Monthly Archives: November 2021

Teensy, MPU6050 and Rowberg’s I2CDev Library, Take Two

Posted 17 November 2021,

This post describes my efforts, once again, to figure out how to get a Teensy running with Jeff Rowberg’s I2CDev library for the purpose of interfacing to a MPU6050 6-axis IMU with on-board DMP.

After some initial teething problems, I have been using the MPU6050 for years on my various autonomous wall-following robots using Arduino Mega 2560 controllers with great success. However, when I tried switching over from Arduino UNO/Mega controllers to the Teensy 3.x controller, Jeff Rowberg’s library wouldn’t compile at all. At the time I got the library to compile by replacing #include Wire.h with #include i2c_t3.h in i2cdev.h/cpp. See this post from almost two years (December 2019) ago for the gory details.

Unfortunately, two years later when I tried to change out the Mega 2560 for a Teensy 3.5 in Wall-E3 my latest autonomous wall-following robot, I ran into compile problems again – rats! Looking at the code, I saw that the maintainers had accepted my pull request to add a ‘I2CDEV_TEENSY_3X_WIRE’ identifier to I2Cdev.h to switch from <Wire.h> to <i2c_t3.h> as I had done previously, but I still couldn’t get the library to compile with a Teensy 3.x target.

So, back to basics. Fortunately, I had kept all the old versions of the required i2cdevlib files, so my two-year old project (Teensy_MPU6050_DMP6_V2.ino) still compiled and ran properly – whew. So now to figure out why it doesn’t compile with the newest version of the libraries.

So I created a new VS2019 Arduino project called Tensy_MPU6050_DMP6_V3, copied my code and other files from two years ago, and trimmed the program down to just the code required to print out MPU6050 headings every 200 mSec.

And here is a sample of the output:

This program, using the i2cdevlib files from two years ago, compiles and runs fine. The things that have changed in i2cdevlib since then. Comparing i2cdev.h as used in this program with the current i2dev.h, I see

Changelog diffs
I2CDEV_TEENSY_3X_WIRE for convenience in switching from Wire.h to i2c_t3.h
I2CDEV_TEENSY_3X_WIRE used to switch to i2c_t3.h (as opposed to manually as before)
added ‘void *wireObj=0’ parameter to end of every I2Cdev method signature

And the difference in the i2Cdev.cpp files:

‘void wireObj’ added to all i2Cdev class method implementations
All instances of ‘wire.’ are replaced by ‘useWire->’ where *useWire is defined as a TwoWire object

In the i2Cdev class methods that actually talk to the MPU6050 over the i2c bus (readBytes, readWords, writeBytes, writeWords) the new version uses a pointer to a ‘TwoWire’ object called ‘useWire’ instead of Wire. The ‘useWire’ object is defined at the top of each of these methods with the lines

but the declaration (invocation?) of the ‘TwoWire’ class is guarded by an #ifdef as shown

Declaration of ‘Wire’ as a ‘TwoWire’ object

Which means it isn’t included if ‘I2CDEV_IMPLEMENTATION == I2CDEV_TEENSY_3X_WIRE’ is used. In my old version of I2Cdev.cpp, this didn’t matter, because all the class method declarations & definitions use the ‘Wire.’ object technique for invoking a ‘i2c_t3’ class method. However, the new code uses the ‘useWire->’ pointer technique which does require the ‘TwoWire’ declaration, only it’s not available for ‘I2CDEV_IMPLEMENTATION == I2CDEV_TEENSY_3X_WIRE’ – ouch!

Comparing the old and new MPU6050.h files, the only changes of significance are:

  • The name of the class was changed from MPU6050 in the old file to MPU6050_Base in the new one, with ‘, void * wireObj = 0’ added as the last parameter in the constructor
  • GetCurrentFIFOPacket, setFIFOTimeout, and getFIFOTimeout methods were added
  • The entire #ifdef MPU6050_INCLUDE_DMP_MOTIONAPPS20 section was removed
  • void *wireObj and uint_32t fifoTimeout objects were defined

The new GetCurrentFIFOPacket method added by Homer Creutz replaces the inline method I used in my older code, and does a nicer job to boot, and the wireObj declaration makes possible changing all the method calls from ‘Wire.’ to ‘useWire_>’ style.

Comparing the old and new MPU6050.cpp files, the only changes of significance are:

  • The names for all method implementations are changed from MPU6050:: to MPU6050_Base::, with a ‘,wireObj(wireObj)’ parameter added at the end of the constructor method and most other methods as well
  • The implementation code for GetCurrentFIFOPacket, setFIFOTimeout, and getFIFOTimeout methods were added

Comparing MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps_V6_12.h (the old version) to MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps612.h (the new version), there were a lot of changes:

  • The implementation code was split out from the header file into a new MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps612.cpp file
  • A new MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps612 : public MPU6050_Base class is declared and all the dmpxxx methods are now part of this class.
  • All the hard-coded MPU6050 DMP firmware image is gone (in the cpp file?)
  • At the very bottom is the line ‘typedef MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps612 MPU6050;’ declaring ‘MPU6050’ to be a object of type MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps612

The new MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps612.cpp file now contains the DMP firmware image and the definitions for all the methods declared in the .h file.

So, it looks like the whole problem with changing over from the old setup to the new one may be just the fact that the declaration (invocation?) of the ‘TwoWire’ class is guarded by an #ifdef that disables the line for ‘I2CDEV_IMPLEMENTATION == I2CDEV_TEENSY_3X_WIRE’. So tomorrow (neeeeeeedddddd, sleeeeepppp!) I’ll try again with the new setup, with the additional condition added to the #ifdef line.

So, I created yet another VS2019 Arduino project called ‘Teensy_MPU6050_DMP6_V3’, identical in every way to ‘Teensy_MPU6050_DMP6_V2’ except this project includes MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps612.h instead of MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps_V6_12.h. To make things simpler, I copied all the reference files from the i2cdevlib folder into the project’s local folder, as shown below:

After editing I2Cdev.h as shown below

to utilize the i2c_t3.h version of the Wire library, I compiled it for Teensy 3.2 and got the following output:

As shown, all the compile errors reference a missing declaration for TwoWire, which I hope means that adding the ‘I2CDEV_TEENSY_3X_WIRE’ identifier to the guard around the code that declares TwoWire in i2Cdev.cpp.

I edited i2Cdev.cpp to add the ‘I2CDEV_TEENSY_3X_WIRE’ identifier to the guard around the code that declares TwoWire in I2Cdev.cpp, and edited I2CDev.h to do the same thing for the guard around the ‘class TwoWire’ declaration, and recompiled. This time the output was:

So I commented out the ‘

line and recompiled, still getting way too many errors – time to punt.

20 November 2021 Update:

As mentioned above, I decided to punt on the idea of incorporating the newest I2CDevlib files, as I keep getting lost trying to sort out the ‘Wire/TwoWire/useWire’ mess.

However, I did discover that the new library versions work just fine with an Arduino UNO or MEGA2560 as the target. So, I created an Arduino project called ‘Arduino_MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps612’ and used it to tune the rate-controlled turn PID for the new robot. After the requisite number of false-starts and screwups, I was able to get pretty decent 45º/sec and 90º/sec turns with:

So, at this point I have an Arduino program ( Arduino_MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps612) targeting the Arduino UNO that works fine with the new versions of the i2cdevlib libraries, and an older Arduino program (Teensy_MPU6050_DMP6_V3) targeting the Teensy 3.x that works fine with the 2-year old versions of the i2cdevlib libraries. The next step I think is to move ahead with the Teensy-targeted program using old libraries on the assumption that eventually Jeff Rowberg and company will either fix the current libraries to work properly with Teensy, or show me the error of my ways so that I can fix the Teensy compilation problem.

Wall-E3 – Different Form-factor for Better Turn Performance

Posted 20 October 2021

I have been struggling for years now with Wall-E2’s reluctance to turn smoothly, and I have been looking for ways to improve the situation. I have even thought of going back to the 3-wheel form-factor with two driven wheels and a 3rd caster wheel, just for the ability to make smooth angle adjustments. However, the 3-wheel layout has its own problems, like a tendency to get stuck when one or both drive wheel loses traction, and a tendency for the caster wheel axle to accumulate carpet fibers to the point where it won’t turn.

