the motors and emits an audible Morse code ‘SOS’.

Here’s the full code for ‘DoOneMoveToFrontDistCm()’ function that actually moves the robot and checks for ‘mirrored surface’ error conditions

02 January 2024 Update:

I wasn’t really happy with my previous attempt at ‘mirrored surface’ detection as it seemed pretty to produce false positives. After thinking about the problem some more, I thought I might be able to use a distance variance calculation as a more robust detection method. The idea is that a normal monotonic increase or decrease in distance measurements would have a pretty low variance, while a distance reversal would generate a much larger value.

So, I ran some simulations in Excel using a 5-point running variance calculation, and the results were encouraging. Then, with the help of my lovely lab assistant, I set up an experiment in my office sandbox to see if I could capture a representative mirrored surface ‘screwup’, as shown below:

And here is an Excel plot showing the results (both the distance and 5-pt variance vertical scales have been truncated to show the smaller scale variations)

Front Distance and 5-pt Variance (truncated vertical scales for better visibility)

As can be see in the video and the Excel plot, the robot undergoes a number of distinct front/back oscillations, but then eventually settles down. It is clear from the plot that the 5-pt variance calculation is a good indicator of a ‘mirrored surface’ condition. Just looking at the plot, it appears that a variance threshold of 40-60 should provide for robust detection without much of a risk of false positives.

One other note about this experiment. To get multiple oscillations as shown in the video and plot, the mirrored surface had to be slanted slightly up toward the ceiling. If the surface was oriented vertically like a normal wall, the robot would often miss the first distance and hit the wall, but then would typically back off to the correct distance. I think this indicates that in the vertical configuration, there is enough backscatter from the floor and/or the robot itself to get a reasonable (if not entirely accurate) LIDAR distance measurement.

07 January 2024 Update:

After playing around some more with this issue, I think the above 5pt variance calculation for ‘mirrored surface’ detection will work, so I revised my current well-tested ‘CalcBruteFrontDistArrayVariance()’ function to take a integer argument denoting the number of elements to use, starting at the end (most recent data) and working backwards.

Then I ran another test in my lab, but this time on a non-mirrored surface, to verify that the 5pt variance calc would still work properly and to settle on a good threshold for ‘mirror’ detection. The Excel plot below shows the results of a run where the robot moved backwards (still using the front LIDAR sensor) to 90cm from the wall.

Running 5-point variance of front distances

As can be seen, the variance starts out in the 10 to 20 range during the initial ‘coarse’ distance movement, but then drops into the 0 to 5 range during the second ‘fine tuning’ movement. Comparing this to the previous ‘mirrored surface’ plot leads me to believe that a threshold of 40 would almost certainly (eventually) detect a ‘mirrored surface’ condition.

24 January 2024 Update:

I added the ‘CalcFrontNPointVar(uint16_t N)’ function to the robot code so I could obtain the front variance using just the last N front distances instead of the entire 100 point array. This turned out to work very well for detecting the ‘Mirrored Surface’ anomaly condition. Then I added ‘ANOMALY_MIRRORED_SFC’ to the list of anomaly codes, and added a ‘case’ block in ‘HandleAnomalousConditions()’ to deal with this condition. The handler function is:

At the moment, all it does is call the ‘RunToDaylightV2()’ function, which does a 360ยบ search for the best direction in which to move next. Here’s the telemetry and a short video showing the action.

This experiment led to one of those “Well, DUH!! moments, as the robot’s preferred ‘RunToDaylight()’ heading was right back at the mirrored surface!

After recovering from my ‘face-palm’ moment, I realized I needed to modify the ‘RunToDaylight() function to take heading-start & heading-end parameters to exclude the mirrored surface sector from the ‘RunToDaylight()’ search for an appropriate recovery heading.

28 January 2024 Update:

I modified ‘RunToDaylightV2()’ to take two float parameters denoting the start and ending headings for the search. In the normal non-mirrored surface case, ‘RunToDaylightV2()’ is called with no arguments. The no-argument overload simply calls ‘RunToDaylightV2(startHdg, endHdg)’ with startHdg = endHdg. In the mirrored surface case, the two-parameter version of ‘RunToDaylightV2()’ is called from the ‘ANOMALY_MIRRORED_SFC’ case block of ‘HandleAnomalousConditions()’

Here’s a short video and the telemetry from a test run toward a mirrored surface.

Stay tuned!


PID Integral Windup Problem in MoveToDesired(Front|Back|Left|Right)Distance()

Posted 14 November 2023

After getting the charging station (re)integrated with the rest of the system, I have been working on complete travel-charge-travel charge cycles, where WallE3 travels around the house, finds and connects to the charger, disconnects, travels around the house some more, and then finds its way back to the charger – lather, rinse, repeat.

However, in the process I have run into a problem with the MoveToDesired(Front|Back|Left|Right)Distance() function. On several occasions the robot has blown right by the desired distance and run headlong (or backlong?) into a wall. Investigating has led me to realize that the cause of this problem is the infamous ‘integral windup’ characteristic inherent in insufficiently sophisticated PID algorithms. Here’s the relevant telemetry from a recent MoveToDesiredFrontDistance() run, and an Excel plot showing the ‘integral windup’ issue.

MoveToDesiredFrontDistance run showing integral windup problem

In the above Excel plot, the initial error is -221, which causes an output of ~300. The motor speed is clamped to -75, so the distance and error start slowly heading toward the target of 30cm and an error of zero. However, the integral (I) term continues to increase from near zero to well over -1000, and the output term was completely dominated by the integral value, keeping the motor speed clamped at -75 even as the measured distance approached and passed the target. In this particular case, I got lucky as the actual distance and the target distance were within the +/- 1cm termination window and the loop terminated. In other cases where the actual distance went through the termination window too rapidly, the robot would basically continued forever – or at least as long as necessary to ‘unwind’ the integral term.

So, what to do? Reading up on ‘integral windup’, I found this article from around 1990 (judging by dates on the references), and I decided to try the method described there as the ‘back-calculation and tracking’ method. The idea is that when the output gets clamped to some maximum value (+/- 75 in this application), the integral value is recomputed to a value that would produce the output that would naturally produce the clamp value. For instance for an error value of -221, the Ival is -22.1 which results in an output of -309, which gets clamped to -75. For an output of -75 with an input error of -221 we have -221 + Ival*(-221) + (-221*1.5) = -75 –> Ival = (-75 + 331.5)/-221 = -1.16. Checking, -1.16*(-221) = 256.36, 1.5*(-221) = 331.5, 256.36 – 331.5 = -75.14.

After thinking about this some more, I wondered if instead of back-calculating a new I value, maybe I could simply zero out the retained ‘last_Ival’ parameter whenever the PID output value is high enough so that it would get clamped. Assuming the same clamping value of 75 and a ‘P’ value of 1.5, this would happen any time the absolute value of the error value is greater or equal to 75/1.5 = 50.

Using Excel to apply this algorithm to the telemetry above telemetry data, I get the following plot.

MoveToDesiredFrontDistance run showing integral windup problem, with modified Integral term algorithm

In the above plot, the integral term (yellow line) was modified to be exactly zero whenever the output would have been > 75 or < -75 (the motor speed clamping values), even with a zero I value. As can be seen above, it stays zero until point 75. After that it smoothly decreases to about -55.6 at point 99, and then smoothly increases to about 30.98 at point 135, at which point is gets clamped to zero again. The motor speed value (green line) stays at -75 to point 75, at which point it smoothly (and linearly it appears) increases to +75, where it is clamped again.

I believe this might just do the trick. It will certainly prevent infinite runaway if the error term goes through zero too quickly to cause the loop to exit, as the robot will stop and then back up to the target distance.

I *think* I can modify my ‘PIDCalcs()’ function, and then everything that uses it will get the benefit of the ‘non-winding integral term’ algorithm.

17 November 2023 Update:

One day to go until SpaceX makes its second attempt at getting the world’s largest rocket into space – yeah!

To work the ‘integral term windup’ issue, I ported the FrontBackMotionTest code from an earlier program into the WallE3_Quicksort_V4 project so I could iterate easier, and got that running. As a baseline, here is the telemetry and a short video from the first run:

As can be seen in the above telemetry, the ‘Ival’ column shows that the integral term increases monotonically from -19.7 to -998.4, forcing the speed to its maximum value (75) for the entire run. This causes the robot to badly overshoot the target distance, which is why I decided to have the robot perform the ‘second time through’ action shown in the telemetry and video.

I added the following code to MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() to zero out the ‘lastIval’ value if the error term * Kp > MOTOR_SPEED_QTR

Here is the telemetry and the video from the run with the above change

As can be seen from the above, this change did not affect the robot’s behavior significantly – it still badly overshot the target distance and the ‘second try’ was still required to bring the robot back to nearer the target. However, from inspection of the ‘Ival’ values it is clear that the added code is doing its job of zeroing out the ‘lastIval’ term when [error_term]*Kp > Max speed. Here’s an Excel plot showing the ‘Ival’ and ‘output’ terms from both the above runs.

comparing Ival, output, speed vals before and after Ival clamp mod

In the above plot, the ‘after Ival term stays at a very low (negative) value for almost the entire run, due to the new clamping code. Consequently the ‘after’ output term decreases linearly with the decreasing error term until the resultant ‘after’ speed command comes off the -75 ‘stop’ as shown by the gray line in the above plot.

Unfortunately, the speed reduction from ‘lastIval’ clamping isn’t enough to prevent the robot from overshooting almost as much as it did before. This indicates (at least to me) that at least the Kp value is way too high. Just as a thought, the Kp value should be just high enough so that if the distance error is, say, 100cm, then the output would just clamp at MOTOR_SPEED_LOW –> 75. So, 100*Kp = 75 –> Kp = 0.75, or about half its current value.

It turned out that I not only needed to cut the Kp value in half, but the Ki value as well, so now PID = (0.75, 0.05, 0.2). Here’s the telemetry and video from a run using these values:

I wasn’t able to eliminate the ‘second try’ requirement, although I was able to reduce the overshoot to about half its previous value.

One possible fly in the ointment is the rapid drop of the front variance value during the second run through MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm(); this *should* have triggered an exit from the function with anomaly code = ANOMALY_STUCK_AHEAD, but didn’t – and I don’t know why.

Too tired to go down this rabbit hole tonight – try again tomorrow while waiting for Space X to make history with its second StarShip test flight!

18 November 2023 Update:

Wow! Wow! Wow! I had the pleasure of watching SpaceX’s literally historic second Starship test launch this morning, and I’m still psyched! I have now had the pleasure of watching both a Saturn V launch as part of the Apollo moon landing program and now the Starship and booster launch as part of (I hope) the Mars landing program.

OK, back to robots. Last night while drifting off to sleep, it occurred to me that the ANOMALY_STUCK_AHEAD alert is conditioned on the current motor configuration as well as the front variance value. Here is the actual code that determines this:

So in this case, the motors were running in reverse, so neither of the motor conditions were TRUE, and therefore IsStuckAhead() returned FALSE. Mystery solved!

At this point I think I’ve done as much as I can with the FrontBackMotionTest program. I will modify the other ‘MoveTo’ functions to clamp the Ival term as described above. However, it is also clear that the ‘second try’ part of the ‘MoveTo’ functions cannot be eliminated without having to accept significant target distance overshoot, and that the original PID values (1.5, 0.1, 0.2) actually work better than (0.75, 0.05, 0.2), as the lower PI values cause the second try operation to take significantly longer. Here’s an Excel plot comparing just the ‘second try’ results for both:

‘Second try’ results for (0.75,0.1,0.2) and (0.75, 0.05, 0.2)

In the above plot, the ‘2’ results are for (0.75, 0.05, 0.2). As can be seen, the ‘2’ configuration takes over twice as long to complete as the ‘normal’ (1.5, 0.1, 0.2) run, and the issue with the front variance value going to zero doesn’t exist for the ‘normal’ run.

This makes it clear that while clamping the Ival does help significantly, the change in PID values does not.

18 November 2023 8:43PM EST Update:

While cleaning up the code, I noticed I had missed one spot where the global OffsetDistKp value should have been replaced by ‘Kp’, the local value, and unfortunately it was in the section that determined whether or not the Ival value would be clamped, as shown below:

This had the effect of skewing the point at which the Ival stopped being clamped, so the previous results are a bit suspect. I ran a few more tests, and discovered the function actually performed better with a higher Kp value than the original 1.5. The reason for this is that a higher Kp value moves the point at which Ival can start accumulating later in the run (closer to the target distance thus less error), and so more quickly reduces motor speed. In addition, the Ival clamping action has no effect on the second pass through the function as the motor speed values never approach the max speed, so this part operates as designed as well. Here’s a run showing the result of using a PID of (2.0, 0.1, 0.2):

As the data shows, the overshoot is only 6cm (as opposed to the 18cm overshoot without the Ival clamp), and the recovery pass completes in about 2 sec instead of over 5. Here are Excel plots showing the primary and secondary passes.

Second pass correction with PID (2.0,0.1,0.2). Time scale is 20 units/sec, so total time ~ 1.5sec

So, it looks like I want to change the global OffsetKp value from 1.5 to 2.0, leaving Ki & Kd unchanged.

19 November 2023 Update:

Looking back at the results from the above tests, I realized that the second call to MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm(Offset, Kp, Ki, Kd) (the ‘second time though’ step) isn’t actually in the MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() function – it is part of the test harness. So, I think I need to incorporate the second pass directly into the function so it will get performed everywhere MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() is called. I wonder if I can do this recursively, by calling MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() from inside MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm()?

