Monthly Archives: January 2020

Back to the future with Wall-E2. Wall-following Part VIII

Posted 25 January 2020

About 6 weeks ago I posted that I had finally killed the “intermittent MPU6050 failure” dragon, by belatedly following Pololu’s recommendations for installing bypass capacitors on their metal-geared motors.  Unfortunately it turned out that my celebration was cut short by more annoying intermittent MPU6050 failures, so I was once again forced back to the drawing board.

This time I decided that the only way to figure out what was going on was to actively examine the I2C traffic in real time, to determine who exactly was doing what to whom.  So, over the course of the six week period between my last declaration of victory to this one, I created a Teensy based I2C bus ‘sniffer’ and used it to figure out what was going on.  I was able to determine that the ‘master’ micro-controller continued to operate normally through a failure, but the MPU6050 didn’t. I was also able to determine that just resetting the IMU would not allow the system to recover, but resetting the micro-controller often did.   Moreover, I was able to definitively show that the problem was caused by ‘contact bounce’ on one or more of the four 6″ male-male jumper wires connecting the micro-controller to the IMU.  Eliminating these jumpers also (I hope) eliminated the last piece of the “I2C Intermittent failure” puzzle.

Looking back over the entire I2C failure saga, I now realize that this was the classic case of multiple failure modes complicating the troubleshooting effort.  The RFI/EMI problem caused by the Pololu metal-geared motors completely overshadowed the issue of non-secure jumper connections. Then, after finally coming to my senses and installing the recommended bypass capacitors on the motors, the ‘contact bounce’ problem was unmasked.  I do love interesting problems, but this one went past ‘interesting’ and was well into ‘agonizing’ by the time I got it solved ;-).

After getting everything set up, I ran some wall tracking tests in my entry hall ‘test range’ with pretty good results, as shown in the short video clip below.

Stay tuned,


30 January 2020 Update:

Still having trouble with the initial approach to a wall from outside the target distance. The robot still has a tendency to dive into the wall, unable to cope with the problem of the measured distance increasing instead of decreasing when the robot turns into the wall.  This inverse relationship makes it almost impossible to use a simple ‘turn toward the wall and wait for the distance to count down’ technique.

After thinking about this for while, I realized that this would all be so much simpler if I cheated and started with the robot placed parallel to the target wall.  Then the robot could simply turn 45 deg toward the wall and proceed until the measured wall distance was appropriate (Dtgt / 0.707), and then turn parallel again.  Then I realized that I could easily determine the parallel condition by turning the robot toward and/or away from the wall while continuously measuring the distance; when the measurement goes through a minimum, then the robot is parallel to the wall.  Simple in concept, and not all that hard to program, either.


IMU Motor Noise Troubleshooting, Part III

Posted 19 January 2020

In Part II of this saga, I described my continuing efforts to track down and fix the problem of intermittent failures associated with the MPU6050 IMU on my robot.  The MPU6050 IMU is required for the ability to make precise heading-based turns, which is in turn required to track walls at a designated stand-off distance.

This post summarizes the work to date and suggests new avenues of investigation for fully addressing the motor noise issue.

Summary of work to date:

  •  July 2019: First started working with heading-based turns, and first noticed the motor noise problem.  Basically the problem presented itself as frequent, abrupt, and wildly divergent heading readings when the motors were running, but perfectly stable readings when the motors are not running.  See this post for the details.
  • October 2019: Successfully demonstrated polling-based (vs interrupt-based) MPU6050 IMU management. This development meant that I could acquire yaw (heading) values on an as-needed basis rather than at a 20 or 200Hz rate, throwing away 99% of the results.  This was demonstrated in this post.
  • November 2019: Made another run at solving the motor noise problem using a home-brew optical isolator and  a 2-stage power filter.  After a LOT of work, I wound up discovering that most (but not all!) of the problem could be addressed with proper RF bypassing at the terminals of the metal-geared Pololu motors I was using.  See this post for the details.
  • Early December 2019:  Demonstrated heading-based wall offset tracking using my 2-motor robot, with RF bypassing installed on both Pololu metal gear motors.  No IMU failures were noticed during these runs.  See this post for details.
  • Early December 2019:  Reprised some of the motor driver testing performed back in May of 2019 (see this post), and again noticed MPU6050 IMU communication failures when the motors were running, but none when the motors weren’t running. This test was performed on the 2-motor robot using the Pololu motors with the RF bypassing in place. So clearly just the bypassing was not of and by itself sufficient to solve the problem; something else had to be going on.  See this post for the details.
  • Late December 2019 to mid-January 2020:  I decided I needed a tool to monitor the I2C bus traffic between the robot’s controller and the MPU6050 IMU – an I2C ‘sniffer’.  After some research, I found that the cheapest commercial sniffer cost about $330, and DIY sniffers were few and far between. I did, however, find a Teensy-based sniffer program by Kito, so I had a starting place.  After three major development stages, I had a Teensy 3.2 program that would reliably monitor I2C communications between an Arduino (Mega or Uno) master and a MPU6050 slave, using the polling approach developed earlier.  See this post, this post, and this post for the development details.