Recently I ran across a blog post called ‘4-wheeled robot design basics and challenges‘ that seemed to describe Wall-E2’s turning difficulties pretty accurately. In addition, this post went on to suggest how the 4-wheel form-factor could be modified to minimize the high side-slip friction exhibited by most 4-wheel drive robots. The author suggested that by reducing the front-back dimension and increasing the side-side dimension, the side-slip friction exhibited during turns could be minimized. The author showed (literally) that the problem with a traditional 4-wheel form factor is that the front and back wheel pairs have non-intersecting turn radii, as shown in the following animated GIF from the RonRobotics site:

Traditional 4-wheel robot form-factor exhibiting high side-slip friction during turns

If the form-factor is changed from the traditional ‘long and narrow’ style to a more ‘short and wide’ style, then the turning situation is more like the following animated GIF:

4-wheel drive form factor to minimize side-slip friction during turns

The author didn’t provide any numerical guidelines for how short and how wide, but the above animated GIF provides a pretty good idea.

I decided to see if I could use TinkerCad to model a form factor that might be more like the ‘short and wide’ form-factor. From previous work I already had most of the individual elements (wheels, motors, battery compartment, charger module, etc), so I did a ‘FrankenRobot’ copy as shown below:

traditional (left) and ‘short/wide’ form-factor (right). Orange disk represents turning circle

The orange disk shown in the above image was intended to model the turning circle. I manually adjusted the form factor until the turning circle more-or-less matched the layout in the ‘design 3’ image from the RonRobitics site.

After playing with this for a while, I came up with the following ‘final’ design for my new Wall-E3 short/wide robot:

Short-Wide Robot Version. Battery pack in green, TPS5100 charger in red, charging probe in orange

With the above form factor, there is plenty of room for the battery pack (4 x 18650 Li-ion) and the TPS51000 charging module. After arriving at the above layout, I started working fabrication details. At first I thought this was a perfect opportunity to use some Adafruit 20x20mm slotted extrusions and associated hardware I have had hanging around for years looking for a project. However, as I got into the design in TinkerCad, I realized I had a problem, as shown in the following screenshot:

Short-Wide Robot chassis using Adafruit 20x20mm slotted extrusions

The motors must be mounted either above or below the extrusion. This could be effected using the Adafruit ‘T’ plate, as shown above, but then the question becomes – “what to do about a bottom plate”? I could put in a second set of extrusions, but that would severely reduce ground clearance. I could maybe bend the bottom part of the ‘T’ plate to support a bottom plate, but bending a cast aluminum piece didn’t seem like a good idea. In addition, an even bigger problem was how to mount the top plate. The obvious solution would be to drill 4 holes in the top plate, and use the slotted channel threaded insert hardware to mount the plate. But, how does that work – the threaded insert pieces are made to slide freely in the channel until tightening the mounting screw causes them to bind to the sides of the channel – all fine and good, but that won’t work for a blind mounting arrangement; the inserts could be anywhere in (or out of) the channel – oops! I thought I might be able to find a way of fixing the inserts into place, but that didn’t seem like a good idea either. I could simply drill and tap 4 holes around the periphery of the extrusions, but then I’m using expensive extrusions just like flat plate – bummer!

Eventually I realized that a standard U-channel from McMaster Carr should do the trick. The motors can be mounted through the ‘bottom’ of the U, and the top/bottom plates can be mounted to the top/bottom of the U-channel. Much simpler, and because I can mount the motors low in the U-channel, I can maximize ground clearance – yay!

27 October 2021 Update:

The first try at McMaster-Carr U-channel wasn’t too successful – it was much thicker and heavier than I realized from the drawings, so I went back to their site and re-ordered a much lighter (and nicer) U-channel style. The following photo shows the difference.