So, I moved the ‘Second Time Through’ code from the test harness into MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm(), as shown below:

Here’s the telemetry from the run with recursive MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() calls:

The first run through MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() occurs normally, with the exit at the 30cm target distance as expected, and then the expected overshoot to 25cm. Then the second call to MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() starts at 24cm and gets to 29cm in approximately 1.5sec, followed by two more 10-item distance displays. I guess the first distance display is from the one inside the MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() call, and the second one is the one from the test harness. I need the delay caused by the 10-distance display, but I can probably replace it with just a 1-sec delay.

Here’s another run with the loop replaced by a 1-sec delay:

From the above, it looks like the function is doing what it should. It keeps iterating until the distance measured after a 1-sec delay fits within the +/- 1cm window.


Now that MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() is working, I started on MoveToDesiredRearDistCm(). I started by copying MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() and changing all relevant occurrences of ‘Front’ to ‘Rear’. This was about 99% of the required effort. However, there were two issues that surfaced during the port. The first was that the test program needed the ability to pass the PID values into the function, but all the mainline code uses just a single parameter (the desired offset). As a temporary fix I created a four-parameter version of the function with all the code, and had the single parameter version pass the global PID values to the four-parameter on. However a much better solution was to remove the single parameter version of MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() entirely, and instead declare the four-parameter version with three default values right after the definition, as shown here:

The second issue was the sign of the speed variable in the RunBothMotorsBidirectional() function. For MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() the parameters to this function had to both be negative, as in RunBothMotorsBidirectional(-speed, -speed), but in the MoveToDesiredRearDistCm() they have to be positive as in RunBothMotorsBidirectional(speed, speed). Once this was accomplished, the MoveToDesiredRearDistCm() operation was successful.


I started on these two functions, but soon realized that these two functions aren’t called anymore. They were originally used as part of wall offset capture operations, but were abandoned in favor of an algorithm that uses a perpendicular approach. Soooo, I will just remove these two functions entirely and call it good!

Stay tuned,


Charging Station Connect/Disconnect Cycle

Posted 11 November 2023

After getting the wide-body IR homing PID values defined properly, the next challenge was to actually get the robot to connect to the charging station, and after getting charged, to disconnect from it successfully. After the usual number of errors and goofs, I believe I have it working now. Here is a short video and the telemetry for a complete walltracking – IR home to charging station – disconnect from charging station – back to walltracking cycle

And here is the telemetry for the run:

Wide Body Robot Charging Station Homing PID Tuning

Posted 30 October 2023

Almost exactly two years ago I redid the robot form factor for better turning performance, as described in this post. Now, two years later when integrating the new ‘wide body’ robot with the charging station, I belatedly discovered that the PID values optimized for the old ‘narrow body’ robot don’t do so well anymore. Here’s a short video and telemetry showing the wide body robot homing with the old narrow body PID values.

I strongly suspect that the new form factor will require a significantly different set of PID values. Here

04 November 2023 Update:

Well, I went down a bit of a rabbit-hole on this one, but I think I have successfully found my way back to the real world. It’s been a while since I’ve had to do any PID tuning, so my skills (and code) have atrophied significantly. Fortunately, my former self left me some rudimentary clues, so I didn’t have to recreate everything from scratch.

In previous tuning sessions, I had constructed a test harness that accepted PID values on the command line of the OTA serial connection to the robot, allowing rapid parameter optimization. Unfortunately, I didn’t document this in my previous posts (what was I thinking!), so it took me a while to find some previous programs that contained the desired test harness code. After porting the test harness code to my current WallE3_Quicksort_V4 program and modifying it a bit for more testing convenience, I am documenting it here so a future me will have a better chance of avoiding unnecessary work.

PID Tuning Test Harness:

The idea behind the PID tuning test harness is to allow the user to input PID (and other) parameters on the command line and have the robot execute the desired action – in this case homing to the charging station – without having to go through the entire program structure. The test harness code is placed at the end of the setup() routine and doesn’t exit but returns to the point where a new set of parameters can be provided. This allows for rapid iteration over the PID parameter space. Here is the code as it appears in WallE3_Quicksort_V4.ino

Note that the ‘CheckForUserInput()’ function calls in the above assume a boolean return value; this change was necessary to allow the test harness to be run multiple times without having to reboot the robot code. This also required adding a new function key (*) to the list of keys handled by CheckForUserInput(). Here are the new versions of the two flavors of CheckForUserInput():

Now that I’ve gotten the test harness set up, I can actually start re-tuning the charge station homing PID values for the new wide-body robot – yay! Here’s a short video and telemetry from the first run with PID(50,0,0).

Here’s another run, this time with PID = (100,0,0)

Here’s the PID = (100,0,0) run again, but starting with an initial orientation offset:

And here is an Excel plot showing the steering value vs time:

This is a pretty nice result, and I’m tempted to leave it just like this.

28 October 2023 ‘Field Test’

Posted 28 October 2023

Field test starting in bedroom hallway, just before MBR door. I have elected to start here, as WallE3 has been consistently making it this far with no problems whatsoever. Everything wen OK except for a couple of strange occurrences where it appeared that WallE3 was simply going straight without tracking anything. One of these occurrences was right at the end of the run. Here’s the video of the run:

And here’s the telemetry:

The strange behavior occurs just after WallE3 changed from the left to right-hand wall when it hits the open doorway of the larger guest bedroom, and then makes the hard right-hand turn to follow the near wall when it exits the hallway into the dining room area.

From the video, this occurs at approximately 203 sec, so I have excerpted the telemetry starting at the point where the robot transitions from the left to right wall.

At 215.3 sec WallE3 experiences another EXCESS_STEER_VAL anomaly (as the robot exits the hallway into the dining room area). WallE3 makes a slight right turn, moves forward a bit, and stops; this is the normal ‘move ahead one skosh’ after an EXCESS_STEER_VAL anomaly detection.

Then at 216.6 sec with gl_Left/RightCenterCm = 219.7/77.2, Left/RightSteerVal = 1.00/-1.00 it makes another right turn to, presumably, follow the right-hand wall, but it doesn’t try to capture the 30 cm offset and track – it just goes straight, eventually running into the wall on the far side of the open doorway into the kitchen area bathroom. From the telemetry it looks like WallE3 called ‘MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() with a target distance of 30 cm as part of ‘CaptureWallOffset()’ but started the process almost parallel to the wall rather than perpendicular.

Matching the code up with the telemetry and the video, it becomes apparent that ‘HandleExcessSteervalCase(RIGHT)’ is called by HandleAnomalousConditions(RIGHT) as soon as the EXCESS_STEER_VAL anomaly is detected.

The first thing that HandleExcessSteervalCase() does is move forward for 500 mSec – the ‘skosh’ intended to clear the point where the anomaly occurred to obtain valid distance measurements. In this case, however, the video shows that the ‘forward’ direction was slanted off to the right instead of straight ahead, which meant that instead of detecting an ‘open corner’ condition with no trackable wall in range, the robot saw a trackable wall to the right at 77.2 cm, as the following telemetry line shows:

216672: gl_Left/RightCenterCm = 219.7/77.2, Left/RightSteerVal = 1.00/-1.00 

So, instead of the ‘open corner’ block in HandleExcessSteervalCase() executing, the ‘else if (trkcase == TRACKING_RIGHT)’ block was run , as shown below:

Since HandleExcessSteervalCase was called with TRACKING_RIGHT, and because gl_RightCenterCm = 77.2 was less than MAX_TRACKING_DISTANCE_CM (100 cm), ‘TrackRightWallOffset(WALL_OFFSET_TRACK_Kp, WALL_OFFSET_TRACK_Ki, WALL_OFFSET_TRACK_Kd, WALL_OFFSET_TGTDIST_CM)’ was called without running ‘ChooseBetterTrackingSide()’.

In TrackRightWallOffset(), CaptureWallOffset(TRACKING_RIGHT, 77.2) was called because the starting offset was too high for immediate tracking. In CaptureWallOffset(), a 90ยบ CW turn was performed to (supposedly) point WallE3 directly at the wall to be tracked, and then ‘MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm(tgt_offset_cm)’ was called to capture the wall offset of 30 cm.

Unfortunately, the 90ยบ CW turn step assumes the robot is already oriented parallel to the wall to be tracked, but because the actual physical configuration at this point was an open corner instead of an open doorway, WallE3 wasn’t at all parallel to the wall. So, the turn just oriented the robot to about 40-45ยบ to the wall rather than 90ยบ. The next step in the offset capture routine is to call MoveToDesiredFrontDistCm() to move the robot to the desired offset distance (in this case, 30 cm). But the front distance measurement never got down to 30 cm, as the robot wound up running along the baseboard, parallel to the wall. This would have continued indefinitely except WallE3 ran into the far edge of the doorway into the kitchen area bathroom.

So, everything worked just like it was supposed to, except that when the robot exited the bedroom hallway it was turned just enough so that it saw what looked like a trackable wall to the right, instead of gl_LeftCenterCm & gl_RightCenterCm > MAX_TRACKING_DIST_CM, so the open corner case wasn’t executed.

