Another try at Wall Offset Tracking

Posted 11 September 2021

I’m making another try at getting wall offset capture and tracking right, after several failed attempts. This time I’m starting with a small ‘FourWD_WallTrackTest_V3’ project in VS2019. I think I actually got this working before, but an unfortunate laptop backup catastrophe cost me a couple of months of work, and it has taken me this long to recover. Here’s the current program:

With this code, I ran a test using PID values of 300,0,0 and an offset target of 40cm. The following short video and Excel plot show the results

Now all I have to do is make this same trick work for both the ‘inside offset’ and ‘outside offset’ starting conditions, and then for both the left-side and right-side tracking conditions, then I can integrate the code back into the main robot operating system.

18 September 2021 Update:

After getting the left-side tracking working reasonably well, I started working on right-side tracking, and discovered that what worked for the left side with no problems did not work particularly well for right-side tracking. After the usual number of programming mistakes I did get right-side tracking working, albeit with a significantly different PID parameter set. For left-side tracking, PID = (300,0,0) seemed to work OK, but for right-side tracking I wound up with PID = (300,0,300). Moreover, when I tried even very small (like 10) values for the I parameter, the robot lost track after just two or three oscillations. So, for the moment it looks like (300,0,0) for the left side, and (300,0,300) for the right side. Here’s a short video showing successful right-side tracking.

And here is the ‘finished’ FourWD_WallTrackTest_V3 code:

Stay tuned


One thought on “Another try at Wall Offset Tracking

  1. Pingback: Wall-E3 Replacing Mega 2560 With Teensy 3.5 Part VIII | Paynter's Palace

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