Current Effort:

With the above history in mind, I applied my new I2C sniffer tool to the Motor Noise Problem.  As usual, I started this using the simplest possible setup; an Arduino Mega acting as the I2C master running my polling based ‘MPU6050_MotorNoiseTest1’ program, and a Teensy 3.2 and a MPU6050 IMU module both mounted on a small plugboard, as shown below.

Arduino Mega I2C master, with Teensy I2C sniffer and MPU6050 module on a separate plugboard

I played around with this setup for a while, and captured at least one IMU communications failure with the sniffer active. The failure occurred when I was moving the plugboard around a bit to verify that the MPU6050 IMU heading values changed appropriately.  At some point I noticed the I2C monitor output had changed its character significantly, so I quickly stopped the sniffer program and opened the log file (see attached file below).

From the log I can see that things proceeded normally until 6012443 mSec ( 1.67 hours) and then changed to report that nothing was being received from register 0x72 (the FIFO count register). This continued until 6022224 mSec (9.8 seconds later) where it returned to what looks like normal operation.

So, my preliminary guess at what happened is the connection from the Mega to the Teensy/MPU6050 got dropped momentarily, and it took the Teensy a while to find another START sequence in the I2C data stream from the Mega, as the ‘2048’ number in “6017280: processed = 2048 elements in 3 mSec” means that the capture buffer overflowed before a START sequence was detected.  “At 6022240: processed = 1224 elements in 2 mSec” means that a normal Mega ‘burst’ was captured and operation returned to normal.

Since the Teensy I2C monitor is on the MPU6050 end of the male-male jumpers, It begins to look like the Mega was still doing fine, but the jumper connection burped on one end or the other.  More testing to follow.

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Next, I moved the plugboard containing the Teensy I2C Sniffer and the MPU6050 module to my 2-motor robot, and used the existing Arduino Uno on the robot as the master, as shown below.

I loaded my MotorNoiseTest1 program on the Uno, and allowed it to run both motors at a steady rate, while monitoring the I2C traffic with the Teensy, and also monitoring the heading values being printed out by the Uno.  I started the program just before 1PM, and it was still running fine with no IMU errors at 10pm, more than 9 hours later!  The I2C sniffer log shows regular communication with the MPU6050, and the calculated yaw value based on the packet bytes received by the sniffer program matches the yaw value calculated in the Uno program. This is clear verification that the sniffer program will run ‘forever’, and that at least in this case, the two motor robot will also run ‘forever’ with no  yaw errors.

Based on my earlier experience with the captured I2C communications failure, I’m more inclined now to believe that motor vibration or other mechanical perturbation is causing a momentary I2C bus or power/ground lead disconnect.  More tests to follow:

21 January 2020 Update:

After the 10-hour run described above, I tried to induce some failures by fiddling with the I2C and power/ground jumper wires, and found that I could easily and reliably cause a failure by ‘flicking’ the wires with my finger or a pen.  After each failure, the built-in recovery routine of clearing the FIFO and resetting the DMP failed to restore communications.  However, manually resetting the UNO did allow the system to recover.

From the above, I believe it’s safe to say that the current male-male jumper connections between the UNO and the Teensy/IMU are unreliable, and are hopefully the only remaining failure mode.  I haven’t quite figured out how to replace the connections with something more reliable, but I’m working on it.  I moved the IMU module from the plugboard and plugged its I2C pins directly into the I2C sockets on the UNO.  Then I replaced the power & ground leads with a permanent twisted pair connection to the Wixel shield, as shown in the following photo.

MPU6050 plugged directly into Uno board, with pwr/gnd jumpers replaced with permanent twisted pair

Then I fired up the system and ran it for a while but was unable  to make it fail.  This is encouraging news to say the least.

Stay tuned,


Teensy I2C Sniffer for MPU6050 Part II

Posted 13 January 2020,

In my last post on this subject, I described my efforts to build an I2C bus sniffer using a Teensy 3.2 micro-controller.  This post describes my efforts to move from a fixed array containing a 928-byte snapshot of an I2C bus conversation between an Arduino Mega 2560 and a MPU6050 IMU to a live, repeated-burst setup.

