posted 18 March 2020
This post describes my efforts to troubleshoot an I2C communications problem between an Arduino Mega control board and a Teensy 3.2 IR beam demodulation module.
My Wall-E2 autonomous wall-following robot homes in on a modulated IR beacon to connect to a charging station. The IR beacon modulation is decoded by a dedicated Teensy 3.2 and provides left/right and combined steering values to an Arduino Mega main controller over an I2C link.
During my recent work to update the robot after some enhancements, I discovered that the main controller was no longer receiving steering information from the Teensy, even though both seemed to be operating properly. Initial efforts to troubleshoot the problem did not bear fruit, so I was forced to back up and start over from scratch.
Initially I thought the problem was a loose connection, as the system was working before. However, I am now pretty sure that I have eliminated all the obvious culprits, so I am left with the non-obvious ones.
To start with, I resurrected an old example project to demonstrate I2C master/slave operation between two Teensy modules.

Teensy 3.2 Slave (left) and Teensy 3.5 Master (right)
Here’s the Teensy ‘Master’ code:
And the Teensy ‘Slave’ code:
With this configuration I got the following output:
So this seems to be working OK.
Then I added in a third Teensy module (T3.5) running my newly developed I2C-Sniffer code, so that I could ‘sniff’ the I2C traffic between the two Teensy’s. This will give me a ‘known-good’ baseline for when I move back to the non-working Arduino Mega Master and Teensy Slave condition that is causing me problems.

Teensy 3.2 Slave (left), Teensy 3.5 I2C Sniffer (middle), Teensy 3.5 Master (right)
Here’s the Teensy ‘Sniffer’ code:
With this setup with the master sending data to the slave, I got the following outputs:
I2C Sniffer:
In the other direction, with the slave sending data to the master, I got the following:
I2C Sniffer:
Where the HEX sequence 4B D8 A9 AD converted to a IEEE float = 2.83984e+07
So, the Teensy-to-Teensy I2C connection is clearly working in both directions, and the Teensy I2C Sniffer is successfully capturing and decoding the I2C traffic between the two modules – cool!
So, the next step is to replace the ‘Master’ Teensy with an Arduino Mega and repeat the process. Hopefully this will allow me to figure out why the slave-to-master data transfer isn’t working
21 March 2020 Update:
Based on the above results, I formed a hypothesis that the problem with sending I2C data from a Teensy slave to an Arduino Mega master might be due to the Mega not being able to properly interpret 0-3.3V transitions from the Teensy. So, I decided to construct a low-to-high level converter to make sure that SDA data from the Teensy was presented to the Mega as 0-5V transitions rather than the Teensy’s ‘raw’ 0-3.3V ones. To do this I used the circuit shown below, except with a 1K instead of 10K resistor for R2 to clean up the transitions at 100KHz.

Bidirectional 3.3-5V level shifter using 2N7000 MosFet
Here’s a scope photo of the 3.3V input to and the 5V output from the 2N7000-based level shifter. The top trace is the Teensy 0-3.3V output, and the bottom trace is the 0-5V level-shifted version. Both traces are 1V/cm, and the horizontal time scale is 20 uSec/cm.

Teensy slave, Mega master: Top: 0-3.3V input. Bottom: 0-5V output. Both traces are 1V/cm vertical, 20 uSec cm horizontally
To verify that the above circuit worked properly, I used it in the SDA line (the SCL line doesn’t require any level shifting as it is from the 5V Mega to the 3.3V Teensy) with a Teensy slave and a Teensy master. This is OK, as Teensy 3.x’s can handle 5V inputs, and it worked properly in both directions. Here’s a shot of the SDA line

Teensy slave, Teensy master: Top: 0-3.3V input. Bottom: 0-5V output. Both traces are 1V/cm vertical, 20 uSec cm horizontally
However, after replacing the Teensy master with the Mega one, I had the same problem as before – I can successfully transfer data from Mega master to Teensy slave, but not in the other direction. There is still a problem somewhere, and I no longer think it’s due to level-shifting problems. From the above scope photos, it is clear that only a few bytes are transmitted by the Teensy slave each time it services the OnRequest() interrupt, while that same function transmits MUCH more data when servicing the same request from the Teensy 3.5 master.
Stay tuned!
23 March 2020 Update:
OK, back to the basics: I downloaded the code for a very basic Arduino-Arduino I2C tutorial, and verified that it worked OK. I also took a scope shot of SDA/SCL activity during the two-way data transfers, as shown below:

Basic Arduino-Arduino tutorial layout

I2C line activity for the ‘Basic Arduino – Arduino I2C Tutorial’
So now that I have a working baseline for the Arduino-Arduino I2C case, I plan to incrementally modify it toward duplicating the non-working Arduino-Arduino I2C case until it breaks, and then I’ll know that the last incremental modification is the culprit. At the moment, I’m leaning toward the use of the I2CDev & SBWIRE libraries as they are the only significant difference between the working and non-working setups. We’ll see….
24 March 2020 Update:
I created a new Arduino project called ‘I2C_Master_Tut_Mod1’ initially identical to ‘I2C_Master_Tutorial’ and verified that it worked properly with the unmodified ‘I2C_Slave_Tutorial’ project, and then started modifying it.
- Added #include <PrintEx.h> //allows printf-style printout syntax
StreamEx mySerial = Serial; //added 03/18/18 for printf-style printing, and changed all occurrences of ‘Serial’ to ‘mySerial’ and modified print statements to ‘printf’ format. All worked fine. - Added #include <I2C_Anything.h> and changed loop() to write a float value to the slave. However, this caused a compile error. When I started tracking it down I realized that I had previously modified ‘I2C_Anything.h’ to #include SBWIRE.h rather than the original #include Wire.h. So, this could be the culprit, assuming that there is something about SBWIRE that causes Arduino I2C slaves to misbehave.
- Copied I2C_Anything.h/cpp from the Libraries folder to my new ‘I2C_Master_Tut_Mod1’ folder, and un-modified it to reference back Wire.h vs SBWIRE.h.
25 March 2020 Update:
As it turns out, I was never able to get the ‘I2C_Master_Tut_Mod1’ project working with #include <I2C_Anything.h> , no matter what I did, including copying the #include <I2C_Anything.h> to the local folder and including it as a resource int the VS2019 project, build cleans, removing the _vm folder created by Visual Micro, etc. To make it even stranger, I created a new Arduino project in VS2019 called ‘I2C_Master_Tut_Mod2’, copied the ‘I2C_Anything.h’ file to the local folder, and it compiles without error! So now I have two almost completely identical Arduino projects, one of which compiles fine and the other of which blows a bunch of errors about twi.c. I’m currently working with Tim Leek at VisualMicro to sort out what I did wrong.
27 March 2020 Update:
Ok, I now have the Arduino Mega master to Arduino Uno slave setup working, with I2C_Anything. I can transfer a float value in either direction with no problem. The master and slave code sets and the corresponding outputs are shown below.
Master Sketch:
Slave Sketch:
Master & Slave Output:
So now I have a working Arduino-Arduino I2C master/slave setup, using I2C_Anything.h to transfer float values back and forth, and a working Teensy-Teensy I2C master/slave setup, using I2C_Anything.h to transfer float values back and forth.
The next step was to replace the Arduino Uno I2C slave with the Teensy 3.2 I2C slave and see if I can get that combination working. This turned out to be surprisingly easy – basically plug-and-pray (oops, I meant ‘play’).
Now that I have a simple Arduiono Mega Master – Teensy 3.2 Slave setup working, I can start to explore why my 4WD robot setup doesn’t work. Some possibilities:
- It could be that the SBWire version of the Wire library has some hidden bugs in the slave-related code. The SBWire library eliminates the well-known and well-hated ‘hang’ bug in the Arduino wire library.
- It could be that some other library I am using, like the RTC library or the Adafruit FRAM library is interfering with the Arduino-Teensy interrupts needed for master-slave communication.
- It could be that the IR demod program running on the slave Teensy is somehow interfering with master-slave communications (this is very unlikely as this same program had been working flawlessly for several months).
- Something else…
To start with, I copied the current ‘I2C_Master_Tut2’ VS2019 project to a new one – ‘I2C_Master_Tut3’ before making any modifications. I plan to keep a ‘breadcrumb trail’ of incrementally modified projects so that I can go backwards in case I get lost at some point (and, in my fairly long 50+ years as a practicing engineer, I have learned that ‘getting lost’ is part and parcel of any non-trivial troubleshooting project).
Once I verified that ‘Tut3’ properly communicated with the Teensy slave, I started making modifications.
- Replaced #include <Wire.h> with #include SBWire.h. This failed in compile with a linker error, but succeeded after I did a ‘Build -> Clean’. After uploading the new ‘Tut3’ version to the Mega, I found that master-slave communications still worked properly. This is actually a welcome development, as that now eliminates SBWire as the culprit for lost Mega-Teensy I2C capability on the robot.
- Replaced ‘#include “SBWire” with #include “MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps_V6_12.h” and include “I2Cdev.h” (this includes SBWire.h). These two libraries are required for interfacing to the MPU6050 IMU module.
29 March 2020 Update:
So I created a new copy of the I2C master, ‘I2C_Master_Tut4’ and started adding things from the original non-working robot program.
- Added all the remaining #include’s. Still works fine with the Teensy 3.2 slave
- Added all the #defines. Still works fine
- Added all the IRHOMING parameters. OK
- Added all ENUMs, Battery constants, distance measurement support constants & array declarations, motor parameters, wheel direction constants and variables, and heading based turn parameters. No problem
- Added pin assignments. No problem.
- Added all the other pre-setup stuff. No problem
- Added ‘ Serial1.begin(9600); //03/04/16 bugfix’. This isn’t actually used anymore in the robot project, but it is there, so it could be the culprit. Nope – master/slave comms still OK.
- Added RTC initialization and support function. Still no problem
- Added FRAM initialization. No problem.
- Added MPU6050 initialization. No problem
