Monthly Archives: March 2021

Charging Station Initial Approach Algorithm Improvement

Posted 20 March, 2021

In order to realize my long-term goal of a fully autonomous wall-following robot, Wall-E2 has to be able to reliably mate to its charging station when it gets low on go-juice. Unfortunately, Wall-E2 occasionally fails to mate properly, usually due to an initial misalignment with the center of the IR homing beam. I haven’t worried too much about this, as there have been more pressing problems, but as these have been solved, the mating problem has risen to the top of the to-do list.

The basic geometry for the charging station is shown below:

Tilted gate option. The tilt decreases the minimum required IR beam capture distance from about 1.7m to about 1.0m

As long as the robot starts its approach on or near the boresight of the IR beam, all goes swimmingly. However, if Wall-E2 detects the IR beam while tracking the wall at right angles to the one depicted above, it can easily start its approach before getting to the center of the beam, resulting in it getting stuck on the outside guide-in rail (upper rail in the above diagram). In addition, if Wall-E2 is tracking too close to the wall above, it can actually get stuck on the inside guide-in rail (lower rail in the above diagram).

So, what is needed here is a way to force the robot to line up on the IR beam centerline before committing to the mating approach. To investigate this, I created a part-task version of Wall-E2’s operating system that does just one thing; it detects the IR homing signal, and then takes action to position itself in the center of the IR homing beam, aligned with the beam’s boresight. In the aviation instrument (blind) flying world, this is known as the ‘IAP’ (Initial Approach Point), so I needed to create an algorithm so Wall-E2 could navigate to the Charging Station IAP, and start it’s final approach from the same place every time.

In previous work I have gotten Wall-E2 smart enough to track walls at a constant offset. so this is where I started with the current effort. When Wall-E2 starts to track a wall, the first thing it does is use the near-side array of VL53L0X IR laser TOF sensors to orient parallel to the wall, without regard to the absolute offset. It then angles toward or away from the wall to achieve tracking at the desired offset.

The starting position for the current effort is with the robot placed close to the wall leading to the charging station, pointed generally toward the charging station. When the robot wakes up, it sees that there is an active IR homing beacon, and takes action to navigate to the IAP.

  • First it uses the parallel orientation algorithm to align itself parallel to the near wall so it can measure it’s offset from the wall, and also to ensure that the front distance measurement accurately reflects the distance from the robot to the charging station.
  • Next, it compares the wall offset and front distance measurements to the known values for the IAP, i.e. a 50 cm offset at a distance of 180 cm. It then calculates how much additional offset it needs to place itself in the center of the beam.
  • If necessary, the robot turns 90º away from the wall and moves away to achieve the desired offset. If the robot is already far enough away from the wall, it skips this step
  • After getting far enough away, the robot turns in place (a ‘Spin Turn’) until the signal strength of the received IR homing beacon rises above a set threshold. This gets the robot oriented generally in the direction of the charging station
  • The last step is to fine-tune the robot’s orientation so that it is centered in the beam and also well aligned with the beam boresight.

The following photograph shows the robot at the IAP, ready to start the final approach to the charging station.

Wall-E2 at the Initial Approach Point, ready to start the final approach to the charging station.

And the following video shows the entire process, up to the point where the robot would actually start the final approach.

15 April 2021 Update:

One of the issues with the current initial approach algorithm is the lack of accuracy in achieving the desired wall offset, due to Wall-E2’s tendency to ‘coast’ past the desired distance. I could just lower the offset target by a fixed amount to account for the ‘coast’ effect, but since that changes significantly depending on whether Wall-E2 is on carpet or hard flooring, that doesn’t sound like a good ide.

Instead, I decided to use yet another PID object to manage offset distance acquisition, using the following algorithm:

Using this code, I got the following output:

And a short video showing the offset acquisition process:

Here’s the same process, but starting from farther away than desired

21 April 21 Update:

After some additional work on the initial approach algorithm, I arrived at a pretty nice spot; Wall-E2 will reliably detect the IR homing beacon, offset the proper amount from the wall using a 90º turn and a PID engine-driven rear-distance controlled movement, and then rotate to orient to the IR beam boresight. The ‘rotate-to-boresight’ operation takes place in two stages. In the first stage, the robot turns toward the beacon in 10deg steps until the beacon is re-acquired (this is necessary because the robot loses the beam signal when it turns 90º to the wall) and then uses another PID-driven algorithm to center up on the beam boresight. Here’s a short video showing the process.