As the source for I2C traffic for the MPU6050 IMU I am using my MPU6050_MotorNoiseTest1 Arduino project with no motors or sensors connected.  All the code does is ask the MPU6050 for a yaw value every 200 mSec (the value of NAV_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MSEC), as shown below:

The Teensy code to monitor the I2C bus traffic is shown below.  When I first started working with this project, I copied Kito’s I2C sniffer code, which used Teensy’s Timer1 interval timer set to produce interrupts every 1 uSec, and an ISR to capture the data.  This turned out to be hard to deal with, as I couldn’t add instrumentation code to the ISR without overrunning the 1 uSec interrupt period, leading to confusing results.  So, for this part of the project I disabled the Timer1 interrupt, and called the ISR directly from the loop() function.  As others have pointed out, the Arduino loop() function does a lot of housekeeping in the background, so for top performance it is best to never let loop() execute, by placing another infinite loop inside loop() or inside setup().  This is what I did with the code designed to investigate whether or not the Teensy could keep up with an I2C bus running at 100Kbs.

The ‘capture_data()’ function (no longer used as an ISR) captures SCL & SDA states with a single port operation as shown

and then everything from a START pair (0xC followed by 0x4) to a STOP pair (0X4 followed by 0xC) inclusive is captured in the raw_data array.

Any I2C Sniffer project like this one assumes that I2C activity occurs in short bursts with fairly long pauses in between.  This is certainly the case with my robot project, as yaw data is only acquired every 200 mSec.  However, there is still the problem of determining when a I2C ‘burst’ has finished so the sniffer program can decode and print the results from the last burst.  In my investigation, it became clear that at the end of the burst both the SDA line goes HIGH and stays that way until the next START condition (a 0XC followed by a 0X4).  So then the question becomes “how many 0XC/0XC pairs do I have to wait before determining that the last burst is over?”

In order to answer this question I decided to use my trusty Tektronix 2236 O’Scope and Teeny’s ‘digitalReadFast’ and ‘digitalWriteFast’ functions to implement a hardware-based timing capability using Teensy pins 0,1, and 2 (MONITOR_OUT1, 2 & 3 respectively).  Among other things, this allowed me to definitively determine that a ‘idle’ (0XC/0XC) count of 1000 was too small, but an idle count of 2500 was plenty, without consuming too much of the available processing time.  It also turned out that ‘idle’ counts all the way up to 30,000 work too, but leave less time for processing.

O’Scope shot showing I2C traffic on the bottom trace, and the point at which 2500 0xC/0xC (Idle) pairs is reached on the top trace (the high-to-low transition)

As can be seen in the above photo, the I2C ‘sentence’ lasts about 15 mSec, and the ‘idle’ condition is detected about 5 mSec later for a total of about 20 mSec out of the nominal 200 mSec cycle time for my robot application. This leaves about 190 mSec for I2C sentence processing and display.

18 January 2020 Update:

Success!!  I now have a working Teensy 3.2 I2C Sniffer program that can continuously monitor the I2C traffic between my Arduino Mega test program acting as a I2C master and a MPU6050 IMU I2C slave.   The Teensy code is available on my GitHub account here.

A major challenge in creating the sniffer program was the requirement to sample the I2C SCL & SDA lines quickly enough to accurately detect the line transitions denoting all the different I2C signals.  With the I2C bus running at 100Kbs, SCL (clock) transitions occur every 5 uSec. Good sampling requires at least 2 and preferably more samples per SCL state.  As noted above, I started off by copying the ISR routine from Kito’s I2C sniffer, but discovered I needed to add some logic to zero in on the desired I2C bus states (IDLE, START, DATA & STOP), and the additional code made the ISR take more than the desired 1 uSec window.  After posting about this problem to Paul Stoffregen’s Teensy forum, I got some good pointers for speedup, incuding a post that mentioned the Teensy FASTRUN macro that runs functions from RAM rather than FLASH. As it turned out, adding this macro to the program allowed me to reduce the ISR cycle time from about 1.4 uSec to about .89 uSec – yay!  The final ISR routine is shown below:

Note the use of digitalWriteFast() calls to output timing pulses on Teensy hardware pins so I could use my trusty Tek 2236 100 MHz O’scope to verify proper timing.

Once I got the ISR running properly, then I focused on getting the data parsing algorithm integrated into the program.  I had previously shown that I could correctly parse simulated I2C traffic, so all the current challenge was to integrate the algorithm in a way that allowed continuous capture-decode-print cycles at at rate that could keep up with the desired 5 measurements/sec rate.  So, I instrumented the sniffer program to display the decoded IMU traffic, along with the calculated yaw value and the time required to perform the decode.

Here’s a short section of the printout from the test program, showing the time (in minutes), the yaw (relative heading ) value retrieved from the IMU, and left/right ping distances (unused in this application).

