Monthly Archives: December 2019

I2C Bus Sniffing with Excel VBA

In my never-ending quest to figure out why my I2C connection to an MPU6050 dies intermittently, I decided to try and record the I2C bus conversation to see if I can determine if it is the MPU6050 or the microcontroller goes tits-up on me.

Of course, this adventure turned out to be a LOT more complicated than I thought – I mean, how hard could it be to find and run one of the many (or so I thought) I2C sniffer setups out there in the i-verse?  Well, after a fair bit of Googling and forum searches, I found that there just aren’t any good I2C sniffer programs out there, or at least nothing that I could find.

I did run across one promising program; it’s a Teensy 3.2 sniffer program written by ‘Kito’ and posted on the PJRC Teensy forum in this post.  I also found this program written for the Arduino Mega.  So, I created a small Arduino Mega test program connected to a MPU6050 using Jeff Rowberg’s I2CDev library.

This program sets up the connection to the MPU6050 and then once every 200 mSec tests the I2C connection, resets the FIFO, and then repeatedly checks the FIFO count to verify that the MPU6050 is actually doing something.

When I ran Kito’s I2C sniffer program on a Teensy 3.2 (taking care to switch the SCL & SDA lines as Kito’s code has it backwards), I get the following output

which isn’t very useful, when compared to the debug output from Jeff Rowberg’s I2CDev program, as follows:

As can be seen from Jeff’s output, there is a LOT of data being missed by Kito’s program. It gets the initial sequence right (S,Addr=0x68,W,N,P), but skips the 8-bit data sequence after the ‘W’, and mis-detects the following RESTART as a STOP.  The next sequence (S,Addr=0x68,R,N,P) is correct as far as the initial address is concerned, but again omits the 8-bit data value after the ‘R’ direction modifier.

Notwithstanding its problems, Kito’s program, along with this I2C bus specifications document  did teach me a LOT about the I2C protocol and how to parse it effectively. In addition, Kito’s program showed me how to use direct port bus reads to bypass the overhead associated with ‘digitalRead()’ calls – nice!

I got lost pretty quickly trying to understand Kito’s programming logic, so I decided I would do what any good researcher does when trying to understand a complex situation – CHEAT!!  I modified Kito’s program to simply capture the I2C bus transitions associated with my little test program into a 1024 byte buffer, then stop and print the contents of the buffer out to the serial port.  Then I copy/pasted this output into an Excel spreadsheet and wrote a VBA script to parse through the output, line-by-line. By doing it this way, I could easily examine the result of each script change, and step through the script one line at a time, watching the parsing machinery run.

Here’s a partial output from the data capture program:

So then I copy/pasted this into Excel and wrote the following VBA script to parse the data:

The above script assumes the data is in column A, starting at A1. A partial output from the program is shown below, showing the first few sequences

The above output corresponds to this line in the debug output from Jeff Rowberg’s I2Cdev code:

So, the VBA program is parsing OK-ish, but is missing big chunks, and there are some weird 1 and 2 bit sequences floating around too.

After some more research, I finally figured out that part of the problem is that the I2C protocol allows a slave device to pull the SCL line low unilaterally to temporarily suspend transmissions until the slave device catches up.  This causes ‘NOP’ sequences to appear more or less randomly in the data stream.  So, I again modified Kito’s program to first capture a 1024 byte data sample, and then parse through the sample, eliminating any NOP sequences. The result is a ‘clean’ data sample.  Here’s the modified Kito program

and a partial output from the run:

After processing all 1024 transition codes, 96 invalid transitions were removed, resulting in 928 valid I2C transitions.

When this data was copy/pasted into my Excel VBA program, it was able to correctly parse the entire sample correctly, as shown below:

This corresponds to the following lines from Jeff’s program:

Although the VBA code correctly parsed all the data and missed nothing, there is still a small ‘fly in the ointment’; there is still an extra ‘0’ bit after every transmission sequence.  Instead of

we  have

with an extra ‘0’ between the ACK/NAK and the RESTART.  This appears in every transmission sequence, so it must be a real part of the I2C protocol, but I haven’t yet found an explanation for it.

In any case, it is clear that the Excel VBA program is correctly parsing the captured sequence, so I should now be able to port it into C++ code for my Teensy I2C sniffer.

Stay tuned!