IR Homing with Initial Approach Phase added. 2-sec pauses are inserted to delineate sub-phases

As can be seen from the above video, the robot successfully navigates to the initial approach point (IAP), rotates to orient with the homing beacon boresight, and then homes to the charging station. This all works, but it is pretty clunky and inelegant. The initial 90º turn away from the wall is in itself a bit problematic, as it can easily overshoot, and then the robot loses the beacon signal, which means that after the appropriate wall offset has been reached, the robot has to turn back toward the charging station to re-acquire the signal, and it has to do so ‘gently’ so as not to overshoot.

I think it would be much better if the initial turn away from the wall was just 45º so the robot won’t lose the beacon signal while navigating to the IAP, and potentially eliminating the first part of the ‘rotate to boresight’ phase. Here is the relevant geometry:

Charging station initial approach and homing geometry

In the above figure, the robot currently makes a 90º utilizes the line labelled ‘Offset =…’ to offset out to the IR beam boresight. I’m thinking that the line labelled ‘x = …’ would work better, as the robot only has to make a 45º turn initially, and then the robot might not lose the beam signal as it offsets out to the IR boresight line. Here’s the supporting math.

Initial Approach Point math

In the above figure, an example is worked out for d = 120cm, where the perpendicular offset is found to be 34.4cm and the 45º turn distance is found to be 1.09*Offset = 37.8cm.

23 April 2021 Update:

The change from 90º to 45º IAP approach angle turned out to be pretty easy to do – really just a matter of changing ‘SpinTurn(90)’ ‘SpinTurn(45)’ and the offset value to 1.09 x offset. Here’s a short video showing the result.

After a few more runs (with some failures due to the robot hanging up on the outside rail), I realized my basic beam geometry estimate was significantly off. Instead of a beam angle of about 16deg, it was more like 11, yielding a distance::offset ratio of about 0.18 instead of 0.27. Revising the program to use the more accurate ratio resulted in the following much nicer homing run.

Homing run using a distance::offset ratio of 0.18 vs 0.27

And here is the telemetry from the run:

Much nicer!

Stay tuned!


Wall-E2 Gets a VL53L0X Array Upgrade

Posted 13 March 2021

Back in May of last year I started the process of replacing the ultrasonic distance sensors on Wall-E2, my autonomous wall-following robot, with two side-looking arrays of STMicroelectronics’ VL53L0X infrared laser ‘Time-of-Flight’ distance sensor. Later that same year I upgraded the installation by adding a rear distance sensor as well, as shown in the following photo:

left-hand VL53L0X array and rear sensor shown. Identical 3-elelment array on the other side

All went swimmingly until I started having problems when Wall-E2 connected up to its charger. Wall-E2 connecting to its charger is a pretty dynamic event, as it has to build up enough speed to make sure the charging probe seats into the charging jack properly. I discovered that about every other time Wall-E2 connected, the distance sensors would start reporting ‘-1’ instead of the actual distances. This meant that when Wall-E2 disconnected from charging, it had no idea what to do or which way to turn. This didn’t happen all the time, but often enough to be very worrisome.

After some head-scratching and program instrumentation I became convinced this was a real issue, and I posted on the ST Micro’s forum about the issue. ST Micro’s VL53L0X expert John E. Kvam answered with this post:

The VL53L0X sensor will not return a -1. The user manual does define a -1 error, but it states that this cannot happen. What does return a -1 is an I2C timeout.
And I think that is what is killing you. The I2C is notorious for being basically unreliable. And the major symptom of a dropped bit (the most likely failure), is that the bus is stuck low. (When nothing is being transmitted both the clock and data lines should be high.) Philips designed the I2C bus and NXP bought Philips. So the NXP site has some documentation on how to tweak the bus. I’d read and understand that.
One other possibility is that one or more of the sensors rebooted – perhaps due to power glitch. If this happens the sensor will revert to it’s base I2C address.
If you’ve changed all your addresses there should be nothing at address 0x29 (0x52/0x53). You could occasionally ping the base address – and if you ever got an answer, you would would know you had a reboot of some kind.

After thinking about this some more, I realized that there is a good chance that the I2C ‘daisy-chain’ wiring and/or the power/ground connections are getting interrupted due to the impulse generated when Wall-E2 hits the charging station stop, and this is causing one or more of the sensors to drop out. I thought I had done a very careful job with the I2C/power ‘daisy-chain’, but I had thought that about a previous effort where I found a faulty ground connection, so I knew it was a possibility.

After thinking about this some more, it occurred to me that I could eliminate most of the point-point wiring issues by creating a PCB to house the VL53L0X modules, with a single 4-pin connector for I2C and power. I had made a PCB some years before using DipTrace that had turned out petty well, so making one for the very simple VL53L0X wiring scheme should be a piece of cake.

