WallE3 Wall Tracking, Revisited

Posted 12/23/22

In the last couple of months I have made some significant improvements in WallE3’s capabilities. I started by completely re-doing the compensation algorithms for the seven ST Micro’s VL53L0X time-of-flight distance sensors (two each 3-element side-looking arrays and one rear-looking distance sensor). I followed this with improvements to both the ‘spin turn’ and ‘rolling turn’ features.

Next, I went back through my ‘MoveToDesiredLeft/Right/Front/RearDistCm()’ family of subroutines and made sure they were all working properly now with the much more accurate distance compensation algorithms. One interesting thing that came out of this effort was the realization that shorter measurement intervals (i.e. 50mSec vs 200mSec) produced an unintended side-effect of making ‘Stuck’ detections much more prevalent. This occurs because the appropriate (front or rear) 50-element distance array fills up much faster at 50mSec/measurement than it does at 200mSec/measurement, so identical (or nearly identical measurements will cause a stuck detection earlier (5 measurements/sec means a 50 element array will fill in 10 sec but 20meas/sec fills the array in 2.5sec. When I used 50mSec/meas in the ‘MoveToDesired…()’ routines, the robot would often exit the routine with a ‘stuck’ error code as it slowed down approaching the desired distance condition. These functions do fine with a more coarse time interval (eliminating the ‘stuck’ declarations), so I went back to 200mSec/measurement.

Now I am going to try to incorporate the above improvements into my previous wall track testing program, ‘WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V4’. As usual, I will start by creating ‘WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V5’ as a clone of ‘_V4’ and start making changes from there.


I am going to try and make WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V5 as ‘clean’ as possible, removing as much ‘dead’ code as possible and consolidating things like sensor measurement intervals.

Timing intervals:

Searching through the code for ‘elapsedMillis’ objects, I see the following global declarations:

Then I did a search for “MSEC” all upper case and found:

The front LIDAR sensor starts to generate errors for long distance measurements when the measurement interval falls below 200mSec

The VL53L0X time-of-flight sensors need a ‘measurement time’ of 50mSec or greater. This is handled by the VL53L0X array Teensy, but it means that UpdateAllEnvironmentParameters() shouldn’t be called more frequently than 20HZ.

The MPU6050 can support an update interval of 30mSec or greater, and this time is used for all turning operations.

Telemetry readouts should occur no more than once every 200mSec.


Based on my recent work on these functions, it looks like PID = (1.5, 0.1, 0.2) will work for all cases, so all I have to do is modify the existing ‘OffsetDistKp/Ki/Kd’ values. Note that in my testing these were parameters to the function call instead of program constants, but now I can go back to just having the desired offset as the only parameter.

So, I copied each of the above functions to WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V5 from WallE3_FrontBackMotionTuning_V1, removed Kp,Ki,Kd from the sig, and replaced all occurrences with OffsetDistKp/Ki/Kd. I also ported the CorrDistForOrient() function, as it is required by the MoveToDesiredLeft/Right() versions

01 January 2023 Update:

After getting the ‘MoveTo…’ functions working, I discovered that ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’ didn’t work well at all, and in fact found a note from my former self that the function was ‘fatally flawed’ – oops! So, I revisited my ‘WallE3_ParallelFind_V1’ part-task project to see if I could get it to work better now that VL53L0X distances are being reported as float vs integer objects, and after what I hope is much better sensor error compensation. As shown in this post, RotateToParallelOrientation() now works much better, albeit somewhat slowly, with PID = (20,4,0).

Offset Capture with ‘RotateToParallelOrientation’ ‘at end

02 January 2023 Update:

Starting to make some full-up left wall tracking runs, using the updated code from earlier work. In particular, I am trying to see if my older idea about combining an offset-driven steering angle modifier for the PID tracking algorithm will work. The ‘offset_factor’ incorporates the distance error into the reported steering angle, which in turn is used in the PID machine to drive the combined steering angle to 0.

Here’s an early run:

This worked, ‘sorta’. Part of the problem with this run is the robot’s orientation with respect to the wall at the start of the run. This is supposed to be parallel with the wall, but it obviously isn’t, and I don’t know why. Here’s the data from the ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’ step

This certainly looks good – with a front/rear distance difference of only 0.3cm, and a steering value of 0.02. However, as shown in the following screengrab of the above video, the robot’s orientation just after the parallel find operation is anything but parallel

movie frame grab just after ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’

I re-instrumented the ‘RotateToParallelOrientation’ function to print out 10 sets of front/back distances directly after completing it’s ‘ParallelFind’ operation, and made another run. The photo below shows the ending orientation, followed by the data

Robot orientation immediately after ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’

According to the photo, the robot is definitely not oriented parallel to the wall. However, according to the telemetry data, it is (44.4 front, 44.2 rear, steerval = 0.02). Even curioser, the actual physical measurements taken using a tape measure show that the front/rear distances are about 47/44cm, or a steerval of about 0.3! Something is definitely wrong here.

Uncommented the #DISTANCES_ONLY define and re-ran, with the robot position/orientation unchanged:

In the above data, the front distance varies from 42.6 to 44.6cm with an average of 43.7cm, and the rear distance varies from 44.1 to 45.5cm with an average of 44.8cm.

So the program thinks the front/back distances are closer together than the tape measure does (44.5/45.0 vs 47/44). This is a pretty big discrepancy. Rotating the robot to be physically parallel with front/rear distances = 40cm, I get:

When the robot is physically parallel, the reported front distance varies from 38.2 to 39.2cm with an average of 38.8cm, and the rear distance varies from 36.7 to 38.3cm with an average of 37.9. The left steering value varies from 0.02 (38.8/38.1) to 0.14 (38.9/37.5) with an average of 0.09.

Well, it looks like the average reported distances and steering values are pretty close to reality, so maybe my original calibration efforts aren’t entirely screwed up. However, it is abundantly clear at this point that my current ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’ algorithm isn’t reliable, due to very noisy distance value measurements.

01/09/23 Update:

After getting ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’ working better (now it just uses the array front/rear distance measurements to calculate the off-parallel angle, and then does a ‘SpinTurn’ by that amount), I resumed the effort (see the 02 January Update above) trying to determine if my older algorithm for combining the raw steering value with an ‘offset adjustment factor’ based on the robot’s distance from the desired offset distance would now work better given the improvements I have made in VL53L0X sensor error compensation and off-parallel distance measurement compensation.

As it turns out, the answer seems to be ‘no’. After a multitude of runs with my test wall set up for two 30-45deg ‘breaks’, I couldn’t find any set of PID values that would allow the robot to track the wall – it always either took off for parts unknown, or crashed into the wall at some point.

So, back to the original algorithm of using the wall offset distance directly in the PID engine.

11 January 2023 Update:

I’m confused – not an unusual state for me to be in – but still…..

After all the above improvements, I still was unable to produce reasonable tracking performance using either the steering value or the offset distance as the parameter to be controlled. And, even more confusing, I have an entire post dedicated to demonstrating successful wall tracking using the orientation-angle-corrected distance to the wall as the input to the PID engine, with the desired wall offset as the setpoint, as shown here:

With this algorithm, I settled on PID(3,0,1) as the best parameter set, with the result shown in this short video (copied from the above post):

Wall tracking using corrected distance measure as input, and desired offset as the set-point

And then, I have another post demonstrating that using the steering value as input and 0 as the setpoint also works, as shown in this short video with PID(300,0,300)

Right-side wall tracking using steering value as input with PID = (300,0,300)

Here’s the data and short video from a run on my longer ‘4 meter’ test range with two 30º breaks:

Using steerval only. Note monotonically decreasing distance

Even more confusing, it appears that the earlier (September 2021) trial using the steering value input also used the measured center distance to modulate the steering value so the robot would tend to track the steering value but also trend toward the desired wall offset distance. Here’s the tracking code from FourWD_WallTrackTest_V3:

In the above code snippet, ‘Lidar_RightCenter’ is in mm, so WALL_OFFSET_TGTDIST_CM must be multiplied by 10 to match units.

At this point I am thoroughly confused, (but hopeful, since I have evidence from an earlier version of myself that something (actually two somethings) actually work. I believe the next step is to see if I can use my WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V5 code to consolidate everything down to something that works.

12 January 2023 Update:

I went back and loaded up WallE3_WallTrack_V2.ino and ran it on my 4m ‘range’ with two 30º breaks. The robot tracked amazingly well, as shown in the following telemetry output and Excel plot

WallE3_WallTrack_V2’s tracking algorithm uses the difference between the desired and measured offset distances to ‘tweak’ the steering value, as discussed above, so clearly this works – or at least doesn’t screw things up too badly. In the above telemetry output, the ‘Steer’ column is the steering value after the offset distance adjustment shown here

So at the point where the robot hit the minimum center distance of about 154mm, the steering value adjustment would be (154-400)/1000 = -0.246. The total steering value term at this point was 0.23, which means the ‘raw’ steering value was +0.016 and the offset distance error term accounted for ~97% of the total. This is good evidence that including the the distance offset term works.

My new new new plan is to focus on my October 2022 post that uses the orientation angle corrected offset distance as the input to the PID engine, and see if I can incorporate this, along with all my recent updates/bugfixes into WallE3_WallTrackTuning_V5

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