Wall-E2 Motor Controller Study Part II

Posted 07 December 2019 (Pearl Harbor Day)

Back in May of this year I posted about different motor driver possibilities for my 2-motor and 4-motor robots, and showed some results for two drivers (an Adafruit Featherwing and an Adafruit DRV8871).  However, I got kind of sidetracked after this post when I discovered the RFI/EMI problem with the MPU6050 IMU.  At the time, I blamed the RFI/EMI problem on the non-linear nature of the newer drivers, and went back to using the L298N linear driver.

After quite a bit of experimentation and work, it finally turned out that most (if not all) the RFI/EMI problem was the Pololu 20D metal-geared motors themselves, and properly suppressing the noise at the motor terminals with bypass capacitors solved the problem.  So I have decided to repeat some of my initial motor driver testing.

Adafruit DRV8871 Single Channel Motor Driver Testing:

I removed the L298N driver I have been using up until now on my 2-motor robot, and replaced it with two DRV8871 Single Channel Motor Drivers. The hookup with the DRV8871’s is actually significantly simpler than the L298N, requiring only two control lines per channel instead of three.  After the normal number of errors, I got it running and started some long-term tests with the motors running continuously (with varying speeds and directions) while polling the MPU6050 every 200 mSec for yaw data.

This test ran for over 5 hours without problems, and then the GY-521 (generic MPU6050) module stopped responding to requests for data.  This is the second MPU6050 module that  has behaved this way – running for an indefinite amount of time and then refusing to respond.

The good news is, the DRV8871 motor drivers worked flawlessly the entire time, and are efficient enough so the T0-3 size chip container was just barely warm to the touch.

I have run  several long-term tests now with the DRV8871 drivers and two different MPU6050 modules, and the longest error-free run has been about 5 hours as shown above.  However, I have also had the test terminate in less than 5 minutes, so this is clearly not reliable enough for prime time. Also, adding my 2-stage power supply filter back into the system did not seem to effectively suppress errors, so no I have no clue what is going on.

11 December 2019 Update:

I ran the system overnight with the same test program, except I commented out the motor run commands so the motors themselves did not run. The test ran for over 11 hours and was still running fine when I terminated it.  So, the motors definitely have to be running for the problem to occur.

15 December 2019 Update:

Hoping to maybe eliminate a variable, I changed from the UNO controller to a Teensy 3.2. As usual, this ‘small change’ took a LOT more time than I thought it would.

There aren’t any good example programs for interfacing a Teensy 3.x with the MPU6050, especially using the I2CDEV/MPU6050/DMP libraries. I had a huge problem trying to track down compile issues with the I2CDev libraries, but in the end it came down to figuring out a way to get I2CDev to use i2c_t3.h instead of Wire.h. I solved this by copying I2CDev.h/cpp from my Libraries folder to my local project/solution folder, and editing the code to define the I2C implementation as I2CDEV_ARDUINO_WIRE and then replacing “#include <Wire.h>” with “#include <i2c_t3.h> in the appropriate section as shown below. I’m sure there are more elegant ways of doing this (maybe adding a ‘I2CDEV_TEENSY_3.X’ section at the top?)

After making the above change, the project started compiling OK, and I was able to connect to the MPU6050 and pull off yaw values using the DMP.

The next problem occurred when I tried to run a test program with the Adafruit DRV8871 drivers.  The two control lines alternate between being used as digital outputs (for direction control) and analog/PWM outputs (for speed control). Unfortunately, once a Teensy 3.2 line has been written to with ‘analogWrite()’, it can no longer be used as a digital output without first running ‘pinMode([pin],OUTPUT)’ on it. This particular little ‘gotcha’ appears to have been there since around 2016, but got lost in the shuffle as it is still there in the latest TeensyDuino libraries.

After fixing that problem, I was successful in both getting yaw values from the MPU6050 using Jeff’s I2CDev libraries, and in driving my Pololu D20 metal-geared motors via the Adafruit DRV8871 motor driver modules.

After getting everything working, I took the time to fork Jeff Rowberg’s I2CDev library, edit I2CDev.h/cpp appropriately and create a pull request for Jeff.  The changes were merged into the Github master distro pretty quickly, so in theory at least, all a new Teensy 3.2 user has to do is grab Jeff’s I2CDevLib stuff and go.