Well, as it turned out, designing the PCB was the easy part. However, when it came to the part about having the boards actually manufactured, I was in for a bit of a shock. For my previous board I used DipTrace’s ‘baked-in’ manufacturer Bay Area Circuits to purchase 5 boards for around $30, but when I tried this same trick with my new board, the minimum charge for boards from BAC was $150 – ouch!

After a lot of web searching and research, I eventually found the Chinese company JLCPCB and discovered they have a very nice document that shows how to export the required files from DipTrace and upload them to their site. Took me about 30 minutes to go through the process the first time, and now I have my 5ea boards ordered for a grand total of about $15USD. Only a 10:1 ratio from BAC to JLCPCB. I can’t imagine how BAC can stay in business, and I can’t imagine why DipTrace has that company ‘baked in’ and not JLCPCB. DipTrace must be getting a heck of a kickback from BAC!

Less than 10 days later, I had the finished PCBs in my hand – wow! Here’s a photo showing two PCB’s installed on Wall-E2. I installed 4-pin headers on both ends of the near PCB in order to daisy-chain the I2C and power connections to the rear distance sensor (hidden behind the red ‘rear bumper’ block in the right background).

New VL53L0X array PCB to replace all the hand-wired I2C/Power connections.

Comparing the ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos, it is easy to see that the PCB installation eliminates two 4-pin connectors and a three-loop daisy chain on one side of the robot, and two 4-pin connectors and a four-loop daisy chain on the other side (the one that also connects to the rear distance sensor. Moreover, now none of the 3 connectors used for all seven sensors has more than one wire per pin.

Hopefully this upgrade will eliminate (or at least significantly suppress) wiring and/or connector issues associated with the charger-connect ‘impulse’ – we’ll see

25 March 2021 Update:

After getting the new PCBs installed and some other connection issues solved, Wall-E2’s sensors seem to be a lot more reliable. However, I decided to take this opportunity to study John Kvam’s idea of re-initializing all seven sensors if one of them happens to show up at the default VL53L0X I2C address.

So, I modified the Teensy 3.5 VL53L0X array management code to abstract the sensor init code from setup() to its own function so it can be called if the program detects a sensor at the default I2C address, and then added code in loop() to do just that. Here’s the detection code:

and here’s the new ‘InitAllSensors()’ routine:

And here is the complete Teensy program for managing the VL53L0X arrays:

After getting everything set up, I started experimenting. The first thing I tried was momentarily disconnecting one or the other of the two I2C bus connections at the Teensy end. This was interesting in that the affected sensor array results became invalid as soon as the I2C connection was pulled, but resumed valid output as soon as the connection was restored – nice!

Next, I tried momentarily disconnecting the +V line to the arrays. All sensor outputs immediately became invalid, and stayed invalid after +V was restored. In addition, the code in loop() designed to detect one or more VL53L0X sensors at the default address immediately triggered – nice – but the re-initialization code failed to restore valid output.

Here’s the output from a run were the +V line was momentarily disconnected and then reconnected:

28 March 2021 Update:

I have been continuing to work on the ‘re-initialize after power interruption’ idea for my VL53L0X sensor array, and while I haven’t come up with a very good solution, I have learned some things:

  • The VL53L0X reverts to it’s default (0x29) I2C address immediately when power is removed, but will actually respond to a 0x29 query even after power has been removed. Apparently, the module can draw enough current from the I2C connections to continue to operate (albeit at the default address).
  • A ‘powered down’ (power disconnected, but I2C leads still connected) will also respond to distance measurement requests, but will return a nonsense number (65535).
  • In order to get a VL53L0X sensor to stop responding, the power lead must be physically grounded – just disconnecting isn’t enough.
  • If I use a digital output to power the array, I can turn the power on and off programmatically. Using this tool:
    • Turning power OFF causes distance measurements to return ‘65535’ (because this is the same as connecting the power lead to GND). However, this isn’t the normal failure mode; the normal failure mode for power disconnections is an open-circuit – not GND
    • Turning power back ON again causes the system to detect that one or more VL53L0X units has appeared at the default I2C address. This probably means I could successfully re-initialize all modules.

So, it looks like I can’t really protect against an arbitrary length power disconnect scenario, as I can’t tell when the power has been restored. All I can do is have the program detect the ‘65535’ distance value, wait for some time (a few seconds?) and then try to re-initialize the sensors. This is, unfortunately, a one-shot deal, as if power hasn’t been restored when the re-init procedure is executed, the initialization code hangs up permanently.

Stay tuned!