First order on the left, second on the right

I got 2ea 24″ lengths of the lighter U-channel, and as an experiment I tried cutting 45º bevels on both pieces to see how I might form right angles for the chassis. This worked out pretty nicely. In addition, I cut a 1/2″ section from the thicker U-channel, and then cut it in half to produce 2ea right-angle brackets for use in connecting two pieces of a right-angle corner. The following photos show the results:

I was very pleased with my first try at forming a right angle corner for my new chassis – it looks like using pieces of the thicker U-channel for connecting brackets will work. I don’t think I’ll need more than two screws per corner, as I will also have top & bottom plates that will add tremendously to the overall structure rigidity. Now I just have to get the dimensions correct so that my already-cut top/bottom plates will fit, and then do all the other stuff to produce a finished ‘Wall-E3’ chassis.

02 November 2021 Update

After the usual trials and tribulations, I think I have produced a decent 200 x 230 mm chassis, as shown in the following photos:

One minor ‘gotcha’ to using the thinner sidewall U-channel is that I managed to strip the threads on a couple of the threaded holes as I was installing the top plate. Fortunately I had some 3mm press-fit nuts left over from Wall-E2 and was able to convert the threaded hole to a press-fit nut installation without too much problem. Right now I have two holes converted to press-fit, but I suspect all sixteen holes will need to be treated at some point. So, back to McMaster-Carr where I ordered another 100 press-fit nuts, along with some additional 3x6mm flathead screws.

By the way, just as a plug for McMaster-Carr: I ordered and received a 90º countersink bit so I can use flat-head screws on the chassis, but when I received it I realized the tip of the bit wouldn’t fit into my 3mm holes – bummer! So, I contacted McMaster-Carr and asked if I could return it for a refund, and (well within the 30 minute reply guarantee) I got a note back that they would refund the cost of the order, but I didn’t have to return the item – wow! I have been a loyal MC customer for decades, and they continue to impress me with their responsiveness and speedy deliveries. The next time you have a need for hardware, think of McMaster-Carr.

The next step is to add the motor drivers and motors to the prototype setup to wring out any mechanical issues there. As can be seen in the following photo, the current Wall-E2 setup has the motors mounted through the side walls equidistant from top and bottom. However, I plan to mount the motors as close as possible to the lower edge of the U-channel, so as to achieve the largest possible terrain clearance.

To facilitate this I designed and created a ‘motor mounting template’ with motor axle location holes that fits inside the sidewall U-channel, as shown below:

Wall-E3 motor mounting template

The template has two holes per motor location to allow the template to be placed either way (side tabs toward the top plate, or side tabs toward bottom plate) and still have one set of holes in the proper vertical location.

06 November 2021 Update:

As described in the companion post to this one, I assembled a basic system on a blank aluminum plate as shown in the following photo:

Basic system assembled on blank aluminum plate

After fabricating the aluminum chassis, I started transferring pieces from the prototype to the new chassis, as shown below

After transferring everything except the Teensy module and the 5V LDO regulator module, this is what the new chassis looks like:

Still lots of work, but it is now clear that everything fits comfortably into the chassis, including both motor drivers which are mounted on top of the chassis on the Wall-E2 robot. This will clear up lots of space on the top plate, so things should be a lot neater with Wall-E3.

07 November 2021 Update:

After getting the basic component layout established, I decided to see if I could get the robot to actually move forwards and backwards under computer control via the HC-05 Bluetooth link. So, I transferred all four wheels from Wall-E2 to Wall-E3, and temporarily hot-glued the Teensy 3.5 and its accompanying 5V LDO regulator/HC-05 module to the battery pack, as shown in the following photo:

And, after fixing the problem of one set of motors turning in the opposite direction as the other set, I was able to move Wall-E3 forwards and backwards utilizing the wireless link from my PC to the robot, as shown in the following short video:

The next thing I tried was some manually controlled ‘spin’ turns. To do this I added an overload to the function that does normal rate-controlled turns using an MPU6050 IMU sensor to make a turn through a defined angle span. The overloaded function simply starts a CW or CCW turn and waits for any key to stop the turn. Here’s a short video showing the result