Here’s my Teensy 3.2 program for testing the MPU6050/DMP and the Adafruit DRV8871 motor drivers:

Back to the future with Wall-E2. Wall-following Part VII

Posted 06 December 2019

Back in August of this year (4 months ago!) I demonstrated successful wall tracking at an arbitrary offset distance using heading information from a MPU6050 IMU using my little 2-motor robot.   At the time (silly me) I thought the next step was to integrate this new capability back into my larger 4-motor robot and let it loose into the ‘wild’ (my house).  Unfortunately the EMI/RFI problem that I thought I had solved reared its ugly head again, and sent all my beautiful plans right into the crapper :-(.

So, I have spent the last four months once again tracking down and eliminating the issue (really for sure this time – honest!).  As it turned out, the solution was pretty simple, and one that Pololu, the supplier of the metal-geared motors I am using had already described in some detail in this post.  Along the way I learned a lot, and had a lot of fun, but to quote Abraham Lincoln “I feel like the man who was tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail. To the man who asked him how he liked it, he said: ‘If it wasn’t for the honor of the thing, I’d rather walk.” 

In any case, the MPU6050 IMU on my little 2-motor robot with metal-geared motors is now happily churning out yaw values on a polled basis (no interrupt required, thank you!), and I’m back in business with angle-enhanced wall tracking.  Once I got everything working again, I ran some tests on my ‘local field test site’ (AKA my office) to verify that the algorithm still worked and I was still getting good tracking behavior.  I have included some Excel plots and a short video showing the results.


Stay tuned,



Integrating Heading-based Wall Tracking into Wall-E2

Posted 09 September 2019

After successfully demonstrating heading-based wall tracking with my little 2-motor robot, I am now trying to add this capability to Wall-E2’s repertoire.

Current Algorithm:

Every MIN_PING_INTERVAL_MSEC millisec Wall-E2 measures left/right/forward distances, and then calls ‘GetOpMode()’ to determine its current operating mode.  The currently defined modes are:

  • MODE_NONE: (0) default case
  • MODE_CHARGING (1):  connected to the charger and not finished
  • MODE_IRHOMING (2): coded IR signal from a charger has been detected
  • MODE_WALLFOLLOW (3):  trying to run parallel to a wall
  • MODE_DEADBATTERY (4): battery exhausted

The MODE_WALLFOLLOW operational mode is returned from GetOpMode() when none of the other modes are active – in other words it is the real ‘default mode’.  The MODE_WALLFOLLOW mode has three distinct sub-modes;

    • TRACKING_LEFT (1): actively tracking the left wall
    • TRACKING_RIGHT (2): actively tracking the right wall
    • TRACKING_NEITHER (3): not tracking either wall (both distances > 200cm)

TRACKING_LEFT & TRACKING_RIGHT are identical for purposes of heading-based wall tracking, and the TRACKING_NEITHER case isn’t relevant, so we just have to come up with a way of integrating heading-based tracking into either the LEFT or RIGHT case.  The TRACKING_LEFT case block is shown below:

The first thing that happens is a check for an obstacle within the MIN_OBS_DIST_CM or the ‘stuck’ condition (determined via a call to ‘IsStuck()’).  If this test passes, a check is made for an obstacle that is farther away than MIN_OBS_DIST_CM but closer than STEPTURN_DIST_CM, so a gradual ‘step-turn’ can be made to negotiate an upcoming corner.  If that check too fails, then the robot is assumed to be tracking the left wall, safely far from any oncoming obstacles.  In this case, a new set of motor speeds is computed using a PID setup to keep the left PING distance constant – no consideration is given for whether or not the PING distance is appropriate – just that it is either greater or less than the one measured in the last pass.

So, the thing we want to change is the way the robot responds to PING distances to the left wall.  We want the robot to acquire and maintain a selected standoff distance from the wall being tracked (the LEFT wall in this case).  Pretty much by definition, this requires two distinct activities – the first to acquire the selected standoff distance, and the second to maintain that distance for the duration of the wall-tracking activity.  So now we have three state variables for wall tracking, and only the last one (ACQUIRE/MAINTAIN) is new

    • NAV_WALLTRK (as opposed to NAV_STEPTURN)

In the PHASE_ACQUIREDIST phase, a heading change of up to 20 deg is made in the appropriate direction to move toward the selected offset distance.  The situation is then monitored in subsequent loop passes to determine if a larger or small heading cut is required.  When the robot gets close to the desired distance, all the added heading offset is removed and the robot enters the PHASE_MAINTAINDIST phase.  In this phase, small(er) ping distance variations cause larg(er) heading changes, resulting in a sawtooth pattern about the selected distance.