- Added PID distance array and incremental variance initialization. No problem
- Added I/O pin initialization. No problem
- Added the rest of Setup(), and all the support functions required for the POST check to run. Compiles and runs fine. Of course, no peripherals are attached, so not much happens.
At this point I have all the pre-setup and setup code incorporated into the master/slave example, and everything is still happily plugging away. So obviously the culprit hasn’t yet been identified. However, before going any farther, I think I’ll drop ‘Tut4’ into the safe-deposit box and create a ‘Tut5’ to continue on into the loop() function.
OK, so I have a ‘Tut5’ project now, with everything up to loop() incorporated from the ‘FourWD_WallE2_V2’ robot project. Now the question is, ‘What next?’. I need to figure out what is causing I2C comms between the Mega master and the Teensy 3.2 slave to fail, so I need a way to faithfully replicate/simulate/emulate the actual robot code for this function.
The current robot algorithm as pertaining to the Teensy IR Demod module
- Each time through the loop, the current operating mode is determined.
- If IsIRBeamAvail() returns TRUE, the IR HOMING mode is activated
- IsIRBeamAvail() gets three float values from the Teensy 3.2, and returns TRUE if the total of the first two values (Fin1 & Fin2) is above a set threshold. It is this function that is failing to communicate with the Teensy. More specifically, it is this function that is not successfully acquiring the three float values, and subsequently always returns FALSE.
- If IsIRBeamAvail() returns TRUE, the IR HOMING mode is activated
So, it may be that all I have to do is to call IsIRBeamAvail() by itself, and modify the slave code to send back three floats as expected. If this works, then I’ll have to start suspecting the robot’s Teensy or the I2C wiring, or something else entirely.
2 April 2020 Update:
After some additional fumbling around with I2C_Anything and the PrintEx library printf() formats, I now have a working ‘IsIRBeamAvail()’ function in ‘Tut5’, as follows:
Which, when connected to my basic Teensy 3.2 I2C slave program produces the following (correct) output:
At this point we have a working robot code emulation that communicates successfully with a basic Teensy 3.2 slave. So, the available culprits have been reduced significantly to
- Something about the Teensy IR demod code
- The I2C Wiring
- A hardware problem at either the robot’s Mega controller or the robot’s Teensy 3.2 controller
- Something else.
For the next step, I modified the Teensy IR Demod code to emulate the IR detector response and loaded this code into the Teensy 3.2 slave connected to the Mega master. After some initial mis-steps, it started working nicely, with the following (correct) output from the Mega master:
So this eliminates the ‘Something about the Teensy IR demod code’ possibility from the above list.
Next, I replaced the direct SCL/SDA jumpers with the daisy-chain wiring from the robot, and miracle of miracles, I2C comms failed – YAY!!. Now hopefully I can figure out (and fix) the problem.
- First, I un-replaced the daisy-chain wiring to confirm that I2C comms were still working, and they were.
- Unplugged the daisy-chain from the FRAM, 6050IMU, and RTC modules – now working OK
- Plugged back in to FRAM unit (now have FRAM and Teensy 3.2 in chain)- – still OK
- Plugged back in to 6050 IMU (now have IMU, FRAM, and Teensy 3.2 in chain)- failed
- Plugged back in to RTC (now have RTC, FRAM, and Teensy 3.2 in chain)- failed
3 April 2020 Update:
The next step in the saga was to load the ‘Tut5’ code onto the robot’s Mega 2560 controller, with the slave code still running on the original (off-robot) Teensy 3.2. Setting things up in this fashion allowed the sensors to receive power from the robot’s Mega controller as in normal operation.
In the photo above, the Teensy 3.2 slave is shown to the left of the robot. The I2C ‘daisy-chain’ cable starts at the Mega controller (just to the right of the front left wheel), and goes through three ‘hops’ to the Teensy. With this setup, the I2C comms code still ran fine, with direct I2C jumper wires or with the daisy-chain wiring setup (with no connections to the other I2C sensors) as shown above.
The next step was to connect the robot’s Mega controller to the robot’s Teensy 3.2 running the unmodified IR Demodulation code, with the I2C daisy-chain cable, but without anything else connected. This actually worked! So now I have a working robot system again, so something about the connections with the other sensors must be killing the I2C link to the Teensy. Here’s a scope photo of the SDA line showing the data activity. The vertical scale is 1V/cm, showing the HIGH value is about 3.8V, so the Mega must be comfortable with that value as a HIGH logic level
In the above photo, notice the business card for Probe Master, Inc ( These folks were kind enough to replace my ten year old scope probe with a new upgraded version at no cost – thank you Probe Master!
At this point I have the ‘Tut5’ program running on the Mega, and the unmodified IR Demod code running on the robot’s Teensy 3.2, and the Mega appears to be acquiring valid demod data from the Teensy. To further validate the data, I fired up my charging station with it’s square-wave modulated IR beam, and was pleased to see that the acquired data from the Teensy varied appropriately as I manually rotated the robot, as shown in the following Excel chart.
So, after all this work, the whole thing came down to a bad I2C ‘daisy-chain’ cable. This particular cable has been on the robot for a while, and was the soldering graduation exercise of my grandson Danny when he was here a couple of summers ago. It wasn’t the best job I’ve ever seen, but it was pretty good for a 15 year old ;-). In any case, I took the opportunity to build a new cable with smaller diameter wire so things would fit a little bit better into the Pololu pins, sockets, and 2-pin header sleeves as shown in the following photo.