CW & CCW ‘spin’ turns

As can be seen from the above video, Wall-E3’s turn behavior is MUCH smoother than that of Wall-E3, and is quite close to the behavior exhibited in the ‘wide’ form factor GIF that prompted the Wall-E3 redesign (repeated below for comparison):

4-wheel drive form factor to minimize side-slip friction during turns

With such good results from the above turns on hard-surface flooring, I decided to try my luck with my test carpet patch. Turns on carpet with Wall-E2 have always been a jerky procedure, with PID algorithm having to ramp motor current way up to overcome wheel side friction, and then way back down again when the wheels broke free. With Wall-E3, the turning behavior on carpet was indistinguishable from its behavior on hard flooring – both cases exhibited very smooth turning behavior around an almost constant turning axis, as shown in the following short video.

For comparison, here is Wall-E2 making a 180⁰ turn on carpet:

And here is the plot of motor speed vs time for the turn.

Average turn rate = 41.8 deg/sec

As can be seen from the above, the motor speed goes from max (255) to min (50) several times per second as the wheels alternately grip and then slide. In contrast, the Wall-E3 turns on both carpet and hard flooring were done with a constant half-speed (125) motor current, resulting in an angular rate of about 70 ⁰ /sec on both carpet and hard surface.

20 November 2021 Update:

Unfortunately, when I tried to add MPU6050 capability to Wall-E3, I went down a rabbit hole due to changes in Jeff Rowberg’s I2CDevlib library for the MPU6050 that have made it incompatible with Teensy 3.x targets (see this post for the gory details). After chasing Alice for way too long, I finally figured out that I had two choices. I could use an older (as in 2 years older) version of the i2cdevlib libraries with a Teensy, or I could use the current versions with an Arduino UNO or MEGA. Because at this point I already had an Arduino UNO running with a MPU6050 and the new libraries, I decided to continue on that track and see if I could tune the PID engine for smooth(er) turns with the new form factor. Here’s the physical setup:

Wall-E3 with Arduino UNO/MPU6050 setup running the motors

Here’s the code:

After a number of iterations, I arrived at the following PID values:

Here are the Excel plots showing the turn performance:

At this point, I think I’m pretty much done with this post. The ‘rest of the story’ will continue in the companion ‘Replacing Mega 2560 With Teensy‘ post.

Stay Tuned,


Wall-E3 Replacing Mega 2560 With Teensy 3.5

Posted 23 October, 2021

For some time now, I have been contemplating a replacement for the outdated and obsolete Mega 2560 micro-controller as the main controller module of my autonomous wall-following robot. The robot actually sports three controllers – the Mega 2560 main controller runs the overall operating system, drives the motors, and manages the speaker, the front-facing LIDAR unit, and a number of LEDs. A Teensy 3.2 manages the forward-facing IR-LED charging station beacon detection/homing algorithm, and a Teensy 3.5 manages the seven VL53L0X LIDAR distance measuring modules. So, it would make a lot of sense to replace the 2560 with another Teensy, making all the software consistent, and giving the robot a significant boost in computing power. A Teensy 3.5 at 120MHz runs at almost 10 times the 16MHz rate of the 2560, has twice the Flash memory (512K vs 256) and 32 times the RAM (256K vs 8). However, until recently (see this post) it has been very difficult/impossible to perform over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates with any of the Teensy products – a deal-breaker for me as I do that quite often with Wall-E2. Now that OTA capability has been demonstrated, the only remaining hurdle was whether or not a Teensy 3.5 has sufficient I/O to replace the Mega 2560. To address this question I created an Excel spreadsheet to document the current I/O assignments of the 2560 and then tentatively assigned Teensy 3.5 pins to match, as shown below.

As can be seen from the above, the Teensy 3.5 has plenty of pins left over after all currently assigned Mega 2560 pin assignments have been covered, so that problem goes away too.

The last piece of the puzzle was just the inconvenience of changing out a currently-working Mega 2560 just to gain performance that may or may not really be necessary. However, now that I have decided to redo the entire chassis to address the turn side-slip problem (see this post), I plan to use the opportunity to start fresh with a Teensy 3.5 as the main controller and work out any problems with just the chassis, the motors and motor drivers and the Teensy before moving on to implementing the rest of Wall-E2’s capabilities.

