Left Side Wall Tracking Success With VL53L0X Array

Posted 05 October 2020

This post describes the successful left-side wall-tracking performance of my re-motored, re-wheeled, and re-sensored robot. Back in January of this year I was able to demonstrate reasonable wall tracking performance with my two-wheel robot using the old HC-SR04 ‘Ping’ sensors. However, I still wasn’t able to consistently track and maintain a desired wall offset, the main goal in this project stage

Since January, I have made the following changes to my larger four-wheel robot:

With all the changes, I had kind of lost track of the ultimate goal, which is to have the robot follow the nearest wall at a specified offset distance. All of the above updates were intended, in one way or another, to facilitate that goal, but I hadn’t yet got the robot to actually perform to expectations.

To help clear away some of the fog, I created a new version of the operating software that was pared down to just what was required to track the left wall, and nothing else. The idea was to work out all the bugs for offset capture and subsequent wall tracking with just the minimum required software, and then incorporate the modified code back into the mainstream software.

At first I was working with a 4-stage process;

  • find the parallel heading to the selected wall
  • drive at an angle toward the desired offset distance
  • when the offset distance is obtained, turn parallel to the wall again
  • track the wall at the desired offset

However, I found that the when the robot started off outside the desired wall offset, the second ‘turn to parallel’ operation took up too much space, both in terms of wall offset distance, and distance along the wall. By the time the second ‘find parallel’ operation was completed, the robot was usually much too close to the wall for effective offset tracking, meaning the entire 4-step process would have to be repeated. So, I eliminated step 3 in the process (the second ‘turn to parallel’ operation) entirely, and modified the wall tracking algorithm to capture the desired wall offset and track it. Instead of using the distance sensor measurements directly, I generate a ‘steering value’ proportional to the difference between the front and rear sensor measurements, and a target ‘steering value’ proportional to the difference between the desired offset and the center sensor measurement and use a PID controller to match the measured steering value to the target steering value. The effect of this is that the robot will track toward the offset at an angle, and then turn parallel to the wall and continue to track, as shown in the video below:

Left-side offset capture and track demonstration

Here’s an Excel plot showing the wall offset distance versus time for the above demonstration run.

As can be seen in the above plot, the robot starts off at about 45 cm from the wall, tracks inward to capture the desired offset, and then continues to track the desired offset even when it goes around the 45-degree bend. The code that accomplished this is posted below:

Stay Tuned!


4 thoughts on “Left Side Wall Tracking Success With VL53L0X Array

  1. Pingback: Left Side Wall Tracking Success With VL53L0X Array, Part II | Paynter's Palace

  2. Pingback: Adding a VL53L0X Rear Distance Sensor to Wall-E2 | Paynter's Palace

  3. Pingback: Wall Tracking Trials Using Office ‘Sandbox’ Part I | Paynter's Palace

  4. Pingback: Another Try at Wall Offset Tracking | Paynter's Palace

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