Posted 16 November 2020
Back in May of this year, I converted Wall-E2, my autonomous wall-following robot, from using HC-SR04 ultrasonic ‘ping’ sensors to VL53L0X infrared time-of-flight sensors for left & right (and now rear) distance measurement and obstacle detection, as described in this and follow-on posts. Since then, I have been successfully integrating the new sensing capability into Wall-E2’s wall-tracking and obstacle avoidance algorithms, as described in this post among others.
In recent ‘sandbox’ runs, however, I started to notice that the VL53L0X controller (a Teensy 3.5) wasn’t always providing proper distance measurements. Sometimes it would return ‘-1’ for some or all seven measurements. Eventually I figured out that the problem only occurred when I restarted the main controller via the wireless serial connection; when I restarted by cycling the power, VL53L0X measurements were always proper. After looking into this a bit, I realized that the problem occurred because the VL53L0X array controller wasn’t being restarted when the main controller was, except when everything was power cycled.
So, I needed a way to ensure that the VL53L0X array controller got restarted, even with a serial-port reset of the main controller. The Teensy 3.5 actually has a RESET function exposed on a pin pad (although internal to the PCB, not on the periphery) so I added a pin to this pad, and connected it to the wire formerly used as the ‘left ping’ control line. Then I modified the setup code to pull this line LOW for a few 10’s of milliseconds and then back HIGH again, to restart the Teensy.
To test the modification, I modified the main controller code to send a HIGH to an unused digital pin as the first instruction in setup() and set that pin back LOW again as the last instruction. Immediately after setting this pin high, the RESET signal is sent to the Teensy. The Teensy program was modified to set an unused pin HIGH at the start of it’s setup() program, and LOW at the end. By monitoring these two pins with my wondrous Hanmatek DOS1102 DSO (see below) I was able to definitively confirm that the Teensy restarts every time the main controller does – yay!

In the above scope photo, the horizontal scale is 1 sec/div. The yellow trace shows the main controller setup() function timing, and the blue is the Teensy VL53L0X array controller setup() function timing. The Teensy gets reset about 500 mSec after the main controller setup() function starts, and it ends about 5.5 Sec later, about 500 mSec before the main controller setup() function ends. The relative timing shown above is the same whether the main controller is restarted via a power switch cycle or a serial port re-open restart.
Stay Tuned,