Motor Drivers for Wall-E3:

I have a bunch of motor driver modules left over from an earlier motor driver study, so I decided to use two of the Pololu VNH5019 motor driver modules for Wall-E3 – one for the two left motors, and one for the two right motors.

01 November 2021 Update:

The first step in bringing up the Wall-E3 robot was to assemble a very basic system on a simulated chassis bottom plate, as shown in the following photo:

Prototype Wall-E3 System on simulated chassis baseplate

The basic system consists of a TP5100 charger system and a 8.4V 7200 mAH battery pack, an Adafruit 1NA169 high-side current sensor, a Teensy 3.5 and a auxiliary board containing a 5V LDO regulator and a HC-05 Bluetooth module. The Teensy’s program at this stage consists of the OTA update code developed earlier in this post and this post, plus a few lines to read the current sensor output, convert it to a current value, and send it to the BT serial port. Here’s the program:

And here is some of the output:

With this setup I noticed there were a lot of ‘dropouts’ in the sensor outputs, so I added a 1uF cap between the sensor Vout and GND. This seemed to cure the dropouts as shown in the next output snippet (after some charging time resulting in lower charging current)

04 November 2021 Update:

I installed two Pololu VNH5019 drivers onto the prototype bottom plate, and copied the associated motor support code from my latest Wall-E2 version. I modified ‘SetLeftMotorDirAndSpeed(bool bIsFwd, int speed)’ and ‘SetRightMotorDirAndSpeed(bool bIsFwd, int speed)’ for the VNH5019 pinout and truth table, and that was pretty much all I had to do. Then I copied all of ‘CheckForUserInput()’ from Wall-E2 (and added the ‘U/u’ case for OTA updates) so I could control the motor direction and speed via the OTA serial connection, and the motors and drivers behaved pretty much right away. Here’s a short video showing the action:

05 November 2021 Update

I finally got the new 200 x 230 mm aluminum chassis finished, as shown in the following photo:

10 November 2021 Update:

After getting the new aluminum chassis fabricated, it was time to start populating it with subsystems from the prototype chassis and from Wall-E2. As shown in the following photo, the next big milestone was to populate it with four Pololu D-20 motors, the battery/charger and 5V LDO regulator subsystems, and the two Pololu VNH5019 motor drivers from the proto chassis. With the addition of four 3D printed wheels/tires from Wall-E2, and Wall-E3 was officially ‘mobile’!

Basic self-contained Wall-E3 system

As can be seen above, the Teensy 3.5 controller and its companion 5V LDO regulator board/HC-05 Bluetooth module were simply hot-glued to the battery pack for initial testing; they will be moved to the top plate next.

After successful movement tests with the above arrangement (see the companion post), the next step was to install the Teensy 3.5 controller and the LDO/HC-05 module on the top plate, and permanently install the charging connector and the ON/OFF switch. I decided that a single hole punched into the center rear of the top plate would suffice for bringing necessary wiring up from the internal battery/motor bay onto the top plate, and placing the hole toward the rear would allow the top plate to be removed and placed upside down at the back of the chassis to allow access to the battery/motor bay as needed. As shown in the following photo, the top plate is secured upside-down on the main chassis by two of the normal mounting screws, thus keeping the top-plate-mounted subsystems from contacting the ground.

Top plate in the ‘open’ position

Also note that the motor/battery bay is much cleaner than the Wall-E2 layout, even though both motor drivers are in this bay rather than mounted to the top plate as they are for Wall-E2. The next photos below show the chassis closed up with the Teensy 3.5 and the 5V LDO module mounted on the top plate, with the charging connector and the ON/OFF switch permanently installed.

Front & rear aspect views of the ‘closed’ chassis

After getting everything closed up, I re-ran the ‘spin turn’ trials, as shown below:

‘Spin Turn’ trials with T3.5 and 5V LDO mounted to top plate

At this point, there are only three significant modules (the MPU6050 IMU, the ‘Run Current’ 1NA169 high-side current sensor, and the charging station beacon homing module) remaining to install on the top plate. The first step will be to install and test the MPU6050, as that will give Wall-E3 the capability to do angle-controlled turns.

20 November 2021 Update:

As described in the companion post to this one, my plan is to move forward with the Teensy program (Teensy_MPU6050_DMP6_V3.ino) and the older I2CDevlib/MPU6050 library versions while waiting for Jeff Rowberg and company to figure out why the current versions of this library are no longer compatible with the Teensy 3.x line of microcontrollers.

The first step in this process is to remove the Arduino UNO/Wixel Shield module from the robot, and get the already-installed Teensy 3.5 talking to the already-installed MPU6050 module using the above mentioned Teensy_MPU6050_DMP6_V3.ino and the older I2CDevlib/MPU6050 library versions. Here’s the hardware layout:

Teensy 3.5, MPU6050, 5V LDO Regulator/HC-05 BT module, ‘I_Run’ current sensor

And here’s some output from Teensy_MPU6050_DMP6_V3.ino showing a ‘live’ connection to the MPU6050:

At this point, we have demonstrated we can talk to the MPU6050 using Jeff Rowberg’s (old) I2CDevlib library and can pull off yaw values, so we should also be able to do the same turn-rate-controlled turns as before.

So now I have a Teensy project (Teensy_MPU6050_DMP6_V3) that demonstrates a working interface to the MPU6050, a prior project (T35_WallE3_V1) that demonstrated Teensy OTA updates using an HC-05 Bluetooth module, and a Teensy project demonstrating turn-rate controlled turns using the MPU6050 (T35_MPU6050_Demo_V2). The next step is to create yet another new project, this time cleverly called ‘T35_WallE3_V2’, to merge all these features into one project, and then hopefully proceed from there.

When I created the T35_WallE3_V2 project, the first thing I did was copy in T35_WallE3_V1.ino and supporting files, and then I tested it to make sure everything was OK. However, this project wouldn’t connect to the MPU6050 even though I was sure it was using the older I2CDevlib files. After a very careful comparison, I found there were a very few differences. When I instead used the support files from my Teensy_MPU6050_DMP6_V3 project, then T35_WallE3_V2 was able to connect to the MPU6050. The i2Cdev.h/cpp files were essentially identical. The MPU6050.h/cpp files were essentially identical. The MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps_V6_12.h files were essentially identical, so I’m not really sure why the magic happened — but it did!

So now the T35_WallE3_V2 talks to the MPU6050. Next I enabled ‘board.txt’ and verified that I can still do OTA firmware updates.

21 November 2021 (an almost palindromic date 21_11_21) Update:

After verifying OTA update capability with T35_WallE3_V2, I started porting in turn-rate control code from the Teensy_MPU6050_DMP6_V3 project, consisting mainly of the PID values empirically found in the companion ‘form-factor’ post, and the PIDCalcs() function.

  • Replaced T35_WallE3_V2 ‘CheckForUserInput()’ with version from T35_MPU6050_Demo_V2
  • Replaced T35_WallE3_V2 ‘PIDCalcs()’ with version from T35_MPU6050_Demo_V2
  • Replaced T35_WallE3_V2 ‘SpinTurn()’ with version from T35_MPU6050_Demo_V2 and added TURN_START_SPEED constant.
  • Updated TurnRate_Kp/Ki/Kd to 1.8/1.0/0.4

22 November 2021 Update:

At this point I have T35_WallE3_V2 to the point where I can do OTA firmware updates via the HC-05 Bluetooth link, and I can remotely command CW & CCW turns, forward and backward, speed up/down. Here’s the snapshot of the code at this point.

Now that I have turn-rate-based turns working properly, it’s time to turn my attention to the other peripherals – namely the ‘I_total’ and ‘I_run’ 1A169 high-side current sensors, the battery voltage output from the 5V LDO regulator module, and the charge connection status line.

  • Ported GetTotalAmps(), GetRunningAmps(), IsStillCharging(), IsChargerConnected, and MonitorChargerUntilDone() from FourWD_WallE2_V12.ino.
  • Ported charger support pin init into setup()

After these ports, I got a lot of ‘mySerial was not declared’ errors – not surprising as I needed ‘mySerial’ in the Arduino world to access ‘printf’ formatting, but the Teensy has that feature built-in. After replacing 5 instances of ‘mySerial.’ with ‘Serial1.’, I recompiled – still lots of errors – oh well.

In the Arduino code, I used a function called ‘GetAverageAnalogReading()’ to average A/D readings with a ‘CURRENT_AVERAGE_NUMBER’ parameter. However, in the Teensy world there is a function called

which causes all the ADC channels to average every reading by ‘num’ (where ‘num’ is internally forced to be 0,4,8,16, or 32). So, I can eliminate the ‘GetAverageAnalogReading()’ function entirely for the T3.5, and just use analogRead().

After some minor fumbling around to comment out or bypass non-relevant (to this phase, at least) code, I got the program to compile. Now to test for proper behavior…

Testing for the two 1NA169 current sensors went OK, but I hit a snag when testing the ‘Charger Connected’ line from the charging plug. This line is tied to GND with no jack inserted, and the GND connection is broken when the plug is fully inserted. The pin is initialized for INPUT_PULLUP, meaning the line will be pulled HIGH via the internal pullup resistor when the charging cable is plugged in, and pulled to GND when the plug is removed. My initial pin assignment for this pin was 36/A17, but I discovered this wouldn’t work as some analog inputs didn’t have pullup resistors available. So, I more or less randomly chose pin 28 on the other side for this, only to find out that for no apparent reason, the pullup on pin 28 no longer seemed to exist. The charge connect line indeed measured GND with the plug removed, but only about 0.1-0.2V with the plug engaged, instead of 3.3V as it should. After some screwing around, I finally constructed a very small test program to exercise pins 28-32, whereupon I found that 29-32 operated properly, but 28 refused to behave. I posted about this to the Teensy forum, and another forum member tried my program on one of their T3.5’s and reported that pin 28 behaved properly on their module – rats! In any case, I can move the line to pin 29 no problem, but it’s frustrating to realize that of all the pins I could have picked, I managed to hit the one that misbehaved :(.

25 November 2021 Update (Happy Thanksgiving!)

I’m writing this from the home of my stepson and his family in St. Louis, MO, where we are all gathered for the traditional Turkey Day dinner. Of course I brought my Wall-E3 robot so I could continue to work on bringing it along. While here I managed to get the CHG_CONNECT issue solved, but in the process may have killed another port on the Teensy 3.5. At the moment I have the CHG_CONNECT input assigned to pin 31, and the CHG_CONNECT_LED output assigned to pin 30. Pins 28 and 32 appear to be inactive and might have been casualties in some previous project, or casualties of this one – hard to tell. In any case that all appears to be working now.

The following photo shows the current pin assignments for the T3.5. These may well change before the whole adventure ends, but it’s a good starting point.

29 November 2021 Update:

Here’s my first cut at a system-level schematic for the new Wall-E3 robot:

Wall-E3 System Schematic

The above schematic has the same basic layout as for Wall-E2, with the following changes:

  • The Wixel RF serial extender module has been replaced by the HC-05 Bluetooth module (physically located on the small perf-board module along with the 5V LDO voltage regulator)
  • The left and right motor drivers are now VNH5019 parts instead of DRV8871
  • The MPU6050 & IR Detector modules now use their own I2C channel (SDA1/SCL1) instead of everything being serviced on the single I2C channel available on the Mega 2560
  • The VL53L0X ToF sensor array is still managed by a separate Teensy 3.5, but now is the only device on the primary (SDA0/SCL0) I2C bus

At this point I have verified proper operation for both VNH5019 motor drivers, both 1NA169 inline current sensors, the MPU6050 IMU and the HC-05 Bluetooth module.

The next big milestone is to get the second-deck mounted and verify proper operation of the forward-looking LIDAR and the VL53L0X side and rear ToF distance sensors.

Stay tuned,