New I2C ‘daisy-chain’ cable. Run starts from the Mega connector at bottom left, then to the RTC, IMU and FRAM modules in that order, then last to the Teensy 3.2 IR Demod module.
05 April 2020 Epilogue:
Well, there was one last ‘gotcha’ in all this. When I loaded the original ‘FourWD-WallE2_V2.ino’ program back onto the Mega, it still refused to acquire valid data from the Teensy IR Demod module. So, I compared the ‘Tut5’ code to the ‘_V2’ code, and noticed three significant differences:
- In the ‘_V2’ code, the ‘Fin1/2’ variables had at some time been changed from ‘long’ to ‘int’. While this sounds reasonable, it isn’t – because a Teensy ‘int’ is 4 bytes – the same as a Mega ‘long’.
- In the ‘_V2’ code, the Wire.requestFrom() call asks for 32 bytes, but the Teensy only sends 12.
- In the ‘_V2’ code there is a loop that waits for either a timeout or receiving an entire 32-byte buffer from the Teensy. Apparently the Teensy (and/or the Mega) is slow enough so that Wire.Available() never reports a non-zero buffer size, so the loop times out.
Replacing the line
with the line
did the trick, but I have no idea why.
Replacing the debug printout lines
with the line
Produced lines like this one from the ‘_V2’ program
Which appear to be the correct values for the given robot orientation with respect to the charging station.
With no other changed except removing power from the charging station, the output became
showing definitively that the ‘_V2’ program correctly identified and decoded the square-wave modulated IR beam.
So, after a two-week off-road trip to I2C comms hell and back, I think I finally have that particular issue put to bed. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do, but it was at least interesting, and more important – consumed a lot of coronavirus quarantine time ;-).
Stay tuned!