To fix this problem (and hopefully not create other ones) I added the condition that to bypass the ‘open corner’ case, the absolute value of the ‘trackable side’ steering value must be less than 1/2 the max steerval of +/- 1.

Well, that didn’t work as well as I thought. I made another field run, this time starting just before the end of the bedroom hallway where it opens into the dining area. What should have happened is the robot should have detected the ‘open corner’ configuration, made a 90ยบ CW turn and carried on tracking the right-hand wall. What actually happened wasn’t that. Here’s a short video showing the action, along with the telemetry from the run

So, it appears the same sort of thing happened again, only this time it was the left-side distance that was less than MAX_TRACKING_DIST_CM. Since both steervals were +/- 1 this should have caused the ‘open corner’ block to execute.

Fixed (again!). Running another test.

ALRIGHT!! This time things worked just like they are supposed to! Here’s a short video showing the action, and the telemetry from the run.

As can be seen from the video and telemetry, the ‘open corner’ configuration was properly detected even with gl_Left/RightCenterCm = 84.1/235.6, Left/RightSteerVal = 1.00/1.00 (left side within MAX_TRACKING_DIST_CM but abs(left steerval) > MAX_STEERVAL ). Yay!!

Stay Tuned,



Posted 21 October 2023,

The WALL_OFFSET_DIST_AHEAD anomaly is triggered when WallE3 is about to run head-on into an upcoming wall. The idea behind handling this anomaly is to allow WallE3 to navigate around internal corners. Up until a few days ago, WALL_OFFSET_DIST_AHEAD anomaly just called ‘BackupAndTurn90Deg(bool bIsCCW)’. This function backed the robot up to achieve the desired wall offset, turned 90ยบ in the direction away from the last tracked wall to parallel the upcoming wall and then exited, whereupon loop() was re-entered from the top and a new tracking assessment was made.

However, this treatment failed spectacularly in the guest bedroom, as the ‘new’ wall was too short to track properly. This problem led to the development of the ‘RunToDaylight’ algorithm to allow WallE3 to find the best direction in which to travel. I now have RunToDaylightV2() working very nicely, but now I have the opposite problem; now RunToDaylightV2() is more likely than not to simply turn WallE3 180ยบ and go back the way he came – perfectly legitimate from RunToDaylight’s point of view, but boring and too simplistic.

So, how to mix the two approaches (BackupAndTurn90Deg & RunToDaylight) so that RunToDaylight is used in tight corners, but BackupAndTurn90Deg is used for ‘normal’ wall configurations where there is ample (or at least reasonable) room for travel on the perpendicular wall.

I’m going to try combining the two options. The idea is that BackupAndTurn90Deg would be the default response to a WALL_OFFSET_DIST_AHEAD anomaly, but if the available front distance after the 90ยบ turn is less than something like 2 x WALL_OFFSET_DIST_AHEAD (currently set at 30cm), then the RunToDaylight will be called to find a better direction in which to move.

This turned out to be pretty easy. The changes necessary to the WALL_OFFSET_DIST_AHEAD anomaly case in HandleAnomalousConditions is shown below:

The following short video and telemetry shows the action when WallE3 encounters a corner with not enough room to track the next wall in the internal corner.

And the following video and telemetry shows the action when WallE3 does have room enough to follow the internal corner wall. Note that in these two conditions, the code was not changed – the only thing that changed between the two runs is the ‘third wall’ was moved away from the first one to give WallE3 sufficient room to follow the internal corner wall.

So it seems this problem is pretty much solved – YAY!!

Stay Tuned,


Using QuickSort on Multiple Associated Arrays

Posted 06 October 2023,

At the very end of the 04 October 2023 Update to the “The Guest Bedroom Problem” post , I made the following statement:

Also, I need to figure out how to sort through the 360ยบ search results. I would like to wind up with an array of steervals sorted in decreasing magnitude order, with a companion array of headings so Hdg[i] <–> Steerval[i]. Not sure how to do this yet, but it sounds promising!

After some research on array sorts in C++ I came across this post with a nice example of a quick sort program, which I shamelessly copied. After some fumbling around (including writing my own ‘swap’ routine to allow future porting to Arduino code) I got it to work in my Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition setup with a single int[] array as shown in the following image:

Now the challenge was to extend this algorithm to sort multiple same-sized companion arrays. Looking at the QuickSort code, it appeared all I had to do was duplicate the ‘swap’ operation on all the companion arrays using the same swap indices determined for the ‘master’ array. One additional fly in the ointment was the requirement to handle both int[] and float[] arrays.