And here is the corresponding output from the I2C sniffer program

In the above printout, each printout shows the individual transmit & receive ‘sentences’ to/from the IMU, and the 28-byte packet received from the IMU containing, among other things, the values required to calculate a yaw (relative heading value).  As can be seen, the yaw value calculated from the received bytes, closely matches the yaw values retrieved using the test program.  In addition the last line of each section of the readout shows the time tag for the start of the decode process, and the total time taken to decode all the bytes in that particular burst.  From the data, it is clear that only 1-2 mSec is required to decode and display a full burst.

The complete I2C Sniffer program is available on my GitHub site here.  The complete test program that obtains a yaw value from the IMU every 200 mSec is shown below:

The above program was intended to help me troubleshoot the intermittent MPU6050 connection failures I have been experiencing for some time now.  The purpose of the new I2C sniffer project is to create a tool to log the actual I2C traffic between this  program and the IMU. The idea is that when a failure occurs, I can look back through the sniffer log to see what happened; did the Arduino Mega stop transmitting requests, or did the IMU simply stop responding, or something else entirely.



Teensy I2C Sniffer for MPU6050

Posted 02 January 2020

On my last post on the I2C subject, I described an Excel VBA program to parse through a 928-byte array containing the captured I2C conversation between an Arduino Mega and a MPU6050 IMU module. The Arduino was running a very simple test program that repeatedly asked the MPU6050 to report the number of bytes available in its FIFO.  Then I used Kito’s I2C sniffer code to capture the SDA/SCL transitions, which I then copy/pasted into Excel.

This post describes the next step, which was to port the Excel VBA code into a Teensy sketch using the Arduino version of C++, moving toward the ultimate goal of a Teensy based, fast I2C sniffer that can be used to monitor and log long-term (hours to days) I2C bus conversations to determine what is causing the intermittent hangups I’m seeing with my Arduino Mega/MPU-6050 robot project.

The code port took a while, but mostly because of my own lack of understanding about the details of the I2C protocol and the specifics of the communication between the Arduino test program and my MPU6050 IMU module.  After working through these problems, the end result was surprisingly compact – less than 500 lines, including 50 lines of test data, LOTS of comments and debugging printouts, as shown below:

When I ran this program against the captured data, I got the following output:

which, when compared against the debug printout from Jeff Rowberg’s I2CDev program,

shows that my Teensy program correctly decoded the entire test dataset.

The next step in the process is to modify the above program to allow long-term real-time monitoring and logging of a live I2C bus. By ‘long-term’, I mean hours if not days, as the object of the exercise is to figure out why the I2C bus connection to the MPU6050 on my two-motor robot intermittently fails when the motors are running.  A failure can occur within minutes, or only after several hours, and there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme nor reason, except that the motors have to be running.

In normal operation, my two-motor robot obtains a heading value from the MPU6050 once every 200 mSec or so.  This I2C bus activity might comprise only 100 SCL/SDA transitions or so, and no other I2C bus activity takes place in the times between heading value requests.  So, there will be few mSec of burst activity, followed by a 150-190 mSec idle period.   To monitor and log in real time, I need some sort of FIFO arrangement, where the I2C transition data can be saved into the FIFO during the burst, and then processed and saved into a log file during the idle period.

While I was searching the web for I2C sniffer code, I also ran across this thread by tonton81 describing his template based circular buffer library for the Teensy line.  The thread started a little over two years ago, but has been quite active during that period, and tonton81 has made several bugfixes, updates, and enhancements to his code.  This might be just the thing for my project.

06 January 2020 Update:

After integrating tonton81’s circular buffer library into the project (thanks tonton81 for being so responsive with bugfixes!), I was able to demonstrate that the circular buffer version, when run against the same 928-byte simulated dataset, produced the same output as before, as shown below:

From the output above, it is clear that the Teensy can parse and print a typical 1000-byte burst in just a few mSec (3 in the above run), so it should have no problem keeping up with a 200 mSec data burst interval, and should be able to keep up with burst intervals down to around 10 mSec (100 bursts/sec!)  I suspect that the Teensy’s major problem will be not dying of boredom waiting for the next burst to process!

Here’s the full code (not including circular_buffer.h):

The next step in the project will be to modify the code (hopefully for the last time) to capture and process live I2C traffic bursts in real time.

I modified the interval processing code in loop() to reset the stop/restart Timer1 & clear FIFO each time the interval block is executed, and then reduced the processing interval from 200 to 50 mSec, to produce the following output:

The modified code:

and a short segment of the output:

Note that the processing block is indeed called every 50 mSec, and takes only a few mSec to complete.  The following is an O’scope image showing multiple 50 mSec periods.  As can be seen on the image, there is still a LOT of dead time between 928-byte bursts.

Top trace toggles at 50 mSec intervals to simulate periodic IMU data retrieval. Bottom trace shows IMU/MCU I2C communication bursts.

Stay tuned!
