Monthly Archives: November 2022

Improving VL53L0X Measurement Accuracy/Precision

Posted 15 November 2022

Last April I described how I determined that individual VL53L0X ‘time-of-flight’ distances sensors exhibited measurement errors, and also described my method for minimizing those errors. This has worked well up to now, but I recently realized that there was another error term I hadn’t accounted for; the error associated with using integer variables to hold VL53L0X distance measurements.

The left & right 3-element VL53L0X arrays (plus a single rear distance sensor) are managed by a dedicated Teensy 3.5 processor, which retrieves distance measurements from all seven sensors and then calibrates them using the method described in my April post. When requested by the main processor, these measurements (in integer MM) are provided via a I2C link. After receipt from the VL53L0X processor, distance measurements are converted from MM to CM by dividing by 10, ignoring integer truncation.

However, I have recently discovered that this integer truncation may well be more significant that I originally thought, and may be leading to performance issues, particularly with my ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’ function and wall offset tracking in general. The linear distance between the front and rear VL53L0X sensor on each side is about 8.5Cm. Assuming that all constant errors are calibrated out, the robot will be parallel to the wall when the front and rear sensors return the same value. However, because the distance values only change in 1Cm increments, the actual distances measured by the front and rear sensors can be as much as 1Cm different. 1Cm difference over a length of 8.5Cm is about 7∘ – small, but not necessarily insignificant.

It turned out to be relatively painless to change all VL53L0X distance variables from ‘uint16_t’ to ‘float’, and get everything going again. After making this change I tried some more ‘rotate to parallel’ experiments but the change didn’t seem to make much of an improvement. Poking around a bit more I found out why – the raw measurement data coming from the VL53L0X sensors exhibited a lot of ‘noise’, even with the robot stationary and only a few cm from the nearby ‘wall’. The following Excel plot shows one sensor’s data with the robot approximately 14cm from the wall.

Robot stationary 14 cm from wall

As can be seen from the above the reported distance varies from 13 to about 14.5cm. Assuming that all three right-hand sensors behave similarly, it would be possible for the front sensor to report 13cm while the rear sensor was reporting 14.5cm. Moreover, my parallel find algorithm defines ‘parallel’ as RF-RR ~= 0, so it can (and does) terminate well before or after the actual physical parallel orientation occurs.

Looking through (again) the VL53L0X documentation, I came across the ‘measurement budget’ parameter, which is set by default to ‘30000’ (30msec). In my application I had it set to ‘20000’ (20msec) because I thought at the time that with 7 total VL53L0X sensors, I couldn’t afford 30msec delay for each and still hold to a 200msec system loop period. I later changed the system design to use a separate Teensy 3.5 to continuously poll the sensors and report the latest measurement to the main processor when asked, which essentially eliminated the sensor delay from the overall loop (not entirely, as longer sensor measurement times may mean that physical dynamics aren’t followed quite as faithfully, but fortunately my robot doesn’t do anything quickly).

To test the effect of longer measurement budgets, I placed my robot in a cardboard box with its right-side sensor array about 7cm from the wall of the box, and then took measurements with measurement budgets of20, 30, 40, 50, and 60msec. For each value I plotted the distance output and also calculated the variance for each sensor, as shown in the plots below:

20msec budget – the current configuration
30mse budge with 20 & 30msec variances shown
Showing the effect of 40, 50 & 60 msec budgets

As can be seen from the chart immediately above, a measurement budget of 50msec is noticeably better than that for 40msec (which is itself better than the 20 or 30msec budgets), but the 60msec budget plot shows little improvement over 50msec. Looking The ‘RF’ variance starts at 0.0566 for 20msec, drops to less than half that at 30msec, drops by half again at 40msec, and drops by another 50% or so at 50msec. From there to 60msec is only a change from 0.011074 to 0.01046 (this all assumes that I can draw conclusions like this when not only going up with measurement budget, but going across sensors as well). In any case, I settled on a new measurement budge value of 50msec, as shown below.

New value of 50msec for measurement budget

Note that while the motionless measurement variation has been significantly improved, I still have a problem with different nominal measurements from each sensor; the right-front (RF) sensor insists the wall is about 9.2cm away, while the center (RC) and rear (RR) ones think the wall is about 8 and 7.7cm away, respectively (as a side note, before I changed reported measurement variables from ‘uint_16’ to ‘float’, these values would have been reported as 9,8, and 7cm respectively). I thought I had fixed this problem earlier with a set of correction functions as described here, but I obviously have some more work to do (see this post for more on distance correction)

Stay tuned,


VL53L0X Distance Measurement Compensation

Posted 20 November 2022

To study the issue of VL53L0X sensor calibration, I set up an experiment where ten measurements from each of the three right-side sensors were collected at distances from 15 – 30cm, as shown below. As can be seen, the ‘raw’ values (no correction) are pretty linear. I used Excel’s ‘trendline’ tool to display the ‘best fit’ linear expression for each line, then used these expressions to calculate a correction expression, (dashed lines)

The actual correction expressions were (cm units):

  • RF: RFCorr = (RF-0.4297)/1.0808
  • RC: RCCorr = (RC-5.0603)/1.0438
  • RR: RRCorr = =(RR-5.6746)/1.0353

Next, I edited my ‘lidar_XX_Correction()’ subroutines in my Teensy_7VL53L0X_I2C_Slave_V4 project to implement the above expressions, and made another run of distances from 15 to 30cm, as shown below.

Before (solid lines) and After (dashed lines) Correction

The above plot shows that the correction algorithm is effective and repeatable, at least on the right side sensors. Now I have to perform the same corrections on the left side and I’ll be all set – at least for this particular part of the ongoing Sisyphean task of educating WallE3, my somewhat retarded autonomous wall-following robot.

Applying the same methodology to the left side sensors, I first captured left-side reported distances for measured values from 15 to 30 cm, same as for the left side. Then, using Excel’s ‘trendline’ calculation feature to derive a correction expression, I added simulated correction lines to the plot, as shown below:

The actual correction expressions were (cm units):

  • LF: LFCorr = (LF – 0.5478)/1.0918
  • LC: LCCorr = (LC – 1.989)/0.9913)
  • LR: LRCorr = (LR + 0.9676)/1.1616

Not much correction is needed for the left-side sensors. However, since I already have the corrections, I might as well put them in; I modified the VL53L0X sensor manager firmware to include the above corrections, and then re-did the calibration plot -this time plotting the pre-correction reported data along with the post-correction reported data, as shown below:

As can be seen from the above plot, left-side correction is pretty good over the entire 15-30cm range – nice!

Stay tuned,