First I modified my ‘swap’ routine to be a generic template function as shown below:

Then I renamed the ‘arr’ array from the example to ‘FrontD’ and defined a second ‘Hdg[]’ array of float values with the same length as the original example array as shown below:

Then, for each occurrence of a call to ‘mySwap’ for the ‘FrontD’ array, I added a second call for the ‘Hdg’ array as shown below:

When I ran this code, it *almost* worked right off the bat. Unfortunately the ‘Hdg’ slave array wound up being sorted slightly differently than the ‘FrontD’ master array. After closely examining the code, I finally found the problem. In one place the original programmer used the indexing syntax ‘[i++]’ and ‘[i–]’ as input to the ‘mySwap’ function. This worked fine for the single master array, but failed with the second array because on the second call to ‘mySwap’ the indices had been changed – oops! Here is the original and revised syntax:

Now both calls to mySwap() use the same index values, and life is good. Here’s a debug printout from VS2022 showing a successful program run with a master (int Frontd[]) array and one slave (float Hdg[]) array:

And here is the complete code that produced the above output:

09 October 2023 Update:

After convincing myself that this scheme for synchronizing the sorting of ‘master’ and ‘slave’ arrays, I decided to port the capability into my robot code. I created a new WallE3 program called ‘WallE3_Quicksort_V3’ as a copy of ‘WallE3_Complete_V5’, and then added the ‘quickSort’, ‘partition’, and ‘mySwap’ functions from ‘Quicksort_V3’.

Then I set up a test block in setup() as shown below:

With this setup I got the following output:

In this test, the FrontD[] is the ‘master’ and the ‘Hdg[] is the ‘slave’, and the algorithm is set up to sort the array in increasing order.As can be seen from the above output, the FrontD[] array after Quicksort is indeed sorted from smallest to largest value, and the Hdg[] array elements after Quicksort are ordered in such a way as to correspond to their original relationship to FrontD[].

In my application I want to sort the master array in descending order rather than ascending, so after some googling I found that making the following change:

causes the sort to run in the other direction, giving the following output:

As desired, the ‘FrontD’ master array is sorted in descending order, and the ‘Hdg’ slave array elements are still synchronized with their original FrontD companion elements.

So I changed the test to use real data using the initialization code below:

and got the following output:

Gee, that went well — The FrontD distance array isn’t ordered at all – yuk!

OK, so back to basic troubleshooting. The first thing I did was to replace the FrontD[6] test array in my QuickSortV3 C++ program with the FrontD[36] array of actual front distance values (edited in Notepad++ to be a single line of comma-separated values) to see if I could establish a working baseline – an absolute necessity for efficient troubleshooting.

I had to edit the QuickSortV3 program to remove the references to the second Hdg[](slave) array, as I didn’t want to complicate things, but after I did this, the program sorted FrontD[36] properly in both the forward and reverse direction. To get the reverse sort, I had to flip ‘<=’ to ‘>’ in two places, and ‘>’ to ‘<=’ in one place, as shown below:

The following Excel plot shows the result for both the forward and reverse sorts

Now that I have a working baseline with my QuickSortV3 C++ program, it became easy to see the problem with my WallE3_Quicksort_V3 Arduino program; there are three places that need to be changed for reverse sorts, and I only changed one – ooops! After fixing these problems, I got the following output:

And now, the slave sort seems to be working as well, as shown by the following Excel plot:

The above plot looks very confusing at first, but it seems to be accurate; the ‘before’ picture is straightforward – the robot rotated in 10ยบ steps, so the smooth blue line is expected. The ‘after’ plot looks crazy, but remember it is synchronized with the reverse sorted front distance array, so there is no organizing principal. The relationship of heading values with front distance values after the reverse sort is easier to see with the text output from the program, shown below:

For instance, the largest front distance shown is 507cm (row 9 in the original listing). In the unsorted data, the heading associated with 507cm is 82.1ยบ. In the reverse sorted listing, 507cm is of course on the first row, and so is 82.1ยบ. The lowest front distance (last row of the reverse sorted list) is 24cm, and the heading on the same line is -106.1ยบ. Looking through the original (unsorted) list, 24cm is found on line 26, and the heading on that line is -106.1ยบ as expected.

At this point, it is clear that my plan to have WallE3 turn a full circle while recording front distances and associated headings, then reverse sort the distance data array as the ‘master’ array while maintaining each distance value’s associated heading (the ‘slave’ array) is going to work. Then I should be able to easily find the heading associated with the median front distance of the first(only) group of front distances greater than some threshold – say 1.5m. Looking at the reverse-sorted front distance data above, I see there are about 10 distance measurements above 1.5m as shown below:

The median heading value for this group of 11 distances is 71.4ยบ, which is associated with the front distance value of 444cm.

11 October 2023 Update:

After figuring out how to change my quickSort() function from a forward (increasing values) to a reverse (decreasing values) sort, I decided that I should make it capable of performing either sort (fwd or rev), by adding a boolean parameter to the function signature. I started by going back to my C++ program and making the mods there, and I was able to make it work fairly quickly, as the following output shows:

Then I ported the changes to my Arduino program and got the same results, as shown in the following output:

And here is the test code that produced the above output:

13 October 2023 Update:

After getting this to work in my C++ project, I ported it over to WallE3_QuickSort_V3 and got it working there. Thinking about the overall ‘Guest Bedroom Problem’, it is clear to me that I will need six synchronized arrays – FrontD, Hdg, L/R Dist, L/R Steer. At first I thought I could do this with five calls to ‘QuickSort() – one each for (FrontD, Hdg) and then one each for the remaining four, each using FrontD as the ‘master’ array. However, when I tried this, it failed miserably – only the first sort (FrontD, Hdg) worked, and the remaining four calls did nothing. After thinking about this for a while, I eventually figured out that the first call – (FrontD, Hdg) worked because each time two FrontD array items got swapped in mySwap(), the Hdg array got swapped in the same way – preserving synchrony. However, when the sorted FrontD array was used in the second and subsequent calls, mySwap() never gets called because all FrontD items are already in order. This meant that the second and subsequent ‘slave’ arrays stayed in their original unsorted state – oops!

So the answer to this problem is either keep replacing the ‘master’ parameter to QuickSort() with the unsorted version of FontD[] so that it will get sorted again (causing the required mySwap() calls to the ‘slave’ array, or modify QuickSort to take all five ‘slave’ arrays as parameters. Either way is a real PITA, but I think the ‘all at once’ strategy is more straightforward.

After implementing the ‘all at once’ strategy, I got the following output from my test program:

It appears that both the FWD & REV sorts succeeded (at least with respect to the front distance values). Spot checking the other arrays, we see for front distance values of 23 & 449:

So it is clear that all six arrays are synchronized through both FWD & REV sorts – Yay!

Looking at the reverse sorted and synched data for FrontD values above 1.5m we see a number options for travel directions, as detailed by the following lines from the reverse sort output:

The first four lines above are all ‘left-side’ tracking options. The fifth line above (at FrontD = 240) could actually utilize either the left or right walls for tracking, and the last two are ‘right-side’ options.

The option with the largest ‘head room’ (515cm) is shown in the first line above; on a relative heading of 82.0ยบ, there is 515cm of travel distance available, and the robot is 30.2cm away from the left wall and is oriented almost parallel to it (left steerval is -0.2).

So it looks like this ‘Run To Daylight’ scheme might actually work, but there were a LOT more options than I thought I would have for tracking side and tracking direction. This may have been caused by the fact that I was doing the testing on my lab bench, with lots of ‘clutter’ around. It may be that in a real situation there are very few (or even no) options – we’ll see!

I modified my test program to choose the first acceptable parameter set from the reverse-sorted data, then turn WallE3 to that heading and refresh all parameters. The following short video and the resulting telemetry output are shown below:

As can be seen from the above, the first set of parameters in the synchronized arrays met the criteria, and was chosen. When WallE3 turned to the selected heading and refreshed parameters, everything except the front distance matched very well. I believe the difference in front distances was due to a very slight change in heading which resulted in the distance to a desk chair being measured instead of the distance to the far wall.

Next I tried a test in my office with a simulated corner situation, to see if WallE3 could used his new superpowers for good. I removed the infinite loop at the end of the test program and let loop() run as normal, after setting gl_LastAnomalyCode to ANOMALY_NONE. The following short video and telemetry readout shows the action:

Test of WallE3’s new ‘Run To Daylight’ capability

From the telemetry output we can see that WallE3 found an acceptable tracking option at index 1 in the reverse-sorted FrontD array, at a relative heading of 141.4ยบ from the start of rotation, with the following parameters:

Then the robot turned to the desired heading, and then dropped into the normal ‘top of loop’. This caused TrackLeftWallOffset(350.0, 0.0, 20.0, 30) to be called. WallE3 tracked the left wall nicely from 0.7 sec to 3.2 sec where it ran out of wall and detected an EXCESS_STEERVAL Anomaly. All in all, this test seemed to work perfectly.

Stay tuned,
