Replacing HC-SRO4 Ultrasonic Sensors with VL53L0X Arrays Part V

I have been running some wall-tracking tests with Wall-E2 and the new VL53L0X sensor array arrangement, but have been having poor results, especially with offset capture. After a bunch of test runs, I started to think that the distances aren’t updating fast enough to keep up with the robot’s forward speed, so it runs into the wall before it knows that it has gotten too close

Looking at the Teensy 3.5 I2C Slave code that manages the sensor array, I see the following loop() code

And I get the following output:

Looking at the timestamps, it appears that a measurement cycle takes about 200 mSec, taking into account the added 100 mSec delay from the delay(100); statement. This is consistent with the default 30 mSec measurement time for a single VL53L0X, but unfortunately this is much greater than the default 100 mSec PID controller update rate.

The VL53L0X can make measurements faster, but at the cost of lower accuracy. In my case, the increased accuracy from a 30 mSec measurement time is useless if it isn’t fast enough to keep up with the robot. Searching around the net, I found this post on the Pololu support forum, dealing with just this problem. So, I modified my Teensy 3.5 I2C Slave program to use ‘continuous measurements and the shorter (20 mSec vs 30 mSec) timing budget, as follows:

with the following results:

From the above it is apparent that the new loop time is about 19 mSec for all six sensors. This is very interesting, as it implies that in ‘continuous’ mode, all six sensors run all the time, and all the readContinuousMillimeters() function does is pull the latest measurement out of a buffer.

As a quick test, I rigged up a ‘fan blade’ (piece of paper taped to a old robot wheel on a motor) as shown, and then ran the program again with the motor spinning the ‘blade’ in front of the left-side sensor array (at about 100 RPM, I think). The plot shows that the sensor response is certainly fast enough to ‘see’ the rise and fall times on the ‘fan blade’.

03 October 2020 Update

With the above results in mind, I decided to try speeding up the ‘fan blade’ setup to see if I could find out how fast the VL53L0X sensor could go. I thought I should be able to use the shaft encoder setup on the back of the motor to acquire an accurate RPM reading and convert that into ‘milliseconds/blade’ to tell how short of an interval the VL53L0X could detect. As things often happen, determining motor RPM from encoder signals turned out to be a LOT harder than I thought. After a loooonnnng side-trip into geared-motor hell, I wound up more or less disregarding the encoder feature and modified the Teensy 3.5 ‘loop()’ code to produce a direct tachometer reading, as follows:

This allowed me to directly monitor ‘effective’ RPM & obstruction frequency. So I set up the experiment using a ‘four blade fan’ as shown below, and monitored the obstruction detector output with my Hanmatek DSO

DSO Output from VL53L0X Obstruction Detection loop() code

As can be seen from the DSO screenshot, the obstruction detection pulse frequency is about 26Hz, with a period of a little over 38 mSec. So it is clear that the VL53L0X running in continuous mode with a timing budget of 20 mSec can easily produce readings every 30 mSec or so.

04 October Update:

The next step was to see if the ‘VL53L0X fast/continuous’ code running on the Teensy VL53L0X sensor array manager would allow the main robot MCU to fetch distance readings faster. To do this, I uncommented the #define DISTANCES_ONLY //added 11/14/18 to just display distances in infinite loop line in my program to eliminate all code except a short loop displaying distances. Then I took measurements with my 4-blade ‘fan’ running in front of the left-front sensor. I ran the motor voltage up to the point where the Teensy’s blade sensor output was showing about a 20Hz blade rate, and got the following output from the main MCU ‘DISTANCES_ONLY’ loop.

From the above, it is clear that the main MCU code can ‘see’ sensor output changes occurring at 20 Hz (50 mSec period). This should be fast enough to keep up with the physical movement of the robot during offset capture and wall-tracking activities.

In theory, I won’t have to do anything to the main MCU code to enjoy the faster response

Stay Tuned!


One thought on “Replacing HC-SRO4 Ultrasonic Sensors with VL53L0X Arrays Part V

  1. Pingback: Left Side Wall Tracking Success With VL53L0X Array | Paynter's Palace

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