Almost three years ago I designed and fabricated some pill/caplet dispensers for the half-dozen or so prescription meds I have managed to accumulate over the last decade or so. A while ago, one of my prescriptions changed its tablet to a much smaller size, so I decided to update my design while fabricating a replacement dispenser.
Between the last project and this one I’ve been playing with OnShape, a web-based 3D CAD package, so I thought I would use it to see if I could do better than last time. I really like OnShape because it uses a 2D ‘sketch’ based design philosophy, which makes tweaks and/or modifications much easier – change a few 2D sketches, and the entire design changes along with it.
The previous design implemented a smooth collar that was a press-fit for the pill bottle cap which turned out to be kind of clunky. This time I thought I might try implementing internal threads on the collar so instead of a press fit it would simply screw on like the original cap, and I discovered that a ‘ThreadCreator’ extension existed for OnShape – neat!
So, I worked my way through the process, and came up with the following design, available to anyone with a free OnShape account

This design has internal threads for a 37mm cap with the standard 4.7mm thread pitch, so it will screw directly onto the pill bottle, ‘eliminating the middleman’. Here are some photos of the finished product:

And here is a short video showing the dispenser in action:
10 June 2024 Update:
Last night I attempted run two more prints of this model, as I have two additional pill bottles of the same diameter with older pill dispensers, but the prints failed catastrophically – bummer! I rounded up the usual suspects (bed temp, model arrangement, Z-axis tuning, etc, and finally managed to get another print going, at least through the raft and first few layers. After bitching and moaning about this for a while, it occurred to me that if I had documented the layout and settings more aggressively from the first print, I wouldn’t have wasted all those hours last night and today. So, once I’m sure I have a consistent print configuration, I will document it here.
I got a good print with the following settings:
- Flashforge Creator PRO II ID
- Left Extruder – Red PETG, 240C, 80C Bed
- Right Extruder AquaSys120 240C, 80C Bed
- 2-layer raft using support filament (AquaSys120)
See the following images for the full setup:

After a 3-hour side-trip into the guts of the Flashforge to clear an extruder jam, I was able to get the second print underway. As I write this it is about 6% finished, but all the way through all the support material parts (so it should finish OK).
17 June 2024 Update:
Not so fast! I realized that the threaded portion of the dispenser cap, while functional, was very poorly printed due to the lack of supports (and, as I found out later, also due to the resolution setting). In addition, the side walls of the V7 slide box were too thin and broke apart easily. After modifying the design, I attempted another print using the above settings, but the PVA dissolvable filament simply refused to stick to the print bed – arrrrrgggggghhhhh!
After going through the whole extruder & bed temperature search routine again yesterday, including replacing the heated bet PEI layer and even putting down blue painter’s tape with no success, I was perusing google-space for clues and kept running across reports where dehumidifying the PVA filament worked. I didn’t see how that would help me, as we control the relative humidity in our house to about 50% +/-, but hey, what did I have to lose at this point?
So, before going to bed I dug out my filament dehumidifier rig and left my filament in it overnight (and until about noon the next day for a little over 12 hours). Then I tried some prints and although not successful at first, the results were encouraging. I finally got two really good prints with the following setup:
- Slicer resolution: ‘0.15m OPTIMAL’ setting in Prusa Slicer
- Right (PVA) extruder: 220C
- Left (PETG) extruder: 240C (this was constant throughout)
- Bed: 40C
- Layer of blue painter’s tape on top of the PEI substrate
So, I think the big takeaway from this episode is: PVA must be explicitly dehumidified BEFORE each print session. Otherwise the PVA will not stick to the print bed, no matter what you do.
Stay tuned,
07 July 2024 Update:
After getting the threaded pill bottle dispenser cap working, I decided to try my luck with my two 57mm twist-lock pill bottles. The twist-lock cap geometry was considerably harder to design. Rather than trying to design and print everything as one piece, I decided to separate the dispenser piece from the cap mating piece, as shown below: