Posted 21 October 2023,

The WALL_OFFSET_DIST_AHEAD anomaly is triggered when WallE3 is about to run head-on into an upcoming wall. The idea behind handling this anomaly is to allow WallE3 to navigate around internal corners. Up until a few days ago, WALL_OFFSET_DIST_AHEAD anomaly just called ‘BackupAndTurn90Deg(bool bIsCCW)’. This function backed the robot up to achieve the desired wall offset, turned 90º in the direction away from the last tracked wall to parallel the upcoming wall and then exited, whereupon loop() was re-entered from the top and a new tracking assessment was made.

However, this treatment failed spectacularly in the guest bedroom, as the ‘new’ wall was too short to track properly. This problem led to the development of the ‘RunToDaylight’ algorithm to allow WallE3 to find the best direction in which to travel. I now have RunToDaylightV2() working very nicely, but now I have the opposite problem; now RunToDaylightV2() is more likely than not to simply turn WallE3 180º and go back the way he came – perfectly legitimate from RunToDaylight’s point of view, but boring and too simplistic.

So, how to mix the two approaches (BackupAndTurn90Deg & RunToDaylight) so that RunToDaylight is used in tight corners, but BackupAndTurn90Deg is used for ‘normal’ wall configurations where there is ample (or at least reasonable) room for travel on the perpendicular wall.

I’m going to try combining the two options. The idea is that BackupAndTurn90Deg would be the default response to a WALL_OFFSET_DIST_AHEAD anomaly, but if the available front distance after the 90º turn is less than something like 2 x WALL_OFFSET_DIST_AHEAD (currently set at 30cm), then the RunToDaylight will be called to find a better direction in which to move.

This turned out to be pretty easy. The changes necessary to the WALL_OFFSET_DIST_AHEAD anomaly case in HandleAnomalousConditions is shown below:

The following short video and telemetry shows the action when WallE3 encounters a corner with not enough room to track the next wall in the internal corner.

And the following video and telemetry shows the action when WallE3 does have room enough to follow the internal corner wall. Note that in these two conditions, the code was not changed – the only thing that changed between the two runs is the ‘third wall’ was moved away from the first one to give WallE3 sufficient room to follow the internal corner wall.

So it seems this problem is pretty much solved – YAY!!

Stay Tuned,


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